The Week Ahead Promises an Awful Lot


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
January 29, 2018

The Week Ahead Promises an Awful Lot
By Peter Barry Chowka

The coming week looks like a doozy: another leftist “people’s” mass demonstration today, President Trump’s first State of the Union address to the Congress and the nation on Tuesday, and the expected release of the House Republicans’ FISA memo after that. Not to mention all kinds of hints that other shoes may be dropping as the Democrat Party and the Deep State scramble to wrest control of the 24/7 news cycle narrative in these most uncertain times.

Fox News Channel host and one of the last remaining truth-telling figures in the MSM Sean Hannity is promising, in one of his recent Twitter messages “Monday’s a big day…tick tock.” That tweet was posted at 7:08 PM E.T. Saturday after Hannity’s Twitter account mysteriously disappeared for a while early Saturday morning. Earlier in the week, investigative journalist and Fox News Contributor Sara A. Carter, a mainstay of Hannity’s radio and Fox News TV programs since last March, announced at her website that her Twitter feed had been “compromised” on or about Jan. 22. It was subsequently restored to her control. As she tweeted on Jan. 25 “My account was hacked and now it’s back. Thank goodness and thank you @Twitter for helping me regain control.”

There’s something happening here. Cautionary header at Sara Carter’s Web page Jan. 24, 2018.

Hannity, who has been slowly peeling away layers of the Obama administration-Deep State conspiracy to destroy President Trump during the past year (with the help of investigative journalists like Carter, John Solomon, and Gregg Jarrett), is increasingly the #1 target in the media of the anti-Trump Resistance. A lengthy article in the anti-Trump mouthpiece POLITICO on Friday, “As the network escalates its attacks on the FBI, mainstream conservatives say it is endangering U.S. institutions,” focused much of its attention on Hannity and what he has been reporting in recent days. The article’s author managed to get quotes from a variety of Never Trump RINO Republicans attacking Hannity and his POTUS-friendly colleagues at Fox News.

In advance of President Trump’s prime-time address to a joint session of the Congress on Tuesday, the Resistance is planning a “People’s State of the Union," an all-out counter-push on Monday, organized by and headlined by Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, and a collection of other far left so-called celebrities and activists. After the president’s address, or possibly the following night, rabid anti-Trumper Rep. Maxine Waters (D_CA), who has been calling for the president’s impeachment or removal from office pretty much since day one, has been offered time on BET (Black Entertainment Television) for a counter State of the Union address.

It’s not a certainty, but various sources have been predicting that by the middle of next week the long-awaited purported bombshell 4-page “FISA memo” (#ReleaseTheMemo) that reportedly outs the dirty players in President Obama’s administration who conspired to take down President Trump, will be released. To head it off, the Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media have been casting the memo as a flawed partisan Republican document whose purpose is to deflect attention from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation into alleged collusion between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign. Democrats opposed to releasing the memo also insist that it has the potential of harming government intelligence agencies and compromising national security.

Leading the opposition to the memo in Congress is Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking minority member of the House Intelligence Committee whose Republican majority prepared the memo. In a statement on Thursday, Jan. 18, increasingly parroted since then by his allies in the Democrat Party and the media, Schiff said:

The Majority voted on a party-line basis to grant House Members access to a profoundly misleading set of talking points drafted by Republican staff attacking the FBI and its handling of the investigation. Rife with factual inaccuracies and referencing highly classified materials that most of Republican Intelligence Committee members were forced to acknowledge they had never read, this is meant only to give Republican House members a distorted view of the FBI. This may help carry White House water, but it is a deep disservice to our law enforcement professionals.

As author, former Secret Service agent, podcast host, and frequent guest on Fox News Dan Bongino tweeted on Jan. 27: After they #ReleaseTheMemo you can absolutely count on the Dems embarking on a scorched earth campaign to lie their way through this epic scandal. There’s no lie they won’t tell, no character they won’t assassinate, & no deception they won’t embrace to hide what they did.

With incendiary and unpredictable events like these, and undoubtedly many more like them to come, it might be said that we ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Or, as Robert F. Kennedy said in a speech at the University of Cape Town in Cape Town, South Africa on June 6, 1966: There is a Chinese curse which says “May he live in interesting times.” Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also the most creative of any time in the history of mankind.
it is beginning.

for the record, in my opinion the link in my op of this thread remains the definitive overview and summary of how we got from there to here.

there are some good follows on twitter - former FBI and CIA guys who have consistently been ahead of the curve on this and related stories, and appear to have highly credible sources (inside those agencies?) that are keeping them in the loop to keep we the people in the loop.

here are the twitter follows I currently recommend. anyone have any others they think are strong follows right now?

as an aside, I've gone back and forth on the 'Q anon phenomenon.' there appears to be a nostradamus effect at work which allows things he says seem to be scary accurate in hindsight while remaining largely indecipherable riddles at the time. my guess? it actually is someone in the administration who is using that style to target, appeal to and activate the weaponized autistics at 4chan, 8chan, et al. not sure how literally to take anything this entity says, but i think it's serving its purpose (to stir shit up on the deep web).

meanwhile the meat and potatoes of the story remains corruption and the dominoes are beginning to fall, and the follows i recommended above (so far and to this point) appear to be very well sourced.
I would also include this guy as a highly interesting follow. I don't know that he's as connected as the other two, but may well be. I think he and his organization are more about collecting and cataloguing real time information on the events beginning to unfold.

if these guys are right - and they have been to this point, progressives (as a whole) will have their cognitive dissonance severely put to the test as sacred cattle begin to be led to slaughter.

when the depth and breadth of the conspiracy is revealed fully, it'll be interesting to see who on this board goes down with the ship, who looks in the mirror and admits they were lied to and who simply disappears.
I would also include this guy as a highly interesting follow. I don't know that he's as connected as the other two, but may well be. I think he and his organization are more about collecting and cataloguing real time information on the events beginning to unfold.

if these guys are right - and they have been to this point, progressives (as a whole) will have their cognitive dissonance severely put to the test as sacred cattle begin to be led to slaughter.

when the depth and breadth of the conspiracy is revealed fully, it'll be interesting to see who on this board goes down with the ship, who looks in the mirror and admits they were lied to and who simply disappears.

I just want justice, as for the Dem fanboys on this Board I could careless what they do, I have seen enough that I know it will change nothing, they got their 8 years of the most corrupt leadership perhaps in the history of the modern free world and a social justice war on steroids that was aimed at shaming, no tolerance, creating a greater racial divide, moving us to socialism, globalism, and being the weakest the US has ever been politically and militarily since the end of WW2. They got it.

It will be about Trump, Russia, and racism no matter what from the Dems and lie like hell to save Obama’s so called legacy. They believe in America last and their beliefs First.

About all I can say is how naive. It is scary as hell our own government, MSM, and even certain heads of companies tried to fix the election.

The last administration, the DOJ, the FBI, and the IRS is headed up by a bunch of incompetent imbeciles, we were a modernized banana republic. Only reason we are not a shit hole country is we already have enough embedded wealth to not fall to that level.

My lord, FBI agents assigned to investigate Hillary were sharing classified documents on nongovernmental email accounts and servers. Does anyone really believe the FBI or CIA can protect us? Idiots, and they spent as much time issuing illegal FISA warrants and investigating US Citizens then watching our true enemies. I would give them the death penalty if it was possible, they tried to steal this country from the voters, they were the foreign terrorists.

If this was the Watergate era we would be having a reckoning, maybe that is yet to come. Our government reached a new low and a level of corruption never before seen in the US. Our freedoms and the ability to act as a true Democracy are at stake. Beyond pissed I am, and the facts that are coming out is worse than what we suspected. There needs to be more then people losing jobs and beIng disgraced. There needs to be jail time and fines that strip all wealth. Need to make sure this never happens again.

DOJ, FBI, CIA, and IRS need to be blown up and reconstituted with some civilian oversight.
“Fox News Channel host and one of the last remaining truth-telling figures in the MSM Sean Hannity”

“Fox News Channel host and one of the last remaining truth-telling figures in the MSM Sean Hannity”


Without Hannity and FOX NO ONE in MSM would be covering this, because idiots like you believe what is spoon fed you. If you had your way all we would see is the leftists extreme version of the truth, such truth tellers as CNN, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, WAPO. I give him a standing ovation for covering what is KNOWN facts and not just saying collusion a 1,000 times with nothing to support it. Everything Hannity is talking about on this issue is publicly known facts and when the memo is released what say you? Still Collusion?
There really are very few people I'd like to crawl through the tv screen and whip the shit out of, but Adam Schiff is definitely in the top three. What a whinny little bitch!

Poetic justice would be Adam and Debbie Dog Biscuit duct-taped in the ol' 69 position, unable to free themselves, and having to eat/smell their own WTF!
Poetic justice would be Adam and Debbie Dog Biscuit duct-taped in the ol' 69 position, unable to free themselves, and having to eat/smell their own WTF!
Wow. I threw up in my mouth. I assume the WTF stands for Whiff/Wolf That Fumundacheese.
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Our populace?

Depends on -- is the populace consorting with ex-KGB agents and laundering mob money? Seems like we have law enforcement for a reason, or should we just hand everything over to the country's biggest p.o.s. and our enemies and call it a day?

What "exact same" russians? Do they have names?
Don't be obtuse.

Why wouldn't Schiff let anyone read the D memo before voting on it?

Does it bother you than none of the lib news sources mention that?

Seems kinda important.
I would be surprised if any credible, professional journalist put any stock on anything from Nunes given his prior clumsy machinations. Of COURSE he's trying to discredit the FBI, they're investigating Biff.

The transparent attacks on anyone that goes after Biff are all I need to know. Like these chickenshit GOP politicians care about anything but acquiring power?
I would be surprised if any credible, professional journalist put any stock on anything from Nunes given his prior clumsy machinations. Of COURSE he's trying to discredit the FBI, they're investigating Biff.

The transparent attacks on anyone that goes after Biff are all I need to know. Like these chickenshit GOP politicians care about anything but acquiring power?

I find this interesting, that you don't take this same stance with a opposition research document like the dossier that has been proven to have a number of fallacies, yet is the primary foundation for the entire 'Russia collusion' investigation. Clearly nothing more than a transparent attack on Biff, yet you lap it up like cats at a milk bowl.
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I find this interesting, that you don't take this same stance with a opposition research document like the dossier that has been proven to have a number of fallacies, yet is the primary foundation for the entire 'Russia collusion' investigation. Clearly nothing more than a transparent attack on Biff, yet you lap it up like cats at a milk bowl.

Now it's the primary foundation. That's what I've never understood. Says Who?
I would be surprised if any credible, professional journalist put any stock on anything from Nunes given his prior clumsy machinations. Of COURSE he's trying to discredit the FBI, they're investigating Biff.

The transparent attacks on anyone that goes after Biff are all I need to know. Like these chickenshit GOP politicians care about anything but acquiring power?

You have not even read the memo and you are concluding this? FBI is not investigating Trump, you have an independent counsel doing that moron, the FBI is not investigating him. However, it DOES appear the FBI did start an illegal investigation on Trump before the election based on a illegally gained FISA warrant. Would you or anyone else not want this to be fully investigated and the truth to be told? This is why your team does not want the memo out, if McCabe was innocent why would he step down and why is he not speaking out?

Last I checked, Wray fired McCabe, not Trump, Trump had not even seen the memo yet. The second Wray saw the memo he fired McCabe, and he was asked to look at the memo for accuracy and when he reviewed it, he obviously did not go there with the forethought of firing McCabe. But keeping telling yourself this is only about Trump. Acquiring power? Obviously Obama was using the DOJ and FBI to manipulate the outcome of the election, that is the biggest affront to grabbing power in the history of the US. Congrats to all you libs, you have been totally brainwashed and you no longer care about how your elected officials break the laws once in office and how they tried to manipulate the outcome of an election. Then, they tried to blame the crime on Trump. We will see what Mueller finds, but interesting Strzok who protected Hillary in his non-investigation; investigation, in a text admits that Mueller's investigation highly unlikely to find collusion and now lib media calling Mueller's investigation an obstruction of justice investigation, not a collusion investigation. Keep moving the goal posts, next it will be a DUI investigation. Sad how you libs, great at being bullies, but when the bully is getting sand kicked backed (the kind that can stick and has truth) you run from accountability, lie, label, shame, and will do ANYTHING to control the narrative, not the rule of law or what is best to preserve our democracy. This is why I want to see justice, what is sad libs are so far gone not even cognitive-dissonance can save them, there is just nothing between the ears, nothing but allegiance to their social justice "cause" based on hatred and lies.
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I would be surprised if any credible, professional journalist put any stock on anything from Nunes given his prior clumsy machinations. Of COURSE he's trying to discredit the FBI, they're investigating Biff.

The transparent attacks on anyone that goes after Biff are all I need to know. Like these chickenshit GOP politicians care about anything but acquiring power?

"credible" being defined as being paid by the right corporate media propagandist organization? i'm sure you are right to a point. at some point in the near future it'll be overwhelming and impossible not to cover. nunes is only the appetizer, this is a multi course serving of shit sandwiches for the obama-clinton machine and it'll get worse.
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I would be surprised if any credible, professional journalist put any stock on anything from Nunes given his prior clumsy machinations. Of COURSE he's trying to discredit the FBI, they're investigating Biff.

The transparent attacks on anyone that goes after Biff are all I need to know. Like these chickenshit GOP politicians care about anything but acquiring power?

See, I knew you would get it wrong.

The reason he didn't was because the optics of his memo being voted down by them nazi Repubs is the desired effect. Makes it easy to lie to morons.

Which happened in every publication.

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You have not even read the memo and you are concluding this? FBI is not investigating Trump, you have an independent counsel doing that moron, the FBI is not investigating him. However, it DOES appear the FBI did start an illegal investigation on Trump before the election based on a illegally gained FISA warrant. Would you or anyone else not want this to be fully investigated and the truth to be told? This is why your team does not want the memo out, if McCabe was innocent why would he step down and why is he not speaking out?

Last I checked, Wray fired McCabe, not Trump, Trump had not even seen the memo yet. The second Wray saw the memo he fired McCabe, and he was asked to look at the memo for accuracy and when he reviewed it, he obviously did not go there with the forethought of firing McCabe. But keeping telling yourself this is only about Trump. Acquiring power? Obviously Obama was using the DOJ and FBI to manipulate the outcome of the election, that is the biggest affront to grabbing power in the history of the US. Congrats to all you libs, you have been totally brainwashed and you no longer care about how your elected officials break the laws once in office and how they tried to manipulate the outcome of an election. Then, they tried to blame the crime on Trump. We will see what Mueller finds, but interesting Strzok who protected Hillary in his non-investigation; investigation, in a text admits that Mueller's investigation highly unlikely to find collusion and now lib media calling Mueller's investigation an obstruction of justice investigation, not a collusion investigation. Keep moving the goal posts, next it will be a DUI investigation. Sad how you libs, great at being bullies, but when the bully is getting sand kicked backed (the kind that can stick and has truth) you run from accountability, lie, label, shame, and will do ANYTHING to control the narrative, not the rule of law or what is best to preserve our democracy. This is why I want to see justice, what is sad libs are so far gone not even cognitive-dissonance can save them, there is just nothing between the ears, nothing but allegiance to their social justice "cause" based on hatred and lies.

I'll add if it were the R's/conservatives doing this, I would want their misdeeds brought to light. There is a reason cockroaches hide in the dark together.
If I were Trump, I'd either release the memo during the SOTU address or wait the full 5 days just to make the Dimocrats squirm. I love watching retards like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi having convulsions trying to get in front of this.
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We will see what Mueller finds, but interesting Strzok who protected Hillary in his non-investigation; investigation, in a text admits that Mueller's investigation highly unlikely to find collusion and now lib media calling Mueller's investigation an obstruction of justice investigation, not a collusion investigation. Keep moving the goal posts, next it will be a DUI investigation. Sad how you libs, great at being bullies, but when the bully is getting sand kicked backed (the kind that can stick and has truth) you run from accountability, lie, label, shame, and will do ANYTHING to control the narrative, not the rule of law or what is best to preserve our democracy. This is why I want to see justice, what is sad libs are so far gone not even cognitive-dissonance can save them, there is just nothing between the ears, nothing but allegiance to their social justice "cause" based on hatred and lies.

real talk right there

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