This Russian lawyer lady...

NZ Poke

Heisman Candidate
Dec 16, 2007

This story is getting stranger and stranger, and there's a lot to unpack.

" Perhaps the only thing we 'understand' about this story with any level of real clarity is Jared Kushner's seemingly logical decision to leave the meeting with Veselnitskaya after only 5-10 minutes."


We understand quite a bit more than that.
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" Perhaps the only thing we 'understand' about this story with any level of real clarity is Jared Kushner's seemingly logical decision to leave the meeting with Veselnitskaya after only 5-10 minutes."


We understand quite a bit more than that.

I haven't been following this story at all, because I am sick of hearing about "Russian collusion." Please enlighten me as to what is understood.
So Clinton colluded with the Russians to trap/trick Trump campaign into colluding with the Russians.

Of course, because that is so much more believable than the possibility that Trump and his associates colluded with Russians to influence the election.:rolleyes:

NZ coming in strong with the pro-Russia sources. Apparently, he is ready to go all in lol.
Here's an interesting take:

"The story is simple, article above notwithstanding:

1. Donald was to be one of the "pied piper" candidates (per DNC strategy memo, April 7, 2015 - see Wikileaks).

2. Should the Donald do well, dirt would be required on the Donald - real or fabricated.

3. Fusion GPS eventually hired by [ McCain? DNC? HRC? all three? ] to produce said dirt.

4. Fusion GPS needed both a story and sufficient "evidence" to give the story plausibility. MI6 Steele provides story.

5. Evidence took two forms:

a. Electronic. "Tea Leaves" (cybersecurity researcher April Lorenzen) creates forged DNS logs from a Trump server repeatedly contacting Alfa Bank in Russia (see weaponized autism) and gives the info to alphabet agencies (June 2016) and later Slate (October 2016). The June 2016 disclosure to alphabet agencies helps prompt a FISA warrant.

b. Human. At the same time the Trump server was supposedly contacting Alfa Bank, Goldstone sets up the meeting with Natalia V, making sure to use key words and tricky phrases that implicate Russian gov't involvement. Timing being concurrent with the forged DNS server logs is not a coincidence. Fusion used pre-existing relationship with Natalia (she's Fusion GPS client and Russian oligarch Katsyv's defense lawyer in a massive racketeering case, along with having many other connections to Fusion) to use her as a diversion. In combination with the electronic data above, FISA warrant issued.

6. After FISA warrant, dossier given to FBI. Plausibility has been established. It doesn't matter at this point that the dossier was amateurish, as it provided a distraction for the FBI to vet it.

7. Trump expected to lose, so nothing much was done with this prior to the election, other than to establish a Trump-loves-Putin story about unhealthy dictator worship. No need to risk wider exposure.

8. Unthinkable happens. Trump wins.

9. Time to arm the landmines that were previously set, but never used. Time to get that email to NYT.

Viola. Russian influence narrative.

Note carefully McCain's statement that "there are many more shoes that will drop". These are just the landmines we know about. There are others. The only question will be how many of them can be set off before someone official is able to accurately trace them to their real source (McCain / Clapper / HRC / Bush?). Unofficial people have already done this. The only question is whether the WH has also done it and is prepared for what is to come.

I'm guessing it will be clear in very short order whether DJT plays 4D chess or is about to get quadruple-jumped in checkers."

The story is simple...

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"b. Human. At the same time the Trump server was supposedly contacting Alfa Bank, Goldstone sets up the meeting with Natalia V, making sure to use key words and tricky phrases that implicate Russian gov't involvement. Timing being concurrent with the forged DNS server logs is not a coincidence. Fusion used pre-existing relationship with Natalia (she's Fusion GPS client and Russian oligarch Katsyv's defense lawyer in a massive racketeering case, along with having many other connections to Fusion) to use her as a diversion. In combination with the electronic data above, FISA warrant issued."

Tricky phrases such as "obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,”....

"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."....

That he was scheduling a meeting with a "Russian government lawyer" to engage in (Baby DJT's words) "oppo research"?

Those tricky words? :rolleyes:

I was joking when I made the Clinton colludes with Russia to get Trump to collide with Russia Five D chess comment.

I am flabbergasted at the fact that you're actually going with that.
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I didn't say I'm "going with" anything.

I'm still trying to get my head around it.

JD what do you think the shelf-life is of "the Russians did it" discussion? This is starting to remind me of "racism" cry. The more you hear it the more indifferent you get.

If someone has done something illegal (different than stupid) they need to go to jail and be forever disgraced!
I didn't say I'm "going with" anything.

I'm still trying to get my head around it.

In trying to get your head around it, I'd suggest referring to Occam's razor and all that.

Junior received e-mails directly advising him a Russian government representative had valuable oppo research on Hillary.

He jumped at the chance to meet. Did in fact meet.

That was incredibly ill advised and possibly illegal.

At a minimum, it is a helluva lot more smoke justifying the continued investigation.
Unless we are at war with Russia then meeting with and receiving ZERO information from a Russian is not a crime. Even if you thought they might give you information.
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I'm still trying to get my head around it.

Have you simply considered that perhaps, just perhaps, there is no grand conspiracy and the Trumps may have colluded with the Russians to influence the election?
Unless we are at war with Russia then meeting with and receiving ZERO information from a Russian is not a crime.

First it doesn't matter if we are at war with Russia, and second, how do you know nothing was received? We don't know that yet.

We do know Jr. said this though...

"If it's what you say I love it especially later this summer."
Interesting subject matter for this Russian lawyer to be posting, who wants to collude with Trump:




The weaponized autistics at /pol/ archived her Facebook page. LOL
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JD what do you think the shelf-life is of "the Russians did it" discussion? This is starting to remind me of "racism" cry. The more you hear it the more indifferent you get.

If someone has done something illegal (different than stupid) they need to go to jail and be forever disgraced!

I'm officially on record advocating that everyone would be involved would be well served to just shut up and let the investigation take its course.

On this site, the only people I see starting new "Russia, Russia, Russia" posts are those trying to kill the story. You can't kill a story by continuing to bring it up and attacking it. That is the very definition of the Streisand effect phenomenon.

Additionally, Trump and Trump supporters consistently tweet about it, release e-mails detailing meetings with Russia, and seemingly deliberately keep it in the news. Probably because playing the victim of "fake news" plays well to his base.

The shelf life of the Russia story/narrative...for however long it takes for Mueller to complete his investigation and announce the results. For true Trump opponents it has a shelf life of forever I would imagine. For Trumpies/Trumpets, the shelf life has already expired and it's a dead issue.
Unless we are at war with Russia then meeting with and receiving ZERO information from a Russian is not a crime. Even if you thought they might give you information.

Crack legal analysis there. :rolleyes:
I'm a Trump opponent and I share the same shelf life as you do. I want to see the Mueller report.

I'll revise my statement.

Many....probably a substantial majority....of Trump opponents will hold on to the Russia narrative as long as Trump is President. Possibly even after he is gone.
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I'll revise my statement.

Many....probably a substantial majority....of Trump opponents will hold on to the Russia narrative as long as Trump is President. Possibly even after he is gone.

No doubt. That's politics.
It's looking like more proof that the neoconservatives (Bush / McCain, Bill Kristol etc), neoliberals (Hillary etc), deep state, and corporate media (neoliberal and neoconservative) are all in bed together.

The only thing that Trump has done that the media (representing the deep state) liked is attack Syria with cruise missles.

Go the next step.....

In bed trick Trump election into attempting to collude with the Russians?

C'mon NZ. I have faith in you. Draw an actual conclusion. Take a stand instead of just trying to throw shade.
Of course, because that is so much more believable than the possibility that Trump and his associates colluded with Russians to influence the election.:rolleyes:

NZ coming in strong with the pro-Russia sources. Apparently, he is ready to go all in lol.
Hard for me to believe that there was collusion with Russia if the best the Trump campaign could do was eagerly respond to an unsolicited meeting request that could result in getting some dirt on Hillary. Collusion means some ongoing communication and joint strategy. Of course, there could be more out there, but this isn't collusion.
Go the next step.....

In bed trick Trump election into attempting to collude with the Russians?

It's looking like, and more.

Check out this new video, nicely sums up what we've learned so far, and asks some provactive questions:

It's looking like, and more.

Check out this new video, nicely sums up what we've learned so far, and asks some provactive questions:

Is that a yes?

Junior was tricked/entrapped into attempting to collude with Russian government reps to obtain promised oppo research?
I give up, this is beyond crazy.

How can everything be a conspiracy?

Because some people refuse to accept that which challenges their most cherished beliefs, disrupts their worldview, or forces them to acknowledge the troubling aspects of life.

Thus, they create conspiracies which help them "get their head around it."
It's looking increasingly possible.


So now it's possible there was attempts to collude with Russia by the son of the candidate, the President's present advisor in the White House, and the candidate's campaign manager at the time......but they were tricked/entrapped into it.

That sure as hell doesn't sound like a "nothing burger" or "fake news" to me.

Sounds like something definitely worth a full investigation, IMO.

So now it's possible there was attempts to collude with Russia by the son of the candidate, the President's present advisor in the White House, and the candidate's campaign manager at the time......but they were tricked/entrapped into it.

That sure as hell doesn't sound like a "nothing burger" or "fake news" to me.

Sounds like something definitely worth a full investigation, IMO.

Serious question: Where is the "collusion"? Doesn't collusion require some form of quid pro quo? Was DJT Jr's mere act of meeting with a Russian lawyer sufficient enough evidence for collusion? I just don't see what was illegal about it. Naïve, sure. But not illegal.

From the outside looking in (with a mind unaffected by Trump Derangement Syndrome), seems to me we should be looking at deep state collusion when factoring in her (a) expired visa and (b) photo ops with McCain.

Do your own research.

Not interested in trying to enlighten the admittedly willfully uninformed.
It's interesting to me that you make a decla
" Perhaps the only thing we 'understand' about this story with any level of real clarity is Jared Kushner's seemingly logical decision to leave the meeting with Veselnitskaya after only 5-10 minutes."


We understand quite a bit more than that.
It's interesting to me that you make a declarative statement, "We understand quite a bit more than that," but you are reluctant to expound on what more we know.

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