Torture kids = MAGA

Half of us, well probably a little less then half of us, are living in a wacky, backward, up is down, night is day, bizarro world.


Pssst, @Syskatine , I think your self indulgent wise cracks (for the laughs Im sure) actually exacerbate a real psychosis in the one mentioned above.

The irony.
What would be a compassionate way to avoid accusations of abuse by self righteous progressives who crave open borders?

Set down your phone?

Where’s the money going to come from and who controls the appropriations?

I don't know where the money comes from to isolate small children from their parents or lock them up. I guess the same funds.

So you think we have a bunch of monsters that just want to see people suffer I guess?

You tell me what their subjective motivations are if those lawyers are telling the truth. No soap, no supervision , taken away from mommy they just walked across a mexican desert with.

What’s your solution? I don’t think anyone thinks the conditions are great. You keep pointing that out, when no one is arguing with you. If it’s so easy, I want to know how president sysketine fixes it.

Dude, I've said it twice now. Don't treat them inhumanely. Have compassionate people help the kids. That is an immediate solution TODAY. Dont' pull kids away from their moms. That's one going forward. They're already vulnerable, let's lock them in cages away from parents? Does that not strike you as inhumane?

Yes. You ever been to a daycare? 1 Adult for 10 kids (at 3 y/o) is the recommended level. Do you know what the ratios of adults to kids are at these camps?

Are you comparing putting a kid in daycare with taking them involunarily away from their parents for a long time and not returning them? Is that your parallel? No, my kids had more supervision than that at daycare.

Yes I have. One of my long time business partner's wife was a supervisor for CPS here in Texas. She worked primarily with sexual abuse cases. They are tragic.

Me too. Several. And one was a 5 y.o. foster child i had to provide for. His mom was horrible, and the state took him away and he had unbelievalbe trauma, pain and anxiety from being forcibly taken away from his momma. I revise my statement above, @Cowguy --- anybody that has had a front row seat and watched the kids try to get their heads around no more momma, where's momma, what'd they do with momma, when do I get to see momma, what can I do to see momma, I had dreams about momma, etc. 24/7 and keeps separating kids.... yeah, they're monsters. Absolute fvcking monsters.

Kids are vulnerbable. Foreign kids here more so. Foreign kids that walk with their parents across a desert and get separated even more so.

We see how ya'll choose to treat them. They're not American, so whatever.
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Set down your phone?

I don't know where the money comes from to isolate small children from their parents or lock them up. I guess the same funds.

You tell me what their subjective motivations are if those lawyers are telling the truth. No soap, no supervision , taken away from mommy they just walked across a mexican desert with.

Dude, I've said it twice now. Don't treat them inhumanely. Have compassionate people help the kids. That is an immediate solution TODAY. Dont' pull kids away from their moms. That's one going forward. They're already vulnerable, let's lock them in cages away from parents? Does that not strike you as inhumane?

Are you comparing putting a kid in daycare with taking them involunarily away from their parents for a long time and not returning them? Is that your parallel? No, my kids had more supervision than that at daycare.

Me too. Several. And one was a 5 y.o. foster child i had to provide for. His mom was horrible, and the state took him away and he had unbelievalbe trauma, pain and anxiety from being forcibly taken away from his momma. I revise my statement above, @Cowguy --- anybody that has had a front row seat and watched the kids try to get their heads around no more momma, where's momma, what'd they do with momma, when do I get to see momma, what can I do to see momma, I had dreams about momma, etc. 24/7 and keeps separating kids.... yeah, they're monsters. Absolute fvcking monsters.

Kids are vulnerbable. Foreign kids here more so. Foreign kids that walk with their parents across a desert and get separated even more so.

We see how ya'll choose to treat them. They're not American, so whatever.

So its the government's fault that the parents put the kids in this abhorrent situations? That's the crux of your statement? If its so bad for kids to be separated from their mommas, then DONT COME HERE. If its a real asylum situation and its really bad in their current environment, then a little separation trauma is a small price to pay to garner real safety.
So its the government's fault that the parents put the kids in this abhorrent situations? That's the crux of your statement? If its so bad for kids to be separated from their mommas, then DONT COME HERE. If its a real asylum situation and its really bad in their current environment, then a little separation trauma is a small price to pay to garner real safety.

No, it's not the children or parents that are splitting them apart. That's plainly the government. Why is splitting them apart necessary?
No, it's not the children or parents that are splitting them apart. That's plainly the government. Why is splitting them apart necessary?

Because 30% of the kids don't belong to the parents and the parents are entering our country illegally.
Tell me what you do for a living. You have kids?

Irrelevant although I've answered this in plenty of other threads here. I love that you ignore the obvious trauma of the voluntary trek, the known abuses, and the issues in the home country to focus on the 'last mile' trauma we supposedly create. This is simple. If you don't want your kid subjected to this trauma, then don't come here illegally. I'd say the same thing to the parents down the street. If you don't want your kid traumatized by separation then don't commit crimes that will get you arrested. Crossing the border illegally gets you arrested. Getting arrested gets you separated from your kids.
Irrelevant although I've answered this in plenty of other threads here. I love that you ignore the obvious trauma of the voluntary trek, the known abuses, and the issues in the home country to focus on the 'last mile' trauma we supposedly create. This is simple. If you don't want your kid subjected to this trauma, then don't come here illegally. I'd say the same thing to the parents down the street. If you don't want your kid traumatized by separation then don't commit crimes that will get you arrested. Crossing the border illegally gets you arrested. Getting arrested gets you separated from your kids.
What would you tell the kids, if they don't want to get separated from their parents?
Irrelevant although I've answered this in plenty of other threads here. I love that you ignore the obvious trauma of the voluntary trek, the known abuses, and the issues in the home country to focus on the 'last mile' trauma we supposedly create. This is simple. If you don't want your kid subjected to this trauma, then don't come here illegally. I'd say the same thing to the parents down the street. If you don't want your kid traumatized by separation then don't commit crimes that will get you arrested. Crossing the border illegally gets you arrested. Getting arrested gets you separated from your kids.
Hypocrticus 24:7
What would you tell the kids, if they don't want to get separated from their parents?

Same thing we tell kids today when we separate them from their parents in other situations. I'm sorry we're doing this but its for your own good. We separate parents and kids every day for a number of reasons unrelated to illegal immigration. Why would we apply a different standard at the border than elsewhere?
Same thing we tell kids today when we separate them from their parents in other situations. I'm sorry we're doing this but its for your own good. We separate parents and kids every day for a number of reasons unrelated to illegal immigration. Why would we apply a different standard at the border than elsewhere?
"Sorry kiddo, this is completely unnecessary but we have to satisfy people's thirst for cruelty."

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