Trump ousts Russians

It's a backroom deal with Vlad. Trump and Putin agreed during last week's congratulatory phone call to make the expulsion look like punishment when the Consulate staff was already scheduled to rotate home.
@syskatine can you address how this goes against your narrative of Russian puppet? Thanks in advance.

Great question, Wharold. I don't know. At first blush it looks like he was stampeded into it by all the allies, as it's part of a big concerted effort.

"Haaa-aay how's it going Vlad? No, now listen. Really, just listen, I had no choice. No, don't say that, dammmit. Stop. It wasn't me and I don't even piss like that, I actually sit down, we've been through this and you better now show it. I had to. The Brits, Krauts, even Madagascar, they put it together with State and I had to. You'll note I haven't said much of anything, not like you were Rosie or a singer or employee -- I've been totally hands off. You have my twitter password, have I said anything? Oh I know it wasn't you. Blame the jews, that's what Cohn always said."

I don't know, Wharry. Did we do anything that other countries didn't do, or did we just participate in expulsion of their spies with all the other countries? If the guy actually did something substantial on his own, and it was something other than going along with our allies, kudos to Biff.
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My hot take: within 60 days both the US and Russian diplomatic staffs will be back to current levels. Theater. Nothing more.
Great question, Wharold. I don't know. At first blush it looks like he was stampeded into it by all the allies, as it's part of a big concerted effort.

"Haaa-aay how's it going Vlad? No, now listen. Really, just listen, I had no choice. No, don't say that, dammmit. Stop. It wasn't me and I don't even piss like that, I actually sit down, we've been through this and you better now show it. I had to. The Brits, Krauts, even Madagascar, they put it together with State and I had to. You'll note I haven't said much of anything, not like you were Rosie or a singer or employee -- I've been totally hands off. You have my twitter password, have I said anything? Oh I know it wasn't you. Blame the jews, that's what Cohn always said."

I don't know, Wharry. Did we do anything that other countries didn't do, or did we just participate in expulsion of their spies with all the other countries? If the guy actually did something substantial on his own, and it was something other than going along with our allies, kudos to Biff.

Look at this quitter faggit
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Reactions: Medic007
Nancy announced that healthcare is the new focus for screeching. Her reliable stooges in the media sector have already implemented the marching order.

In the Vlad loves Biff thread, you can see that the software updates are already being installed.

The country is getting pissed about health care. I think you guys are really vulnerable if something doesn't get done.