Those Who Object to Trump Executing His Political Opponents Are ‘Standing in the Way’ of Gods will


Heisman Candidate
Feb 6, 2007

Liberty University/Jerry Falwell made a movie about this guy. Seems nice.

Mark Taylor: Those Who Object to Trump Executing His Political Opponents Are ‘Standing in the Way’ of God’s Will
By Kyle Mantyla | April 17, 2019 10:50 am
Mark Taylor, the radical right-wing conspiracytheorist and so-called “firefighter prophet,” has begun issuing some genuinely alarmingprophecies in recent weeks, warning that President Trump has been tasked by God to carry out divine justice by executing his political opponents.

Taylor, about whom Liberty University made a movie last year, appeared on “The MC Files” program on Monday night, where he doubled down on this prophecy, warning that leaders like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will soon be arrested and put to death and that anyone who dares to oppose Trump will be “standing in the way” of God’s will.

“God is going to serve justice,” Taylor said. “Justice is coming … [Obama] will be arrested. Justice will be served. Period. Hillary Clinton will be arrested, all these people, it’s coming.”

“There’s going to come a time when some of these people are just going to disappear,” he added. “We’re not going to hear anything and we may never know the truth, but the bottom line is they’re just going to disappear. Some may die, come down with some funky disease or have an accident, whatever the case may be, and we may never know the full truth on a lot of these people, but most of them will be in Gitmo.”

“People better get ready for this,” he continued. “If you don’t have a stomach for justice, you better get one quick because there’s going to be people in prison for life. You will see suicides to keep their reputations, and there will be people executed. Some of these people, we may never know they’ve been executed, they just may come down with a disease and all of a sudden they’re gone, very quietly, and just disappear. You better get a stomach for justice because justice is here.”

“To truly stop these treasonous acts, it’s going to take executing some of these people,” Taylor declared. “This is why Donald Trump was put there to begin with, to issue justice. You stand in the way of this, God will deal with you on your own because you don’t have the mind of God, you don’t have God’s interests at heart. If you’re trying to tell this president to not serve justice, you are standing in the way. You’ve been warned.”
The violent morons absolutely flock to MAGA. It's like moth to flame. Wonder why?
Prison is the place for them even if tried and convicted of treason. Relieving them of their money, especially Hildebitch, and spending time in prison is a more severe punishment than a bullet or needle in the arm. Denying Brennan of his martyrdom and virgins should be the chosen punishment.
Is this a person in power? Do they have any influence on policy? Is he even associated to Trump other than quoting his name and policy?
The violent morons absolutely flock to MAGA. It's like moth to flame. Wonder why?
We did Nazi this coming. Which of the following scenarios actually happened...

Two white guys wearing MAGA hats beat up a black man.

Two black guys beat up a black guy for wearing a MAGA hat.

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Liberty University/Jerry Falwell made a movie about this guy. Seems nice.

Mark Taylor: Those Who Object to Trump Executing His Political Opponents Are ‘Standing in the Way’ of God’s Will
By Kyle Mantyla | April 17, 2019 10:50 am
Mark Taylor, the radical right-wing conspiracytheorist and so-called “firefighter prophet,” has begun issuing some genuinely alarmingprophecies in recent weeks, warning that President Trump has been tasked by God to carry out divine justice by executing his political opponents.

Taylor, about whom Liberty University made a movie last year, appeared on “The MC Files” program on Monday night, where he doubled down on this prophecy, warning that leaders like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will soon be arrested and put to death and that anyone who dares to oppose Trump will be “standing in the way” of God’s will.

“God is going to serve justice,” Taylor said. “Justice is coming … [Obama] will be arrested. Justice will be served. Period. Hillary Clinton will be arrested, all these people, it’s coming.”

“There’s going to come a time when some of these people are just going to disappear,” he added. “We’re not going to hear anything and we may never know the truth, but the bottom line is they’re just going to disappear. Some may die, come down with some funky disease or have an accident, whatever the case may be, and we may never know the full truth on a lot of these people, but most of them will be in Gitmo.”

“People better get ready for this,” he continued. “If you don’t have a stomach for justice, you better get one quick because there’s going to be people in prison for life. You will see suicides to keep their reputations, and there will be people executed. Some of these people, we may never know they’ve been executed, they just may come down with a disease and all of a sudden they’re gone, very quietly, and just disappear. You better get a stomach for justice because justice is here.”

“To truly stop these treasonous acts, it’s going to take executing some of these people,” Taylor declared. “This is why Donald Trump was put there to begin with, to issue justice. You stand in the way of this, God will deal with you on your own because you don’t have the mind of God, you don’t have God’s interests at heart. If you’re trying to tell this president to not serve justice, you are standing in the way. You’ve been warned.”
Louis Farrakhan.
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