The question shouldn’t be …


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
… is Trump going to accept the results of the election if he loses, it should be, will Democrats accept the results if he wins?

It is my belief that if Trump wins, there will be all kinds of unholy hell break lose of Trump wins that will make the so-called insurrection look like a nice get together of friends.
… is Trump going to accept the results of the election if he loses, it should be, will Democrats accept the results if he wins?

It is my belief that if Trump wins, there will be all kinds of unholy hell break lose of Trump wins that will make the so-called insurrection look like a nice get together of friends.
Are we going to accept a second straight election being stolen from Trump? Because that's where we are headed.

By my completely unscientific guess, I would say 20% of Americans won't accept another election being stolen from Trump.

That's not enough. We will need at least 50%. Many will convert when the election is again stolen, but it won't go from 20-50%.

We will need at least 1-2 more 'trigger events'. Something that wakes up people, shakes them out of their apathy.

Laura Loomer claims Trump will be jailed on September 18th. That will help. But the reality is this ends when we decide we have had enough.

Not there yet. So the pain continues.
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Are we going to accept a second straight election being stolen from Trump? Because that's where we are headed.

By my completely unscientific guess, I would say 20% of Americans won't accept another election being stolen from Trump.

That's not enough. We will need at least 50%. Many will convert when the election is again stolen, but it won't go from 20-50%.

We will need at least 1-2 more 'trigger events'. Something that wakes up people, shakes them out of their apathy.

Laura Loomer claims Trump will be jailed on September 18th. That will help. But the reality is this ends when we decide we have had enough.

Not there yet. So the pain continues.
The American Revolution was started with less than 20% help and supported by only 30% of the country. It's much different today, but I think your numbers are off.
go ahead and burn dem controlled sanctuary cities, i don't care. but,,,,,, wait, then our tax dollars will rebuild these shithole cities, just like our tax dollars bailed out the dem city's retired employee's benefit funds. i'm glad my parents aren't alive to see what the country they saved in wwII has become.

one bullet at a time
They likely are. What isn't off is the claim that we have too many people who will just accept another stolen election.
That would be the 40% of people between the two sides. They don't have to accept it or not accept it. They have to acknowledge it that's it. If they think the 20 to 30% are justified in thier actions then 20 to 30% is more than what you need. Dems have been changing the culture with only 5% of the population. Why because the majority of the comfortable think what they are doing they are doing in the name of justice. You and I know that's false. There is no justice in what they are doing only misery but they sell it on justice. After that the wizards first rule takes over.

Communism always sells equality and gives you misery in return because to achieve what they want, everyone has to be equally miserable which is achievable. Everyone being equally happy is not.
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So what is the plan moving forward should Harris win in November? If this is truly a second 'stolen' election, what is the next course of action for patriots and freedom loving people?
go ahead and burn dem controlled sanctuary cities, i don't care. but,,,,,, wait, then our tax dollars will rebuild these shithole cities, just like our tax dollars bailed out the dem city's retired employee's benefit funds. i'm glad my parents aren't alive to see what the country they saved in wwII has become.

one bullet at a time
My man! 👍
So what is the plan moving forward should Harris win in November? If this is truly a second 'stolen' election, what is the next course of action for patriots and freedom loving people?
You asking us or them?

If they can steal a second straight 4 year election and get away with it again, what do you think their next move will be?
Likewise. I have this thought and share it often with others.

My Dad was a 19 year-old kid Army Air Corp P47 pilot who flew over the Normandy invasion and one of the few who flew over the Battle of the Bulge.
My tri-racial father once told me at age 16 the US Army was the only place he could get a job. His mother lied and said he was 17 and signed the document.
That would be the 40% of people between the two sides. They don't have to accept it or not accept it. They have to acknowledge it that's it. If they think the 20 to 30% are justified in thier actions then 20 to 30% is more than what you need. Dems have been changing the culture with only 5% of the population. Why because the majority of the comfortable think what they are doing they are doing in the name of justice. You and I know that's false. There is no justice in what they are doing only misery but they sell it on justice. After that the wizards first rule takes over.

Communism always sells equality and gives you misery in return because to achieve what they want, everyone has to be equally miserable which is achievable. Everyone being equally happy is not.
Communism sells Equity.

Equality is a noble goal, Equity removes the meritocracy and leads to nothing but suffering and pain.

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