Trump - Biden Debate


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2023
Thoughts on Trump's strategy?
What's over/under on when Biden collapses on stage?

I'm thinking he hits him with the Shane Gillis GOAT attack, then goes silent while JoeJoe shits his pants.

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Trump should allow Biden to do what Biden does so well: to descend into rambling, shrewish incoherence, while his focus should be on what a future under Donald Trump might look like.

I’m just curious what they are going to have Joe juiced up on to give him energy. Probably ran some amphetamine tests at camp David.
I think they deep sleep him for a couple days, then ramp him up with amphetamine's to "peak" exactly during show time.
They probably strap him up with a colostomy bag so he can piss himself at will and give him an anal vacuum so he doesn't shite himself.
Going to be a shit show of epic proportions. Trump screwed the pooch badly during Trump/Biden I, 2020, and the MSM debate overlords will most certainly try to bait him into a similar meltdown this time. Let me know how it goes. I don't do cringe well.
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I think they deep sleep him for a couple days, then ramp him up with amphetamine's to "peak" exactly during show time.
They probably strap him up with a colostomy bag so he can piss himself at will and give him an anal vacuum so he doesn't shite himself.
Ex-White House doctor Ronny Jackson calls on Biden to take drug test before Trump debate

Trump, once again, has a big opportunity to bury this guy but he’s certain to step on his dick. Guy can’t get out of his own way. We’ll see.
Trump is one of the worst debaters on the planet.

He should stick to the riffing campaign speeches where he is unparalleled.
I think they deep sleep him for a couple days, then ramp him up with amphetamine's to "peak" exactly during show time.
They probably strap him up with a colostomy bag so he can piss himself at will and give him an anal vacuum so he doesn't shite himself.
That’s quite an imaginative interpretation of human anatomy you’ve got there.
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