To All the Gun Control Advocates

How is that? As I said I am not for taking away people's guns, I am not even overly in favor or gun control, but it is my opinion that it will happen eventually. The biggest problem I have is the NRA because an organization with that few percentage of the population should not posses the influence they do.

First a little house cleaning. I served from 1968 to 1972, a typo when I wrote 1969.

Second I apologize for starting a brouhaha and abandoning it. I took part of my extended family for dinner at Cattleman’s, which if you’ve never been I strongly recommend it.

But now I’m back and I have a few thoughts with which to fuel the fire.

Believe it or not, UK, I think you are correct in thinking the day will come that guns will be banned. Five years I doubt, but 50 years is a distinct possibility. The question to be answered is why will it happen. I think one of the primary reasons is we have political and cultural “leaders” that operate without a moral compass. They have no core principles. They are rudderless, they swing this way and that in a desperate attempt to stay ahead of the cultural curve so they can continue to be leaders. They are pragmatists. They decry a systematic philosophy as utopian, not to be taken seriously. They are appeasers.

Look what happened to Black Kettle when he sought appeasement with the government. Custer demolished him in one swift action. Look what happened when Chamberlain appeased the Nazis: total world war. The appeasers think they are doing good by slowing down the onslaught of government excess. Advocates for government power salivate at the appearance of an appeaser. They know they only have to be patient, that the appeaser will willingly give up one inch at a time until it is too late to do anything about it. UK, did you read the original link regarding Chile’s experience with “gun control?” Did it have have no effect on your opinion?

How often in your lifetime have you seen a government policy or agency reduced once it has been given life? Statists know if they can get one small concession, one little compromise, one appeasement they have won the battle.

When it comes to our liberty we should be ever vigilant and absolutely uncompromising with statists. Our answer should always be a resounding NO when they ask for a compromise with our freedom. Remember: in any compromise between good and evil only evil wins.

I now return the soapbox to you.
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I'm waiting for a rebuttal from UK that the NRA is actually the largest lobbyist to DC with a link to Slate, Mother Jones, Rachel Maddow, or

"I'm a Republican." :rolleyes:
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