They want it so bad.


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 14, 2018
This wall.

I feel bad for lots of these employees, but... this slow motion self immolation from Lardass is possibly the best political entertainment of my lifetime.

By any means necessary, make them all forget the thousand promises to make Mexico pay for the wall.
This wall.

I feel bad for lots of these employees, but... this slow motion self immolation from Lardass is possibly the best political entertainment of my lifetime.

By any means necessary, make them all forget the thousand promises to make Mexico pay for the wall.
You feel bad for people in useless jobs getting paid vacations?
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This wall.

I feel bad for lots of these employees, but... this slow motion self immolation from Lardass is possibly the best political entertainment of my lifetime.

By any means necessary, make them all forget the thousand promises to make Mexico pay for the wall.

I can't for the life of me understand why you harp on the make Mexico pay for it thing.

Ok...actually I do understand yourhypocritical ranting, but is just awesome to behold I guess (if you like your doctor, $2500, etc). I certainly don't get why topu think Trump supporters care.

For the record and as a Trump supporter who is excited about Trump because he's not Hillary:

* Zero effs given about who pays for the wall. Never have cared. Don't care now. If a barrier on border comes into existence ...all good.

Thank you for a quick moment to say that. Please continue with your deranged insanity.

Donald trump and illegals

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What’s an example of one of these useless jobs?
A good question.

Would you believe that the United States Department of Agriculture has an entire division devoted to the distribution of free money for housing? And people who receive this money don’t have to be involved in agriculture at all. I can show you an apartment complex in Jackson, Wyoming that is owned and operated by the USDA.

For those who aren’t familiar, the USDA is the same agency that “rents” land from farmers and pays them to not grow crops.

And the same agency who cost-shares installation of irrigation systems that are responsible for the depletion of aquifers. We all just helped my neIghbor install several new pivots. He used to have the same type of irrigation system that I do. It’s not fancy, but it gets the job done. I think we paid for 60-70% of the cost. My neighbor is a nice guy and I mostly don’t blame him for jumping on the bandwagon. But I’ll keep on plugging away with my old system and save us all a bunch of money. You’re welcome.

Side note: And since the federal government has started paying for these, do you suppose the cost has gone up or down? The same thing has happened to health insurance. You introduce a guaranteed payment from an outside source with unlimited ability to print money and think the problem is solved...but look out. You just created another problem you didn’t see coming.

Anyway, It’s the same agency that doesn’t grow any food at all.

Those are just the things that I can immediately thInk of off the top of my head.
I can't for the life of me understand why you harp on the make Mexico pay for it thing.

Ok...actually I do understand yourhypocritical ranting, but is just awesome to behold I guess (if you like your doctor, $2500, etc). I certainly don't get why topu think Trump supporters care.

For the record and as a Trump supporter who is excited about Trump because he's not Hillary:

* Zero effs given about who pays for the wall. Never have cared. Don't care now. If a barrier on border comes into existence ...all good.

Thank you for a quick moment to say that. Please continue with your deranged insanity.

Not related but I had to share after I saw it looking through my search


This is your best post in 2 years.

You get nothing.

Biff claimed to have built some wall, but it didn't happen.

Biff claimed Mexico was gonna pay, and ol' pepe is in the shade, laughing and pissing on a stack of concrete wall bricks and drinking cold beer and laughing some more.

Read this very closely: you're not getting shit.

And it's making maga a laughingstock.
Not related but I had to share after I saw it looking through my search


Bring that shit to me, Jobu. Bring to me.

Finding someone that believed Fatass would make Mexico pay for the wall is like finding a birther. Obama let em' get waaaaay out on the limb.... and then cooly rolled the birth certificate out. Those birthers melted back into the internet like the Viet Cong at midnight. Poof. Next up? EMAILS!
Remember last time when they were going to break through, and we were going to have to shoot them? Deja Vu.

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