Trump vs Kamala Debate

Another lie from you.

Harris is going to the people. She is having large enthusiastic rallies. She is doing exactly what she should be doing right now and it is why she is either leading Trump in the polls or tied with him.
Another lie from me? 😆

You're getting played.

And I agree, making sure she has almost ZERO unscripted time in front of a camera is 100% what she should be doing. Again, I don't have to guess how the electorate will respond to Kamala speaking off the cuff often, we know what happened last time she was allowed to do that.

but Trump is again "running for help" by trying to level the playing field?
Yes, that is what he did with the ABC debate. He dropped out and tried to run to Fox News for help. When that didn't work out politically for him, he had to once again agreed to the ABC debate. He looked weak while Harris looked strong.

And you're wrong, the debates had been agreed upon by the hosting networks.

The former president also said Thursday he had proposed debates with Fox News on Sept. 4 and NBC on Sept. 25.

“We have spoken to the heads of the network and it’s all been confirmed other than some very minor details,” including whether the Harris campaign agrees to any of those dates, Trump said.
No I'm not wrong. Look at what I just placed in bold, in the quote you provided lol.

The Harris campaign has not agreed to any debate after the ABC debate. I don't care what Trump's campaign has agreed to. Harris stated she will discuss further debates after the ABC debate is finished.
Yes, that is what he did with the ABC debate. He dropped out and tried to run to Fox News for help. When that didn't work out politically for him, he had to once again agreed to the ABC debate. He looked weak while Harris looked strong.

No I'm not wrong. Look at what I just placed in bold, in the quote you provided lol.

The Harris campaign has not agreed to any debate after the ABC debate. I don't care what Trump's campaign has agreed to. Harris stated she will discuss further debates after the ABC debate is finished.

You're making my point.

And you're also making my point she wants the mics un-muted because she doesn't want to have to fill 2 minutes by herself.
1) When is her first press conference?
2) When is she going to sit down with someone from the right for a live interview?
3) When is her first town hall?
Whenever she feels like it. Whenever she decides it is what she wants to do or that she needs to do it for whatever reason.

None of this is required though. Not does it indicate she is scared or anything. It just indicates she is in control of her campaign, not Trump and not you.

4) Why will she only agree to one debate?
Why agree to a second one if she doesn't need it? If she smacks Trump around in the first debate and wins, it may not be to her political benefit to have another debate. Maybe it will. She will see.

Again, she is in control. And apparently, this is driving you absolutely nuts lol!

5) Why does she run from reporters on the tarmac?
She doesn't always and when she doesn't answer questions, it has nothing to do with running. It has to do with being smart with the press. Like all past Presidents have been when they didn't want to answer questions for whatever reason.

Remember Reagan acting like he was dead and couldn't hear the questions from the press following him? Was he running from the press lol?

6) Why did it take 30+ days for her to sit down with CNN,
She had just become a candidate for President lol. She had more important things to do before sitting down for an interview.

and why don't you have a good answer for any of them?
I've given you answers to all of your silly and misguided questions. I just did again as well.

Not hard at all.

because we saw how Dem voters responded to her in the last primary.
This isn't the last primary, just like it isn't 2000 for Trump. The 2020 primary has nothing to do with right now.

Stop repeating these tired lame talking points. Can't you do any better?
Again, I don't have to guess how the electorate will respond to Kamala speaking off the cuff often, we know what happened last time she was allowed to do that.
See, just repeating a talking point over and over again.

Tell me, how did the electorate respond to Trump "last time"? Yeah that is right, they fired him. He lost. He got kicked out of the White House by the American people.

You're making my point.

Because she is in control and is running a smart disciplined campaign for President.

Trust me, Harris is not terrified of Trump or anything to do with him or this campaign. And you will see this fully on display at the debate.
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And you're also making my point she wants the mics un-muted because she doesn't want to have to fill 2 minutes by herself.
This is false too. She wants the mics unmuted so Trump isn't muzzled. So the American people can once again see the real Trump and be reminded of why they fired him in 2020.
This is false too. She wants the mics unmuted so Trump isn't muzzled. So the American people can once again see the real Trump and be reminded of why they voted for him in 2020.
You mean the election was stolen from him?

It's a free country. If you want to sit there thinking she's sharp as a tack that's your prerogative. Anyone who's honest with themselves has seen evidence to the contrary.

But the same rules that housed Biden are going to be a problem for her. She couldn't even nail a pre-recorded interview by herself. They tossed over half the footage on the cutting room floor.

Can you imagine how bad that had to have been if the crap we were shown was the best of it?
See, just repeating a talking point over and over again.

Tell me, how did the electorate respond to Trump "last time"? Yeah that is right, they fired him. He lost. He got kicked out of the White House by the American people.
He got more votes than any Republican in history. He increased his vote total by ~6MM votes as an incumbent.

And it brought the cheating into broad daylight.
Whenever she feels like it. Whenever she decides it is what she wants to do or that she needs to do it for whatever reason.

None of this is required though. Not does it indicate she is scared or anything. It just indicates she is in control of her campaign, not Trump and not you.

Why agree to a second one if she doesn't need it? If she smacks Trump around in the first debate and wins, it may not be to her political benefit to have another debate. Maybe it will. She will see.

Again, she is in control. And apparently, this is driving you absolutely nuts lol!

She doesn't always and when she doesn't answer questions, it has nothing to do with running. It has to do with being smart with the press. Like all past Presidents have been when they didn't want to answer questions for whatever reason.

Remember Reagan acting like he was dead and couldn't hear the questions from the press following him? Was he running from the press lol?

She had just become a candidate for President lol. She had more important things to do before sitting down for an interview.

I've given you answers to all of your silly and misguided questions. I just did again as well.

Not hard at all.

This isn't the last primary, just like it isn't 2000 for Trump. The 2020 primary has nothing to do with right now.

Stop repeating these tired lame talking points. Can't you do any better?
In control or incompetent?

She's hiding because she's awful in unscripted situations, she's terrible at preparing for things and she may very well have a drinking problem.

And she's the same candidate as she was, except now she's hiding from her previous policy positions. But that's not why she performed so terribly last cycle.
This is absolutely false. Not true at all.

The first question went to President Biden about the economy. The second question and first question to Trump was about taxes.
Oh my gosh, how nit-picky can you be? Okay, it was one of the first questions. And even if it was the last question, it doesn’t matter. The question stands: will Harris (and the Democrats) accept the election results if Trump wins? I’ll even ask that to you 2 cents. Will you accept the result if Trump wins?
Oh my gosh, how nit-picky can you be? Okay, it was one of the first questions. And even if it was the last question, it doesn’t matter. The question stands: will Harris (and the Democrats) accept the election results if Trump wins? I’ll even ask that to you 2 cents. Will you accept the result if Trump wins?

Not me, I’m going to storm the capitol and get shot in the face like that dumb bitch Babbit.
@my_2cents is attempting to match wits with @fatman76 been waiting for this LOL

Wow. No press conferences. No delegates yet it's for democracy. It's a clown show of epic proportions but you morons vote for the D and don't think for yourselves. There is a cult for damn sure.

Scripted by experts! 🤣
my_2cents, these are 3 of our members who can define all seven components of critical thinking. Where they fail miserably? Getting through to your kind is completely beyond their reach.
Totes fine with an unarmed veteran getting shot in the throat but I bet he thing Rittenhouse should be in an electrified chair.
Kyle was that autistic kid that cried and liberals made fun of him, right?

See liberals know what decency looks like, they just want everyone else to treat them decently, while they think they can shit on whoever they want. Rules for thee...
I agree. It helps to contain and control Trump, to muzzle him. It keeps him from hurting himself with interruptions and immature comments. It helps him not make the same mistake he did in the first 2020 debate with Biden where Trump looked bad and lost the debate.

Trump has been offering up a lot of word salads lately. Rambling on and not making any sense. It will be interesting to see how the muted mics affect this on his part during the debate.

There is no "may" about it. They do disagree if Trump is being honest with his comments publicly. Of course, Trump could be just lying, like he always does.

Where does it say that she has to give a press conference? She doesn't.

I think what drives you cultists nuts is that you realize Trump doesn't control Harris and her campaign. You don't either. Harris will do what she wants to do and what she thinks is best for her campaign.

Get over it.

Another lie from you.

Harris is going to the people. She is having large enthusiastic rallies. She is doing exactly what she should be doing right now and it is why she is either leading Trump in the polls or tied with him.
Yer as bad as Dan. You two must be related.
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my_2cents, these are 3 of our members who can define all seven components of critical thinking. Where they fail miserably? Getting through to your kind is completely beyond their reach.
So I was able to get Kal to admit that there’s no point in sharing facts or data, that his political views are “beliefs” similar to religious beliefs.

Feels like a breakthrough.
You mean the election was stolen from him?
No, I meant what I posted. That the American people fired him, which they did.

Even Trump is now admitting he lost lol. He played all of you. You should be upset and ashamed that he consistently lied (and lies) to you.

But the same rules that housed Biden are going to be a problem for her.
I have no clue what you mean with this statement. It is just another one of your misrepresentations.

First, the 2020 campaign was conducted during a pandemic. There is a reason Biden didn't have large rallies and placed his supporters' health at risk, as Trump did. Biden wasn't "housed" in 2020. He debated Trump, and won the first debate. He did a town hall when Trump refused to debate virtually and Biden was accessible as much as he could be during a pandemic.

As for Harris, she isn't housed either. Again, she is out at large enthusiastic rallies (something that clearly drives you nuts too lol) talking to voters directly. And she is debating the convicted felon on Tuesday.
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He got more votes than any Republican in history. He increased his vote total by ~6MM votes as an incumbent.
Ok, so what? He still lost. President Biden got the most votes ever by a presidential candidate. President Biden received over 81 million votes and turned Georgia blue for the first time since 1992, breaking the Republican's solid South wall.

The American people spoke and they fired Trump. Yet, you ignore all of this and want to talk instead about how Harris performed in the 2020 party primaries.🤣🤣🙄

btw, Harris also received over 81 million votes in 2020 to be Vice President. Something else you apparently ignore.
In control or incompetent?
It is clearly control.

But hey, if you want to be fooled and think it is incompetence, go right ahead. Keep underestimating Harris. That is what others have done her entire political career and that is exactly what she wants her political opponents to do.

It is always a political folly to underestimate your political opponent. Always.

and she may very well have a drinking problem.

Do you believe every lie your propagandists throw at you? Seriously man, lol.

btw, do you think Trump may have a cocaine problem? You think that question sounds ridiculous don't you? That is how you should claiming Harris has a drinking problem.

But that's not why she performed so terribly last cycle.
You mean when she won over 81 million votes to be Vice President? When she and President Biden defeated Trump and Pence?

See how easy this is.

It is time for you to wake up.
Oh my gosh, how nit-picky can you be?

Hey, it isn't my fault you made a false claim as you tried to promote the notion that the CNN debate moderators were bias. You were clearly wrong. Next time, don't lie.

Okay, it was one of the first questions.
No it wasn't lol. You are still wrong and telling a lie.

I’ll even ask that to you 2 cents. Will you accept the result if Trump wins?
Yes I will, just as I accepted the 2016 and 2020 results.

Now, your turn. Will you accept the results if Harris wins?
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Liberals are such good people.
Your response to that comment is to attack liberals??

Tell me, who told Babbitt the lie that led her to storming our nation's capitol, which resulted in her death? Who is really ultimately responsible for her death? Yeah, Donald Trump.

Why don't you hold him accountable for once or talk about how isn't a good person for once? You know, place country over party, over a politician.

(btw, I didn't like the use of the "b" term in that post to describe Babbitt. But considering how often your fellow cultists use that term and even worse terms to describe our Vice President, maybe you should consider how use of that term isn't appropriate for anyone.)
What are you talking about? 4,567 Democratic delegates voted for Harris to be the Democratic presidential nominee.
Lol. She was force fed to the left because they had no choice. Early debate to get ready for plan B when the gig was up on Joe. How many primaries did she win? Ever? Democracy my ass. It is the worst ticket in the history of this country and you are going to vote for this?
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She was force fed to the left because they had no choice.
Not true. Democrats could have easily looked elsewhere for another candidate. There was just no need.

Meanwhile, Trump was forced fed to Republicans in 2020, and how did that turn out?

How many primaries did she win? Ever?
She won every primary that Biden won this year since she was his running mate. She also received over 81 million votes to be Vice President in 2020.

Democracy my ass.
Yes, very much democracy in action. Sorry it bothers you so much.

It is the worst ticket in the history of this country and you are going to vote for this?
Harris/Walz is a much better ticket than Trump/Vance. Way better.

And yes, I'm going to proudly vote for Harris and Walz. Looking forward to it.
@my__2cents what % chance would you give as of today for Kamala to win in November? And what % chance would you give her to win the popular vote?
Not true. Democrats could have easily looked elsewhere for another candidate. There was just no need.

Meanwhile, Trump was forced fed to Republicans in 2020, and how did that turn out?

She won every primary that Biden won this year since she was his running mate. She also received over 81 million votes to be Vice President in 2020.

Yes, very much democracy in action. Sorry it bothers you so much.

Harris/Walz is a much better ticket than Trump/Vance. Way better.

And yes, I'm going to proudly vote for Harris and Walz. Looking forward to it.
@my__2cents what % chance would you give as of today for Kamala to win in November? And what % chance would you give her to win the popular vote?
At this point, I'd say she has a 60% chance to win the election and 80% chance of winning the people's vote.

Of course, all of this could change. We still have two months, which is an eternity in politics.
At this point, I'd say she has a 60% chance to win the election and 80% chance of winning the people's vote.

Of course, all of this could change. We still have two months, which is an eternity in politics.
I’ll be 70% Kamala wins popular vote.. 55% Trump wins electoral college
I’ll be 70% Kamala wins popular vote.. 55% Trump wins electoral college
That's rather fair coming from a Trump supporter.

I think Harris is slightly ahead of Trump right now but it is close. It will be interesting to see if the debate has any affect on the status of the race. It is also going to be interesting to see where this race is the week before the election. Some people think a lot of Americans still haven't completely tuned into the election yet. That might be true but I'm not sure that it is, or if the numbers are that significant to represent a major shift. We shall see.

btw, the fact that almost everyone thinks (at this point) that Harris will win the popular vote but could still lose the electoral college showcases once again how awful the electoral college is for our country. We definitely need to get rid of it and let the people directly elect their President.

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