This is going to get good....they deserve each other

Barr said in his interview that he wasn't getting satisfactory answers and some of the answers didn't match up with what he knew. Once you tell a lie you have to keep telling lies.

DiGenova said the IG Report had already determined the last 3 FISA applications were fraudulent and the IG was reviewing the authenticity of the first one.

Carter Page and others are going to be wealthy once all the lawsuits/settlements are resolved.

I'm becoming of the opinion that every single POS in Government should have to be bonded or carry malpractice insurance. That these morons can lie, manipulate and backstab their way to positions of power and then abuse those positions only to have massive tax payer funded settlements cover for their crap is absurd.
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The left in this country have gone from questioning the CIA and military industrial complex and championing free speech to cheering on the police state, attempted coups and repression of ideas and speech.
And admitting a border crisis exists and funding border security to open borders come one come all. Only a moron would champion no borders open immigration. Many who do are also hypocritically living in walled communities with chauffeur driving police escorts.
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When it's fully investigated I think we'll see the CIA was a major player in this coup attempt. Brennan is too busy spewing false narratives on every TV and social media outlet he can find.

brennan was spewing vomit
pre-election under the guise of non-partisan protecter of america

he went to every media outlet he could smearing our democratically elected president

as a non-partisan actor theoretically
he is beholden to our democracy and takes orders from whomever is potus

just like we all did when otard was elected

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