So 18% were brave enough to cross party lines and call it the way they saw it. Sounds about right.
So 18% were brave enough to cross party lines and call it the way they saw it. Sounds about right.
What's with the prolific use of the word "brave" nowadays?
And specifically how are these folks brave?
Did you honestly find Trump’s remarks impressive? Do you think he’s right and all the intelligence community is wrong? Do you think the press is the “enemy of the people”?
If you answered yes to these, you’re not brave enough to step outside the echo chamber and see #facts staring right at you.
Did you honestly find Trump’s remarks impressive? Do you think he’s right and all the intelligence community is wrong? Do you think the press is the “enemy of the people”?
If you answered yes to these, you’re not brave enough to step outside the echo chamber and see #facts staring right at you.
The press is the enemy of the people. All of it. They are all corrupted by money and have put us on a course of destruction.
Look at us look at you. This board is a reflection of the media that drives every story to the exact degree that will squeeze every penny out of every possible revenue source. We just follow right along with every headline calling each other names. They are all fake news and have no moral compass.
We are to blame.
I blame the weak among us.
And by weak, I mean Clinton and Sys to a lesser degree.
Is the man who takes a whore for a wife on purpose more to blame than the man who is too dumb to know better?
Was that Confucius or Socrates?
Smart move, they can work out details of the handover.
I already have my letter written with all the Russian shit talking you’ve been doing. You and cup will be using each other for warmth at night in the gulags.
Is the man who takes a whore for a wife on purpose more to blame than the man who is too dumb to know better?
Was that Confucius or Socrates?
You talking about Mr 27, 27, 29 ACT score and the alleged lawyer?
Lol. Like you know much about fuking. Rook.Or the guy who cares more about impressing dudes than fvcking his wife...ever lol
Its probably so Putin can watch Trump's parade in November
Do these people just walk around black victims of shootings and mentally ill homeless people or do they just step over them?
Imagine dedicating your time and energy to stop putin while black families are torn apart by gang violence and drugs.
I blame the weak among us.
And by weak, I mean Clinton and Sys to a lesser degree.
There isn’t one little chance in the world what happened was no big deal or at least not the cosmic disaster the media said it was? Can we revisit in a couple weeks and see how you are doing personally since the press conference?
Do you just sit there and let the government over-regulate and tax, or just bitch about it? Imagine dedicating your time and energy to anything while opportunity is being denied to this country. How do you sleep at night and morning, and for a couple more hours every afternoon?
No mention of NZ, guns, or anyone else from the opposite spectrum? Interesting insight.
It is interesting insight if you know how to methodically think about it.
Do a deep dive today on the aggregate psychological profile of various groups.
But for the constant, connnstannnnt, agitation by aforementioned weak sticks I labeled, NZ, Guns, and the others you wish to clump in would be here a 10th of what you observe, if at all. And their content certainly wouldn't be as inflammatory.
Make no mistake, because people simply can't cope with a Trump presidency, they simply choose not to accept it as valid. By its existence, it is a source of constant agitation for the people I named. And they have to spew their agitation into others with irrational thought and emotion.
Now scale that up to the aggregate.
Why would there be a parade in November? The next presidential election is a couple of years off and I've never seen a parade for midterm elections. Is Putin going to camp out in Trump's hotel for a couple of years?Its probably so Putin can watch Trump's parade in November
-the guys on your side, are only around in response to the pot stirrers on the other side.
-the guys on your side are justified in their ridiculous takes and blind following of over the top dogma, but guys on the other side are not justified in doing the same.
-the most dug in representatives of the other side are victims of irrational thought and emotion, but the most dug in on your side are not.
I would have expected significantly more from you. I am honestly surprised that you can't even see NZ for what he really is (or don't feel comfortable calling a spade a spade).
It is interesting insight if you know how to methodically think about it.
Do a deep dive today on the aggregate psychological profile of various groups.
But for the constant, connnstannnnt, agitation by aforementioned weak sticks I labeled, NZ, Guns, and the others you wish to clump in would be here a 10th of what you observe, if at all. And their content certainly wouldn't be as inflammatory.
Make no mistake, because people simply can't cope with a Trump presidency, they simply choose not to accept it as valid. By its existence, it is a source of constant agitation for the people I named. And they have to spew their agitation into others with irrational thought and emotion.
Now scale that up to the aggregate.
With all due respect, there is no doubt in my mind that NZ would be here every bit that he is and posting equally inflammatory stuff as they are right now.
I fact when I have, in the past, decided to give NZ a break and just roll my eyes to myself at his posts rather than addressing them....both the number and the inflammatory nature of them ramped up.
Then I do a methodical deep dive into aggregate psych profile of the group which he represents in the twitterspere and from which he parrots and can see the same behavior. IMO, NZ and Toon have remarkably similar conduct and psychological motivations and accurately represent the respecrive groups from which they have sprung. Toon has become your little side project, and NZ has become mine.
With all due respect, there is no doubt in my mind that NZ would be here every bit that he is and posting equally inflammatory stuff as they are right now.
I fact when I have, in the past, decided to give NZ a break and just roll my eyes to myself at his posts rather than addressing them....both the number and the inflammatory nature of them ramped up.
Then I do a methodical deep dive into aggregate psych profile of the group which he represents in the twitterspere and from which he parrots and can see the same behavior. IMO, NZ and Toon have remarkably similar conduct and psychological motivations and accurately represent the respecrive groups from which they have sprung. Toon has become your little side project, and NZ has become mine.
Maybe so.
I'm operating from the belief that the macro environment "triggers" some on the left into a state of agitation that we easily see.
That macro environment is out of all of our hands until election day.
And that the consistency and egregious nature of the agitation (from some) brings forth the level of pushback you're referring to.
But for the drama from some on the left, this board would be at 20% of it's current activity (my estimate).
Maybe so.
I'm operating from the belief that the macro environment "triggers" some on the left into a state of agitation that we easily see.
That macro environment is out of all of our hands until election day.
And that the consistency and egregious nature of the agitation (from some) brings forth the level of pushback you're referring to.
But for the drama from some on the left, this board would be at 20% of it's current activity (my estimate).
With all due respect, Brad couldn’t fix an unbroken mirror lol.
I don’t think I said anything at all about Brad fixing you or anything else.
I believe I said he had made a side project of you like I have of NZ.
I don’t think I’m ever going to actually fix him...he is too far gone with his swallowing of just a different blue pill that he believes was a red pill.
Thanks for the input, though.
I’ll never be anyone’s side project lol...I’ll be me regardless of contrarian opinion or belief that they’re better than me. Brad is clearly missing his own issues.
I understand you believe that to be true. many times are you going use that tired line before you understand how ineffective it is?
As often as I like.
You are clearly in a manic, combative phase right now.
I prefer to not engage with you (frankly ever)...but particularly when you are in your Fvck the world mode.
So go ahead and engage in a final insult and we’ll move on down the line.