The Wolves Will Become Sheep

Interesting article written by Newt Gingrich.
McCarthy isn't the answer to bring these wolves to their knees- give me Jim Jordan or DJT as speaker. There's others. But Rino establishment squish McCarthy is a tentacle of John Boehner/Paul Ryan- friggin Yuck at those squishes. Those guys were all that was wrong with the swamp.

Conservatives need to hammer the hell out of
These leftist communists- we need some people who aren't scared of the media calling them out when they try to do what's right. Tolerance and PC has gotten us to where we are now. Leftist belong back in the corner crying about everything so unfair to them- they don't belong running things -OMG that's such an understatement.

POS media IS the problem- fix the media 90
Percent of the problems disappear- overnight
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