Tonight GOT (Deserves its own thread)

Doubtful. I don't remember Azor Ahai even being mentioned in the show. Even if he has, it certainly hasn't been emphasized enough for the audience to have any idea what you are talking about.

They've referenced the "prince that was promised/Azor reincarnated" several dozen times, maybe hundreds. The whole story arc of Melisandre/Stannis was centered around it for multiple seasons.
They've referenced the "prince that was promised/Azor reincarnated" several dozen times, maybe hundreds. The whole story arc of Melisandre/Stannis was centered around it for multiple seasons.
Just practice patience and kindness with those that are losing their marbles. #beenjammin
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Been are we watching the same show? Maybe it is because I am just a huge nerd about this show and rewatch every episode at least 3 times but that Red Lady has spouted off about Azor Ahai from the beginning. She even said after Stannis died that she thinks it might be Jon Snow.

You guys are right. I forgot. I have a tough time remembering what is show vs what is book. I don't think they have mentioned anything about it since Jon came back to life.

But, I guess they could bring Mel back into the story and have her remind the audience of all of it, then pay it off as you suggest.
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Been are we watching the same show? Maybe it is because I am just a huge nerd about this show and rewatch every episode at least 3 times but that Red Lady has spouted off about Azor Ahai from the beginning. She even said after Stannis died that she thinks it might be Jon Snow.

p.s. I don't think I have watched a single episode more than once. Maybe that is part of my problem with remembering.
p.s. I don't think I have watched a single episode more than once. Maybe that is part of my problem with remembering.
My wife makes fun of me for watching them as much as I do but they are better then most the crap on TV and I pick up some smaller details. I usually re-watch them if she goes to bed before me or is busy doing things around the house. I do it because the first time you watch it you get caught up in the major stuff so after it sinks in and you aren't so blown away and it lets you pick up on the other stuff.
I tend to think it's the other way around. Dany dies by Jon's hand turning Longclaw into Lightbringer.

I wonder if his face will be used by Arya in a future episode?.

I bet so; be easy to get close alone with Cersei and the Mountain; both on her list.

The Hound is also on her list, she hasn't seen him alive yet. So are 'allies' Beric and the Red Woman (altho Beric may or may not be dead as he was on the Wall when it went down).
lol talking to the actor who plays Davos:

Speaking of Daenerys, what are your feelings on aunt-nephew incest?
I try to avoid it, personally. But it’s not the first time we dealt with it. I tried to think of a funny answer for what Davos would do if he were in the room when the word about Jon comes out. I think the character of Davos would probably turn around and go, “Well, at least she’s not your sister.”
About 50 to 100 people saw Littlefinger get his throat cut. It is going to be difficult to use his face.
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No. I thought it was kind of weird that the 2 of them left and they made such a point about it. Why couldn't they just hang out in the background like the other 60 people watching what happened?

I think it was to heighten tensions with the viewers that there might be an ambush. It was odd.
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I never saw them return and why wouldn't Bronn leave with Jamie and Tryion? I think he made a deal with Cerci.
Also, isn't Littlefinger an enemy of the crown? Wearing his face around King's Landing wouldn't get you very far I suppose.
Been are we watching the same show? Maybe it is because I am just a huge nerd about this show and rewatch every episode at least 3 times but that Red Lady has spouted off about Azor Ahai from the beginning. She even said after Stannis died that she thinks it might be Jon Snow.

Let's revisit this for a minute. After thinking about it, I feel like Melisandre has talked about "The Prince that was Promised", but I'm not sure if she has mentioned Azor Ahai, or told the story of "Lightbringer". If she hasn't talked about those prophecies, then I don't see this happening in the show...

I tend to think it's the other way around. Dany dies by Jon's hand turning Longclaw into Lightbringer.

It seems like it would take a lot of setup to get the non-reading portion of the audience to understand what just happened, why it happened, and why it is significant.

Disclaimer: I'm still not sure that what I typed above is accurate. As I said, I have a tough time separating events that happened in the show vs the books.
Azor Ahai has been talked about. I agree that it hasn't been talked about enough that non-book readers probably get it. That being said, the show didn't foreshadow Jon's parents like the book either. It finally did one flashback scene and that was that.

I have no idea if the prophecy will play into the ending but there are ways to do it with how little they've talked about it. It might be clunky but that hasn't really stopped the show before.
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Azor Ahai has been talked about. I agree that it hasn't been talked about enough that non-book readers probably get it. That being said, the show didn't foreshadow Jon's parents like the book either. It finally did one flashback scene and that was that.

I have no idea if the prophecy will play into the ending but there are ways to do it with how little they've talked about it. It might be clunky but that hasn't really stopped the show before.

Is there anything about the prophesy that says lightbringer must be plunged into someone elses heart again? It originally was plunged into Aniziz Aazari's wifes heart to cool it after forging. Also, the prophesy points more to Danny being Azure Aloha than Jon Aegon Snow. Thus it would be Jon's heart it must be plunged into if it were to have to happen again wouldn't it?
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I've read only the first book, and the only reason I know about this Azor guy is threads like this. Yes, they've talked about some person being promised, but it's not clear, even to someone like me who's somewhat aware. For someone like my wife who just enjoys the show, but doesn't care about in-depth details...she wouldn't have a clue.
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I've read only the first book, and the only reason I know about this Azor guy is threads like this. Yes, they've talked about some person being promised, but it's not clear, even to someone like me who's somewhat aware. For someone like my wife who just enjoys the show, but doesn't care about in-depth details...she wouldn't have a clue.

In the books, there are two prophesies. The Prince that was Promised and Azor Ahai reborn. Readers have speculated that we will see both come to fruition in the books, but it may/may not turn out that they refer to the same character.
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So the White Walkers formed the Stark banner when they crossed the wall. I find that very interesting. They basically made the wolf out line as they marched across the wall.
At this point I can't really keep straight show from books and what is just fan theory vs. in-world legend.

One theory is that the original Night King of the books (no idea how that relates to the show) is a Stark.
At this point I can't really keep straight show from books and what is just fan theory vs. in-world legend.

One theory is that the original Night King of the books (no idea how that relates to the show) is a Stark.
I thought I read in the books or one of the many spin off books GRRM has done that the original Night King was a Stark or something. Now I have to look this up again.
At this point I can't really keep straight show from books and what is just fan theory vs. in-world legend.

One theory is that the original Night King of the books (no idea how that relates to the show) is a Stark.

I thought I read in the books or one of the many spin off books GRRM has done that the original Night King was a Stark or something. Now I have to look this up again.

See the Night's King in the books is a different character than in the show. In the book so far there is no leader of the Others. The Night's King was the 13th commander of the Night's Watch and fell in love with a mysterious woman that had white skin and blue eyes. He then married her and declared himself King and her queen. The Starks and wildlings had to unite to overthrow him and free the Night's Watch after 13 years of his rule. It was found out after he fell that he had been making sacrifices to the Others. His name was then erased from the records and it is thought he might have been a Stark, Bolton, a Magnar of Skagos, an Umber, a Flint, a Norrey, or a Woodfoot. I don't think that the show's character will be a former Stark as Brandon the builder was the founder of House Stark and he established House Stark after the defeat of the others.
I don't know what it means just found it odd. Maybe it means they are heading to Winterfell where Bran is at.
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Just guessing here, but I suspect it was more of an Easter Egg for the the fans. Hard to imagine how they would tie it into the show, unless they continue to march in that formation. I can't see Tormund looking down and saying, "Look, they are marching in the shape of a wolf". It is not like someone is going to have satellite imagery of their marching formation.
The only slower then the WW is GRRM writing a novel in this series. lol