I don't know Guns, I used to think of the leftards as useless idiots that are being led by the nose by dear leaders but now I am fully convinced they are mentally unstable and want to destroy America. How else do you explain parroting word for word what dear leaders are saying? How else do you explain vandalizing other peoples EV's that most likely are 90% Liberal owned? How else do you explain wanting Open Borders not knowing who is crossing and for what reason?
DrEaMeRs they say, gtfoh. Some may be but its still illegal and quite a few are Nightmares waiting to be unleashed.
The sad part is millions of Americans Condone everything the leftist Terrorists are doing.
You know I was terribly naive when Doge was uncovering all the fraud and waste and even after all the nasty remarks by Dims during the 2024 Election. I thought for sure the Dims would reel it in and start to act like they used to, years ago when they were not so far left and crazy but they proved me wrong. They double and tripled down on the rhetoric, the violence and here we are. Hopefully most Americans see them for what they truly are and will never vote for them again but we all know there are many stupid mf'ers out there that will. Its not enough to just laugh them off anymore. If anyone hasn't noticed they aren't playing tiddlywinks, the Republicans need to get their head out of their asses. Its way past time to keep pussyfooting around these lawless marxists. Until the right starts playing by the same rules or the left is held accountable then things will never change. In my honest opinion too many pussy Rinos in DC to fo shit about is as they are all corrupt. Good Cop Bad Cop bs. Oh sure some Pubs will get on TV and Rant and Rave about it buts its just for show.