Those Damned Militaristic Chinese Need To Be Stopped!

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Hamas, radical Muslims, loony leftist, the Chinese etc etc. Come to think of it just about anyone/anything that is anti American.
That's weird, I'm bedfellows with none of them. And I'm not anti-American, I'm anti-American- Empire and the NeoCon establishment that created it and does whatever is necessary to extend it. I'm the canary in the coal mine warning you that empire building is not unlimited, that the backlash from those being "empired-upon" eventually brings every empire to its ruin. I understand that for people like you, the ones that are all-in on the assumption that our empire will be different, it won't happen to us because of our good intentions, no warning will be heeded. I think you are buying into a policy that will bring us to our knees, and you'll be shocked - shocked! - when it happens. Why didn't anybody tell you??!!
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That's weird, I'm bedfellows with none of them. And I'm not anti-American, I'm anti-American- Empire and the NeoCon establishment that created it and does whatever is necessary to extend it. I'm the canary in the coal mine warning you that empire building is not unlimited, that the backlash from those being "empired-upon" eventually brings every empire to its ruin. I understand that for people like you, the ones that are all-in on the assumption that our empire will be different, it won't happen to us because of our good intentions, no warning will be heeded. I think you are buying into a policy that will bring us to our knees, and you'll be shocked - shocked! - when it happens. Why didn't anybody tell you??!!
What will bring us to our knees is corrupt political leadership not our stewardship of good in the world
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What will bring us to our knees is corrupt political leadership not our stewardship of good in the world
You might want to give some thought about "our stewardship of good in the world." You might consider the incompatibility of corrupt political leadership that leads us into empire building while telling us about the good they are doing. Maybe if you look closely enough you'll see a connection between the corruption and stewardship.
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You might want to give some thought about "our stewardship of good in the world." You might consider the incompatibility of corrupt political leadership that leads us into empire building while telling us about the good they are doing. Maybe if you look closely enough you'll see a connection between the corruption and stewardship.
No shit Dan which is why I have said repeatedly Democrats are the biggest threat this country faces. Look who funds Democrats? What have those wealthy supported and what actions have they taken.
In fairness Republicans are only slightly better than Democrats but nowhere near the level of evil and corruption of Democrats.
No shit Dan which is why I have said repeatedly Democrats are the biggest threat this country faces. Look who funds Democrats? What have those wealthy supported and what actions have they taken.
In fairness Republicans are only slightly better than Democrats but nowhere near the level of evil and corruption of Democrats.
I’m slightly confused by this comment. I take it you believe both Democrats and Republicans are corrupt and will lead us to our downfall, but Democrats are much much worse and will bring us down much faster than will the Republicans. The Republicans are corrupt and will destroy America just like the Democrats will do, but it will just take them longer to do it, so we should support the Republicans because they are the lesser evil of the two. Is that what you’re saying?
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Personal awareness.
I’m very aware of my person, but you are making no sense whatsoever. Why don’t you just come out and tell me what was said by those guys yesterday that you think made me feel dumb? Why the mysterious soft shoe shuffle?
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I’m very aware of my person, but you are making no sense whatsoever. Why don’t you just come out and tell me what was said by those guys yesterday that you think made me feel dumb? Why the mysterious soft shoe shuffle?

You can always tell when your intelligence is threatened Dan.

You get very female in your arguments.
I’m slightly confused by this comment. I take it you believe both Democrats and Republicans are corrupt and will lead us to our downfall, but Democrats are much much worse and will bring us down much faster than will the Republicans. The Republicans are corrupt and will destroy America just like the Democrats will do, but it will just take them longer to do it, so we should support the Republicans because they are the lesser evil of the two. Is that what you’re saying?
Depends on who’s leading Republicans. If it’s Nikki Haley and like minded neo cons they are just as bad, if it’s leaders with Trump’s foreign policy approach they are better. Say what you will about Trump but his foreign policy results were far better than any President we’ve had since Reagan.
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