Well known millennial, Woody Guthrie, pictured with his guitar.ridiculous millennial vocabulary i.e. 'Trump is a fascist'

Well known millennial, Woody Guthrie, pictured with his guitar.ridiculous millennial vocabulary i.e. 'Trump is a fascist'
Well known millennial, Woody Guthrie, pictured with his guitar.
he was constantly using millennial vocabulary though. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, right?OK, what's the point? He wasn't talking about a real estate developer who had been a democrat most of his life.
Don't drag me into your "sword" fight.
I prefer to deal in facts over opinions.
I'm pretty sure I never have posted him as a source to anything because I can't think of one Alex Jones broadcast I've watched. Now Paul Watson? Yeah I like that guy. "garbage" - your subjective opinion.
Again, no sense of self awareness. You know I take pride in not being a bought believer of any party ideology, so you think you can get a rise out of me if you project your own failure (being a puppet, repeating ridiculous millennial vocabulary i.e. 'Trump is a fascist') on to me. It's well known that you are still the personification of a party ideologue.
As defined by a hateful statist? Thank you. I take that as a compliment.
Social justice warriors definitely think this is a bad place. I'm not confusing anything. And I will hold Trump accountable when he lets us down - not by your ridiculous mischaracterizations like claiming he is choosing the Russians over the US government, but by actual documentable failures if and when they happen. To this point, he's doing exactly what I hoped - part of which is twisting team politics nerds like you into the ground.
he was constantly using millennial vocabulary though. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, right?
Statist, globalist, social justice warrior..... I mean right down the line with the right wing lingo! And he totally buys the russian line ("It wasn't us!") over our own government ("It was the Russians!") and so do you from what I can tell.
You keep using imagery that suggests these boards are something other than like.. opinion and message boards. Prison bitches and driving people into the ground,etc. Are you sure you're not taking this too seriously? These politics come and go. You seem to take this pretty seriously.
Like plastic sword fight with a big rubber ball on the end of the sword? You're on the wrong board if you want something like factual arguments.
I don't think he was talking about real estate developers from New York. Maybe he was.
I thought being elected made your ideology right. Isn't that what we were told by our esteemed Commander-in-Chief. "I won. Deal with it." (I believe I have the quote right).
But see even in your own posts you don't get it. This election was never about where we are. Its about where we are going. And even the pollsters knew that 60+% of the country don't think we are on the right track.
I've noticed you have a problem with "lingo" that overlaps with your boogyman Alex Jones. I'm sure there are a lot of words that have fallen into modern use that I have in common with him, as well as Rachel Meadow and others with similar political "lingo."
Social Justice Warriors often refer to themselves a social justice warriors. Do you think Jones invented it? Do you think he invented words like statist or globalist? "While the term "statism" has been in use since the 1850s, it gained significant usage in American political discourse throughout the 1930s and 1940s. Ayn Rand made frequent use of it in a series of articles in 1962." wikipedia.
As for Globalism, The word itself came into widespread usage, first and foremost in the United States, from the early 1940s. - also wikipedia.
Man, at least take a minute to put in some effort.
Gotta wonder how he picked up their vocabulary though.What year did Guthrie write that on his guitar, ?
I don't think he was talking about real estate developers from New York. Maybe he was. I don't know. But based on the year and the inclusion of "Hitler" in many of his songs, I'm guessing he meant actual Third Reich German nazis, rather than a ridiculous attempt to marginalize an American political figure. So, that's different than the way @syskatine used it. Probably.
Also, Millennials are specifically young people born between the mid 90's and early 2000's. Woody died as baby boomers were being born in the late 60's. So, not a millennial.
Gotta wonder how he picked up their vocabulary though.
Damnit.I guess I'm not sharp enough to pick up your thickly veiled point.
Point was "ridiculous millennial vocabulary i.e. 'Trump is a fascist'" was either poorly worded or stupid.
Mega, you should never mention or think of Woody Guthrie again. He was a great man and was everything you're against.