Today in history


MegaPoke is insane
Jul 31, 2014
Parts Unknown
On this day in 1752, Great Britain, including Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the American colonies, officially implemented the Gregorian Calendar. This meant there was no September 3-13 that year. People rioted thinking the government stole 11 days of their lives. Believe me, friends, the government has stolen more from us than 11 days.
Believe me, friends, the government has stolen more from us than 11 days.

My open invitation to chart out everything government has provided vs. taken from you and yours is still on the table.
On this day in 1752, Great Britain, including Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the American colonies, officially implemented the Gregorian Calendar. This meant there was no September 3-13 that year. People rioted thinking the government stole 11 days of their lives. Believe me, friends, the government has stolen more from us than 11 days.

Is this like the crown on the football field making it wider than 50 yards?

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