I said he isn't unpatriotic simply because he chooses to protest. Some of the most patriotic Americans choose to protest sometimes.
And it is your opinion that he used the wrong venue, but one could argue that he has been rather successful in getting out his message.of protest by choosing the venue he chose.
Sure Trump has a right to his opinion, but he is the President. He is suppose to uphold and protect the freedoms we cherish in this country, not attack or belittle them. A President shouldn't also label some Americans as unAmerican or unpatriotic simply because they don't do what he wants or disagrees with him.
And I had a grandfather who fought in WW2 on the islands in the Pacific. He fought under the same flag and received a purple heart. My grandfather was also very active in a veterans organization and I grew up surrounded by WW2, Korea, and Vietnam veterans. I have immense respect for veterans and their contributions. But I don't believe we respect any veteran when we label those who choose to exercise their rights as unpatriotic or unAmerican.
The flag is a symbol of what we believe in as a nation. One of those beliefs is the right to protest, which is what some NFL players chose to do. They were being American when they did so, rather you agree with them or not.
No, I don't think all patriotism is faux. Forced ritual is faux patriotism though. And labeling others as unpatriotic or unAmerican is also faux patriotism.
If someone chooses to stand for the national anthem and is not forced to, that is patriotism. If someone chooses to take a knee to protest an injustice during the national anthem, that is patriotism too.
Like you, I grew up in an environment of respecting the flag and loving our country. But again, the flag is a symbol of the ideals we believe in as a country.
With all due respect, you aren't the only one who has family impacted by war and who has a deep love for this country.
A deep love for this country though doesn't mean one should attack others who engages in the rights this country seeks to uphold. How can one love this country but attack the very fabric of what this country stands for? That makes no sense.
And btw, I understand you were offended. Protest usually offends the comfortable. That is the point of protest and that is why great Americans have engaged in it throughout our history.