Considering that Trump Chaney Limbaugh and G Bush were all draft dodgers,yes libs hate the army.Meaningless.
Libs hate the military as much as they hate Trump.
Unless they need some bodies to implement their failed foreign policy, deliver pallets of cash to our enemies, etc.
Considering that Trump Chaney Limbaugh and G Bush were all draft dodgers,yes libs hate the army.
Considering that Trump Chaney Limbaugh and G Bush were all draft dodgers,yes libs hate the army.
Considering that Trump Chaney Limbaugh and G Bush were all draft dodgers,yes libs hate the army.
Those on the left are oblivious to the double standard they and their media have. Obama was given a pass on everything, including his illegal activity, yet when it comes to Trump they make up lies over the silliest of things to try and make him look bad. Everyone that is not a brain dead leftist sees it, to the point they no longer trust or give any credibility to the media.
I think that's what's known as "self-defense."@Syskatine defending ignorant, poorly educated people. It's just another day.
None of those guys fled to Canada. Wrong again, haji.Considering that Trump Chaney Limbaugh and G Bush were all draft dodgers,yes libs hate the army.
Its funny that you care about this guys background but will happily lap up the words of former Obama and Clinton employees in the media.
If you actually graduated from OSU, then I’m embarrassed.Considering that Trump Chaney Limbaugh and G Bush were all draft dodgers,yes libs hate the army.
I agree with you Bill Clinton did register for the draft and was never called.Funny, so did Bill Clinton, and current Lib front-runner Biden. Biden's medical deferment was for Asthma and was just as bogus as Trump's bone spurs. Only Obama can truly say he wasn't a draft dodger, although that's only because he wasn't old enough. He also didn't participate in the military. Not sure how this is a winning argument for either party.
Its funny that you care about this guys background but will happily lap up the words of former Obama and Clinton employees in the media.