Trump on why the Clinton's attended his wedding

NZ Poke

Heisman Candidate
Dec 16, 2007
If Trump keeps saying this, using it against both parties (as he has against Walker, Bush and Hillary), I think he has a legit chance of being the next president (definitely of being the nominee)

This line is devastating to other candidates, as everyone knows we have essentially legalized political bribery.....and nearly all candidates are playing the rotten game.

The wonkish Clinton is the front-runner for the Democrats. The bombastic Trump is the front-runner for the Republicans. What exactly was she doing at his wedding? Why did Trump invite Clinton, who at the time was the junior senator from New York, and why was she there, along with her plus-one, former President Bill Clinton, who didn’t attend the actual ceremony but did arrive for later portions of the opulent soiree?

“As a contributor,” Trump told POLITICO in a statement on Thursday, referring to checks he’s written to her campaigns as well as the Clintons’ foundation, “I demanded that they be there—they had no choice and that’s what’s wrong with our country. Our country is run by and for donors, special interests and lobbyists, and that is not a good formula for our country’s success. With me, there are no lobbyists and special interests. My only special interest is the United States of America.”

The Clinton campaign didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.​

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The Clintons are whores. Pretty simple. And Bill likes cigars soaked in vaginas. And Hillary likes cigars soaked in vaginas while wearing cankle supporting pant suits. That, and Hildebeast is uncleaned, unshaven, and hemorrhoid laden butthole ugly.
Trump is not your typical candidate.

I know the GOP's worst fear is that if they are successful in marginalizing him he would run as an independent ala Ross Perot in 92.

Personally I would love to see the carnage he causes within the GOP either way. And calling out Cankles for being an owned politician is awesome.

At minimum, this is a great illustration of how corrupt our system really is.
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The Clintons are whores. Pretty simple. And Bill likes cigars soaked in vaginas. And Hillary likes cigars soaked in vaginas while wearing cankle supporting pant suits. That, and Hildebeast is uncleaned, unshaven, and hemorrhoid laden butthole ugly.
Come on man. Some of us just ate.
Trump is not your typical candidate.

I know the GOP's worst fear is that if they are successful in marginalizing him he would run as an independent ala Ross Perot in 92.

Personally I would love to see the carnage he causes within the GOP either way. And calling out Cankles for being an owned politician is awesome.

At minimum, this is a great illustration of how corrupt our system really is.

Trump stated the other day he has no interest in running third party if the GOP treats him fairly i.e. no attack ads and such. We'll see.
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That's perhaps the most apt description I've seen of Trump to date.

I think he's got a little "Joker" (from the Chris Nolan Batman cycle) in him, as described by butler Alfred: "Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

I think it's his massive ego, combined with his unshakable notion that everything that drops out of his mouth is gold and that he's never been wrong in his life. (And I really do believe that he's convinced himself that he's a "self-made" man.) He's the classic case of believing one's own press releases.

I would amend that to "every politician" who ever ran for office or was ever elected was a bit of a narcissist.

But, by degrees of narcissism, I would say that Trump stands way at the top of the heap. This guy is something else altogether. I don't know how he and his ego can fit in the same room.

Couple that with the fact he has no "filter" and its an inevitability that he's going to explode at some point (like the "land mine" as Marshal identified him.)
I would rank Trump behind President Obama when it comes being a narcissist. Obama can't talk without using a first person pronoun in every sentence.
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