It's amazing how you lefties can continue this narrative with a straight face. If we take the time to examine the campaigns of Trump and Clinton, we'll find this:Enabled if not actively cultivated LCD politics. Supported a fascist, pathological liar. Her father boasted a week ago about how mean and nasty his supporters were. He likes that. She likes that when the people are supportive of her father. When they're not... she's a victim?
One of the campaigns was often throwing out hate speech about supporters of the other candidate, including naming them deplorable and unredeemable. That rhetroic is still quite common by supporters of that campaign. This campaign used labels with reckless abandon because it was unable to debate policy effectively. This campaign engaged in inciting and supporting violence against it's opponent's supporters.
The other campaign focused on the opponent, rarely labeling or using hateful rhetoric toward the supporters of the opponent. This campaign defended it's supporters from the relentless and nasty attacks instigated by the opponents campaign, including actual violence.
Care to guess which campaign is which?