Note time stamp of this one and the one above calling the shot.

This thread reads like an NZ tweet marathon.

Brad is losing it lol

This is more your speed.

I certainly agree with aspects of his ideologies, but likely not all or even a solid majority of them. I know how he feels about guns, and it’s a little over the top. It’s personal for him, but yes he’s a douche.
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Dang. The replies are damning. Thanks for helping the Iranian government keep its people opressed, Obama. Smartest guy in the room! Obama would have helped the Iranian people oust their government if the people were Salafist jihadists like Al Qaeda in Libya. Zero loved the terrorists.

syskatine's take: RUSSIAN BOTS!!!
This thread also reads like one of Trump's crazed late-night tweet storm.
That's because Dems dont listen. You'll start winning elections again en masse when you show that you are listening.

There's info to glean everywhere if you possess the skill to filter it.

You're an increasingly not useful addition to the board, possessing the same dismissive habits as the originals. You knowingly lied in a thread yesterday.
You're an increasingly not useful addition to the board, possessing the same dismissive habits as the originals. You knowingly lied in a thread yesterday.
Uninformed and compliant by design. Otherwise known as useful idiots.

Watch that movie and tell me that the weather guy isn't based on John Pence.

I saw a clip on twitter of Pence talking and it really hit me for the first time: I need to be careful what I wish for. In his own way, he's more objectionable than Biff.

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