Trump fan boy, Russian collusionist Flynn to snub subpoena, plead 5th, ask for immunity

This will be interesting. The crime committed is the action performed by Flynn while he worked for Obama. But since its the Russians, it makes the news as the smoking gun of Trump's ties to Russia.
Flynn was forced to retire from the DIA in July 2014. All the purported crimes occurred afterwards. Obama and Yates warned the Trump administration about Flynn.
Flynn was forced to retire from the DIA in July 2014. All the purported crimes occurred afterwards. Obama and Yates warned the Trump administration about Flynn.

You are correct. Looks like he didn't follow bureaucratic rules to document his professional international work as required for retired officers. No argument, he's been fired. So how does this act implicate Trump as colluding with Russia? If that's the grounds, then we should have Impeached Obama because Hillary as his secretary of state left SOS service without signing all mandatory privacy documents (as exposed during her server fiasco). I'm pretty sure while Hillary was pilloried for this action, I don't recall impeachment being called on Obama due to it. The same should be true here. Flynn should be pilloried. Just not sure how Trump is tied to this. His only fault was that it took 18 days from when he was first notified of this behavior until he was fired. But compared to the months it took for Obama to fire Lois Lerner (even after she had plead the fifth), its hard to be critical of Trump here (and not be hypocritical about your Obama love affair).
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So how does this act implicate Trump as colluding with Russia?
Mueller will get back to you on that. As well he will let you know if there were any others inside the transition or Administration who were also on the payroll of a foreign power. He likely will look to see if anyone obstructed investigations in aid of a friend or associate. I am sure he will look to see if anyone committed perjury as well. It will be glorious!

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