The usual Democrat playbook...RAYCIST!!!!!

Nope lol…you do you hahahahaha…by all means go on believing Biden won that stars-and-bars demographic! 😆😂🤣
Hey I just did what you asked. I read history. It said Democrats rebelled in the South, and then established the KKK, and then tried to pass Jim Crow laws. Then in the 1960s they suddenly where not rascist anymore? After they tried beating African Americans and assassinating MLK. Ok you do you.
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Hey I just did what you asked. I read history. It said Democrats rebelled in the South, and then established the KKK, and then tried to pass Jim Crow laws. Then in the 1960s they suddenly where not rascist anymore? After they tried to beating African Americans and assisnating MLK. Ok you do you.

***thinks KKK vote Democrat today, can’t climb out of hole he’s dug himself into, says fvck it gimme a bigger shovel***
I think he has lost it. Lets see...

Do you have any more fun facts I can dismantle?

Here’s a fun one…

Donald Trump won the 2020 election

Play around with that one for a while lol…can’t wait to see the floor routine of the cuckservative mental gymnastics meet we’ve decided to host today hahahahahaha
Here’s a fun one…

Donald Trump won the 2020 election

Play around with that one for a while lol…can’t wait to see the floor routine of the cuckservative mental gymnastics meet we’ve decided to host today hahahahahaha
I think that is one to put in the back pocket. You never know with history. Not sure I would hold my breath one way or the other yet.
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Blacks flocked to the polls in record numbers to vote for the Messiah. Fall off cane the second time around as he was a disappointment.

Trump upped his win in FL from 1.2 in 2016 to 3.3 in 2020. FL did not participate in the Dimm vote harvest scheme. Trump upped his percentage with blacks, Hispanics, seniors and recent college graduates. We don't know demographic results in vote harvest states such as WI, MI, VA and GA.
Trump won on Election Day; what happened in the 4 blue shitholes and Atlanta will be revisited and legendary forever
Republicans audited and again certified the Georgia election, as they did in Arizona lol

Who are you, Mike MFing Lindell? hahahahaha 😂🤣😂
@Medic007 needs to die on this hill lol. He’s gotta put Richard Spencer up against…..The KKK, The Proud Boys (ahem: “Stand back and stand by!”), The Oath Keepers… cetera, et cetera….et cetera lol

Trump sucked so bad, even Richard Spencer found out how fake he was haha.

Perhaps Republicans like your boi @Sunburnt Indian who desperately seek to validate Trump “wiNniNG” in 2020 should consider the fact that many people voted for Biden cuz Trump sucked that bad, not because they were enamored but Sloppy Joe in many ways at all.

Once again, I remember this board and many of the justifications for voting for Trump despite being disgusted by the man himself: “He’s not Hillary”.

It’s hilarious yet weird how unaware you cucks can be sometimes haha
It's like engaging a romper room.

One guy is earnestly explaining the confederate flag isn't racist. The other guys pretend that the poverty belt and socioeconomic depression in red states doesn't exist. All this is the basis of gloating, lol. Good luck engaging that. You might as well be arguing with a bunch of flat earthers than argue with the cult.

The best part is the talking point that democrats are racist because of the 1800's, lol. They just lost Georgia and have had their asses whipped by the black vote for 50 years, but they apparently, legit, think that's a heluva talking point, lol. What's the objective in engaging that? I started hearing that talking point like 15 years ago and they've gone 1 - 3 since (0-4 in popular vote) with the black vote leading the way.
@Medic007 needs to die on this hill lol. He’s gotta put Richard Spencer up against…..The KKK, The Proud Boys (ahem: “Stand back and stand by!”), The Oath Keepers… cetera, et cetera….et cetera lol

Trump sucked so bad, even Richard Spencer found out how fake he was haha.

Perhaps Republicans like your boi @Sunburnt Indian who desperately seek to validate Trump “wiNniNG” in 2020 should consider the fact that many people voted for Biden cuz Trump sucked that bad, not because they were enamored but Sloppy Joe in many ways at all.

Once again, I remember this board and many of the justifications for voting for Trump despite being disgusted by the man himself: “He’s not Hillary”.

It’s hilarious yet weird how unaware you cucks can be sometimes haha
So, let me get this straight. A racist supports Trump therefore Trump is racist. A racist supports Biden, but that's different.

Do you see why we all laugh at your expense?
Mollie Hemingway clearly explains how Dimms rigged the 2020 election. She uses small words from the dominant West Germanic language in her book Rigged.

The US average IQ is 98 in a population of 331 million. Not 68. There is not an all-time record 81 million stupid enough to vote for a shrub is draws dozens to a rare campaign rally, many wearing MAGA hats and jeering.

There is nothing hard here. Most board members fully understand. The board's Sys-level slow remain lost.

Isn't it strange states where the vote counts were stopped in the middle of the night only for massive amounts of Biden votes to show up all used drop boxes? Add in the fact there were no chain of custody documents on those votes, and a fair-minded thinking person has to ask if it was all intentional.
Go back to 1960 and start studying some history. Look at all the policies enacted that were beneficial to black Americans (from civil rights to the economic policies), policies supported by Democrats.

As you do some historical study, also read up on the Dixiecrats. Read up on those Democrats who left the party and became Republicans because of how the two parties changed. Read about Nixon's (with its start with Goldwater) southern strategy.


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