Trump has gone too far

Those business owners should be fined and closed down also. THEY ARE ILLEGAL! Do you not understand the meaning of that word? Those jobs can be held by law abiding people no matter what their color.
I thought you were being sarcastic. Sheesh
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I believe in enforcing illegal immigration but if you think white guys like us are lining up to roof houses or lay 'crete in the Texas heat then you're beyond delusion.
Roberto’s wealthy dad made him pay for his own school by working on an Alaskan pipeline. People of all color and creeds will work hard folks!
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Alfredo's in Bartlesville got shut down when I was a kid because the owner Alfredo himself ran dope. He also had multiple check cashing outlets in Tulsa to launder the money.
What year did you graduate bville? I remember this too
If they truly finally arrested someone for trafficking in illegal labor it would be the first thing Trump's actually done right. My guess is whoever authorized this will be fired by the end of the week.
Anywhere that serves cheap beer is decent when you're broke and in college. Their food? Very meh. Some of their dishes are a dead ringer for Pancho's Mexican Buffet.
"when you're broke" ... hell I'm still broke! The only thing that ever changed was I graduated college lol
Simply speculation, but I am inclined to think it was possibly money laundering. Let's see if El Vaq or Palomino's reopens by the weekend.
Well what other laws do you think it's ok to commit? Money laundering is ok? Illegal employment? They work for cash and do not pay taxes. Who makes up the difference? We do. How about murder? Guess we could murder an illegal and nobody knows who he is. How about rape? Is breaking that law ok? I can go on but we are a nation of laws. If you dont like the laws change them. Until then they must be enforced.
So regardless of any law or anybody's political ideology it's a fact that Americans refuse to work the majority of the jobs occupied by illegal/undocumented labor. It has always been a farce to suggest that these people are taking jobs from Americans that are also seeking these jobs. Employers can't find enough Americans for jobs like slaughterhouse, meat packing, fruit picking, roofing, and housekeeping. The economy relies on this labor so either turn a blind eye or allow more in legally. The current administration wants to deport this labor while also reducing the number and qualifications for legal immigration. That philosophy isn't working and never will.

If people care about the protection of American jobs look to outsourcing and automation. That is where the the good paying jobs are being lost. Now if businesses are running crimes outside of just having undocumented labor then by all means crack down. But it gets a little old having Americans that benefit from cheap undocumented labor every day stand on a high horse about the nation of laws.
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Very ironic.

Like in the middle of 5th Avenue?

I totally agree, but then again, I’m a conservative. Question, do you feel the same applies to violations of campaign finance laws?
Of course. Follow the law. If it's a stupid law work to change it.
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