An Honest Appraisal Of DJT’s Debate Performance

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
According to her it’s not so much that Harris won the debate as it was Trump constantly shooting himself in the foot. Harris may be a soulless buffoon, as I believe she is, but he’s no prize to clamor for. When you hear that as of 2024 the American empire is on the verge of collapse the upcoming presidential election can be used as primary evidence that the end is near. Really, is that the best political leadership this country can supply?

According to her it’s not so much that Harris won the debate as it was Trump constantly shooting himself in the foot. Harris may be a soulless buffoon, as I believe she is, but he’s no prize to clamor for. When you hear that as of 2024 the American empire is on the verge of collapse the upcoming presidential election can be used as primary evidence that the end is near. Really, is that the best political leadership this country can supply?

Trump represents a change from the poor corrupt leadership of the past 30 years. Regardless of how well he will govern or not is inconsequential as long he can drain the swamp to allow the exceptional American leadership of the past. The corruption in DC is killing America, and it needs to end. People are not fighting for Trump, they are fighting to get rid of corruption in their government, which most people understand is the problem in DC. The leadership behind Trump is very encouraging. Viveck, Vance, DeSantis, even RFK jr all represent what comes after Trump's presidency, but if you don't get Trump, you will have the same aristocratic mediocrity the last 30 years gave us. I would trade whatever Trump brings to get to the other side of that. He only has 4 years, that's it. I hope he realizes the most important thing he can do to bring a legacy that will last generations is to drain the swamp, and he will be free of any political hamstrings to do whatever needs to be done to accomplish that. American has a great amount of leadership it can bring to the world, but it can't do it until the old baby boomer aristocrats of today are gone for good.
Trump represents a change from the poor corrupt leadership of the past 30 years. Regardless of how well he will govern or not is inconsequential as long he can drain the swamp to allow the exceptional American leadership of the past. The corruption in DC is killing America, and it needs to end. People are not fighting for Trump, they are fighting to get rid of corruption in their government, which most people understand is the problem in DC. The leadership behind Trump is very encouraging. Viveck, Vance, DeSantis, even RFK jr all represent what comes after Trump's presidency, but if you don't get Trump, you will have the same aristocratic mediocrity the last 30 years gave us. I would trade whatever Trump brings to get to the other side of that. He only has 4 years, that's it. I hope he realizes the most important thing he can do to bring a legacy that will last generations is to drain the swamp, and he will be free of any political hamstrings to do whatever needs to be done to accomplish that. American has a great amount of leadership it can bring to the world, but it can't do it until the old baby boomer aristocrats of today are gone for good.
i wonder if you recognize the irony of your closing sentence. There is no one alive that represents “baby boomer aristocrats” as well as DJT. But I understand the sentiment in your reply, and agree with much of what you say, although I think it is more wishful thinking than reality. Trump is what he is, and what he is is a narcissist that has never cared about anything but himself. MAGA has never been anything to him but a method to put him in charge which further inflates his oversized ego. His notion of MAGA lit a fire under a substantial portion of the population because it comes so close to what this country needs. Yet he betrayed it from the day he took office. His “successes” for the most part were trivial and very short-lived. What’s most troubling to me is there are politicians out there who are true believers, who actually implement MAGA policies that are beneficial to the citizenry, Ron DeSantis comes instantly to mind, politicians who would have chewed Harris into pieces in debate, and would be leading in the polls by double digits at this point. But Trump’s ego couldn’t handle the competition. He set out to destroy people like DeSantis, and as a cult leader he was quite successful at it. So now we have a nail biter of an election coming up, all because for Donald Trump the only thing he values is himself.
i wonder if you recognize the irony of your closing sentence. There is no one alive that represents “baby boomer aristocrats” as well as DJT. But I understand the sentiment in your reply, and agree with much of what you say, although I think it is more wishful thinking than reality. Trump is what he is, and what he is is a narcissist that has never cared about anything but himself. MAGA has never been anything to him but a method to put him in charge which further inflates his oversized ego. His notion of MAGA lit a fire under a substantial portion of the population because it comes so close to what this country needs. Yet he betrayed it from the day he took office. His “successes” for the most part were trivial and very short-lived. What’s most troubling to me is there are politicians out there who are true believers, who actually implement MAGA policies that are beneficial to the citizenry, Ron DeSantis comes instantly to mind, politicians who would have chewed Harris into pieces in debate, and would be leading in the polls by double digits at this point. But Trump’s ego couldn’t handle the competition. He set out to destroy people like DeSantis, and as a cult leader he was quite successful at it. So now we have a nail biter of an election coming up, all because for Donald Trump the only thing he values is himself.
I do understand the irony of the selection, but irony is acceptable for what the goal is. I do understand that I'm dreaming, but an idea like this starts with a dream. He is the closest we have come to that dream in my lifetime, and for just a sliver of a chance to get it, I would walk over burning coals to get that chance. The founders had the same odds, and it didn't stop them. The fact that millions of people support MAGA should tell you that at least half of this country is willing to take that chance for just the hope of it. The founders had maybe 20% of the country backing them. Trump did not set out to destroy DeSantis, he set out to win. Republicans in Florida will say I like Trump, and I think DeSantis is equally as good, but today it's Trump, tomorrow is Vivek, vs DeSantis, vs Vance. The cream will rise when given a chance, that chance will not be possible, until the lawfare brought against Trump is fixed. What would happen to all three if the lawfare brought against Trump was turned on them? Trump is the key that opens that door, and the irony is the Democrats picked him with their lawfare.
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@Ponca Dan your error is that you continue to underestimate Kamala Harris. You have always underestimated her and she continues to prove you wrong. I've tried to get you to understand the truth about Harris, but for some reason, you continue to miss the boat as it relates to her.

Maybe one day you will wise up about her. You finally wised up about Kennedy Jr. and Gabbard. So there is still hope for you concerning Harris as well.
@Ponca Dan your error is that you continue to underestimate Kamala Harris. You have always underestimated her and she continues to prove you wrong. I've tried to get you to understand the truth about Harris, but for some reason, you continue to miss the boat as it relates to her.

Maybe one day you will wise up about her. You finally wised up about Kennedy Jr. and Gabbard. So there is still hope for you concerning Harris as well.
I can’t pretend I don’t see what I see. The woman is an empty vessel.
I can’t pretend I don’t see what I see. The woman is an empty vessel.
No she isn't. She is a very talented and smart woman who is also a skilled and disciplined politician. She is very close to becoming our first woman President. As I predicted years ago.

Again, maybe one day you will wake up on this as you have in regards to other politicians.
No she isn't. She is a very talented and smart woman who is also a skilled and disciplined politician. She is very close to becoming our first woman President. As I predicted years ago.

Again, maybe one day you will wake up on this as you have in regards to other politicians.
She only got where she is today by sucking the right cocks.
No she isn't. She is a very talented and smart woman who is also a skilled and disciplined politician. She is very close to becoming our first woman President. As I predicted years ago.

Again, maybe one day you will wake up on this as you have in regards to other politicians.
I’ll grant you that she’s extremely disciplined at memorizing what she’s told to say. When she called Biden a racist it was obvious she had practiced the line many times over. In the recent debate she avoided answering a question by talking about her middle class upbringing, clearly something she had practiced until she got it just right. A few days later in a one-on-one interview she again avoided answering a question by using nearly identical language. The woman is a soulless robot and will be disastrous to the country if she is president. She very well could become the person who presides over the demise of our republic. (And for the record I don’t think Donald Trump is much better.)
When she called Biden a racist it was obvious she had practiced the line many times over.
She never called Biden a racist. Not once.

In the recent debate she avoided answering a question by talking about her middle class upbringing, clearly something she had practiced until she got it just right.
I didn't see Harris avoid answering any question. With that said, you are attacking Harris for being prepared? Seriously?

Don't you want your President to be prepared? To be disciplined? Especially when she meets with other world leaders? What, you want her just to wing it? Look foolish and make absurd dangerous comments like Trump does? You think that is somehow better behavior from a President?

Do you want your employees to be prepared or not prepared when they come to work??

You aren't making much sense here Dan. Attacking someone for being prepared is rather strange.

She very well could become the person who presides over the demise of our republic.
She won't be. Our republic will be just fine with her as President, much better off and safer than if we let Trump be President again.
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She never called Biden a racist. Not once.

I didn't see Harris avoid answering any question. With that said, you are attacking Harris for being prepared? Seriously?

Don't you want your President to be prepared? To be disciplined? Especially when she meets with other world leaders? What, you want her just to wing it? Look foolish and make absurd dangerous comments like Trump does? You think that is somehow better behavior from a President?

Do you want your employees to be prepared or not prepared when they come to work??

You aren't making much sense here Dan. Attacking someone for being prepared is rather strange.

She won't be. Our republic will be just fine with her as President, much better off and safer than if we let Trump be President again.
I’m making sense, 2cents, to anyone who can see reality. The woman spent days, if not weeks, memorizing what someone wrote for her to say. And she repeats it word for word day after day. What she did not spend days, if not weeks, learning to do is articulate any policy she endorses. She lacks the intelligence for that. She will be at least as disastrous a president as has been her predecessor.
I’m making sense, 2cents, to anyone who can see reality.
No you aren't. You are faulting her for being prepared. For being disciplined. That makes no sense at all.

Yes, she was prepared for the debate Tuesday. She knew what she wanted to say and she said it. Prepared and disciplined. And that is why she won the debate and embarrassed Trump. Trump clearly wasn't as prepared as Harris nor was he as disciplined.

I want a President who is prepared and who is disciplined. Those are good qualities for a President to have. You attacking her for being prepared and disciplined is just strange.

What she did not spend days, if not weeks, learning to do is articulate any policy she endorses.
This is completely false.

Did you watch the debate? She articulated many of her policies all debate long. Trump, however, didn't. He rambled and talked about people eating dogs. When asked if he had a healthcare plan, he had to admit he didn't. He just had concepts lol.

She will be at least as disastrous a president as has been her predecessor.
Biden has not been a disastrous President. His presidency has been pretty good, much better than what we had under Trump for four years. As for Harris, I believe she will be a better President than Biden and definitely better than Trump.

It is clear you are going to continue to underestimate Harris. I've been right about Harris on this board for a while now. Just as I was right about Kennedy Jr. and Gabbard. You wised up about them, maybe you should start considering that I'm right about Harris too. Take a step back from your built-in presuppositions about her. You might be surprised what you discover.
No you aren't. You are faulting her for being prepared. For being disciplined. That makes no sense at all.

Yes, she was prepared for the debate Tuesday. She knew what she wanted to say and she said it. Prepared and disciplined. And that is why she won the debate and embarrassed Trump. Trump clearly wasn't as prepared as Harris nor was he as disciplined.

I want a President who is prepared and who is disciplined. Those are good qualities for a President to have. You attacking her for being prepared and disciplined is just strange.

This is completely false.

Did you watch the debate? She articulated many of her policies all debate long. Trump, however, didn't. He rambled and talked about people eating dogs. When asked if he had a healthcare plan, he had to admit he didn't. He just had concepts lol.

Biden has not been a disastrous President. His presidency has been pretty good, much better than what we had under Trump for four years. As for Harris, I believe she will be a better President than Biden and definitely better than Trump.

It is clear you are going to continue to underestimate Harris. I've been right about Harris on this board for a while now. Just as I was right about Kennedy Jr. and Gabbard. You wised up about them, maybe you should start considering that I'm right about Harris too. Take a step back from your built-in presuppositions about her. You might be surprised what you discover.
I did not fault her for being prepared. I credited her with having the discipline to memorize word for word what had been written for her by handlers that knew a question like that would be coming and had her repeat it over and over for several days, if not weeks, until she could say it in her sleep. That’s discipline that Donald Trump does not possess! And, yes, I agree she was well prepared to avoid actually articulating a coherent policy. The drawback on her “preparedness” is she dissolves into cackling word salads when she hasn’t practiced for days, if not weeks, words that others have written for her.

No, I did not watch the debate. My feeling of revulsion toward both candidates trumped any desire to listen to them. But I did check on this board shortly after it ended and recognized immediately that Trump lost badly. The Trump faithful were writing in shocked defensive fury, and the pro-Trump websites went into overdrive looking for excuses. I posted this link because I think it best interprets what happened, and it shows (unintentionally, I think) why Trump’s personality is not well suited to be president. And that’s what this thread is about, not Harris’ ineptitude. MacDonald, the author of the link, didn’t need to talk about that, it is evident for anyone with a clear mind to see.
I credited her with having the discipline to memorize word for word what had been written for her by handlers that knew a question like that would be coming and had her repeat it over and over for several days, if not weeks, until she could say it in her sleep.
I'm noticing a trend with you. You make this same claim for almost every Democrat, except those Democrats who end up not really being Democrats. You made this claim about Biden. You now are making it about Harris. You probably said the same thing about Obama.

You have no proof whatsoever that what you just claimed occurred. You are assuming the reason Harris is prepared and disciplined is because she is memorizing what she is told to say. When, btw, this is not what many of those who have worked with Harris say happens. Indeed, they say the complete opposite.

And, yes, I agree she was well prepared to avoid actually articulating a coherent policy.
But this isn't what occurred. Harris did articulate coherent polices in the debate and she has been articulating coherent policies for a while now.

I don't really understand how you can make this false claim when you didn't even watched the debate. Apparently, this is what you want to believe, even though it isn't true.

The drawback on her “preparedness” is she dissolves into cackling word salads when she hasn’t practiced for days, if not weeks, words that others have written for her.
This can and does happen to all politicians. Trump consistently dissolves into world saleds and insanely rambles on. He did this often in the debate, while Harris had no word salad moments.

not Harris’ ineptitude.

You just are going to keep doubling down with this nonsense aren't you?

So be it. Keep underestimating her and keep being wrong.
No you aren't. You are faulting her for being prepared. For being disciplined. That makes no sense at all.

Yes, she was prepared for the debate Tuesday. She knew what she wanted to say and she said it. Prepared and disciplined. And that is why she won the debate and embarrassed Trump. Trump clearly wasn't as prepared as Harris nor was he as disciplined.

I want a President who is prepared and who is disciplined. Those are good qualities for a President to have. You attacking her for being prepared and disciplined is just strange.

This is completely false.

Did you watch the debate? She articulated many of her policies all debate long. Trump, however, didn't. He rambled and talked about people eating dogs. When asked if he had a healthcare plan, he had to admit he didn't. He just had concepts lol.

Biden has not been a disastrous President. His presidency has been pretty good, much better than what we had under Trump for four years. As for Harris, I believe she will be a better President than Biden and definitely better than Trump.

It is clear you are going to continue to underestimate Harris. I've been right about Harris on this board for a while now. Just as I was right about Kennedy Jr. and Gabbard. You wised up about them, maybe you should start considering that I'm right about Harris too. Take a step back from your built-in presuppositions about her. You might be surprised what you discover.
2 wars and inflation causing 20% price increases are just two of a list of things that prove Biden has been a disaster.
2 wars and inflation causing 20% price increases are just two of a list of things that prove Biden has been a disaster.
Inflation is falling thanks in part to President Biden's response. And we are not fighting any wars. Biden got us out of a war, something Trump promised to do but didn't do, of course.
Inflation is falling thanks in part to President Biden's response. And we are not fighting any wars. Biden got us out of a war, something Trump promised to do but didn't do, of course.
What did Biden do to bring down inflation? What specific policy/policies did he implement that brought down inflation? Oh and everything cost 20% more than it did when he took office.
Oh and everything cost 20% more than it did when he took office.
Because we came out of a pandemic that Trump made worse. However, Biden and Harris responded to the inflation and inflation is now falling.

What did Biden do to bring down inflation? What specific policy/policies did he implement that brought down inflation?
Why do you ask the same questions over and over again? I've answered this for you before. Stop asking questions that have already been answered for you. Clearly, you aren't interested in accepting the answers or the truth.
I'm noticing a trend with you. You make this same claim for almost every Democrat, except those Democrats who end up not really being Democrats. You made this claim about Biden. You now are making it about Harris. You probably said the same thing about Obama.

You have no proof whatsoever that what you just claimed occurred. You are assuming the reason Harris is prepared and disciplined is because she is memorizing what she is told to say. When, btw, this is not what many of those who have worked with Harris say happens. Indeed, they say the complete opposite.

But this isn't what occurred. Harris did articulate coherent polices in the debate and she has been articulating coherent policies for a while now.

I don't really understand how you can make this false claim when you didn't even watched the debate. Apparently, this is what you want to believe, even though it isn't true.

This can and does happen to all politicians. Trump consistently dissolves into world saleds and insanely rambles on. He did this often in the debate, while Harris had no word salad moments.


You just are going to keep doubling down with this nonsense aren't you?

So be it. Keep underestimating her and keep being wrong.
In the link I posted, which you apparently have not read (but really ought to), Harris is quoted repeatedly, and Trump is shown being unable to respond because she suckered him into defending himself when it was not necessary. The man’s narcissistic thin skin has always been the way to get him to do what you want. Witness how the NeoCons tied him in knots while they neutered him for four years. As someone wrote on another thread she played him like a drum. But not one of her quotes involved articulating a policy. She is not capable of articulating anything that has not been pre-written for her and she has practiced saying multiple times. Look, I understand you hate Trump. I do, too. But for goodness sake that should not mean we should think Harris is something she clearly is not. The woman is void of independent thought. We both know it and you lose credibility when you pretend she is.
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The man’s narcissistic thin skin has always been the way to get him to do what you want.
I agree. And Harris did an excellent job exposing this dangerous weakness that Trump has. She showed how easy it is to bait and control Trump, which of course is what world leaders like Putin do. That is why dictators and countries that oppose the USA's interests want Trump to win.

Harris, as the disciplined and prepared politician that she is, came in with a plan and executed it perfectly.

But not one of her quotes involved articulating a policy.
But that article didn't give all her quotes from the debate. There were many times in the debate where she articulated her policies. Many times Dan.

Go watch the debate and you will see this.

The woman is void of independent thought. We both know it and you lose credibility when you pretend she is.
No we both don't know this because it isn't true. This is what you want to believe because you have always greatly underestimated Kamala Harris. Which is why you have consistently been wrong about her.

And as I posted earlier, this is a claim you repeatedly make about any Democrat you don't like. It is a trend with you.

Kamala Harris is a smart and talented leader who is very close to being the first woman President. The more you underestimate her, the more you lose credibility Dan.
Because we came out of a pandemic that Trump made worse. However, Biden and Harris responded to the inflation and inflation is now falling.

Why do you ask the same questions over and over again? I've answered this for you before. Stop asking questions that have already been answered for you. Clearly, you aren't interested in accepting the answers or the truth.

Oh Trump is responsible for the massive economy killing inflation experienced under the Biden Administration. Biden and the Democrats had nothing to do with it. SMFH
I agree. And Harris did an excellent job exposing this dangerous weakness that Trump has. She showed how easy it is to bait and control Trump, which of course is what world leaders like Putin do. That is why dictators and countries that oppose the USA's interests want Trump to win.

Harris, as the disciplined and prepared politician that she is, came in with a plan and executed it perfectly.

But that article didn't give all her quotes from the debate. There were many times in the debate where she articulated her policies. Many times Dan.

Go watch the debate and you will see this.

No we both don't know this because it isn't true. This is what you want to believe because you have always greatly underestimated Kamala Harris. Which is why you have consistently been wrong about her.

And as I posted earlier, this is a claim you repeatedly make about any Democrat you don't like. It is a trend with you.

Kamala Harris is a smart and talented leader who is very close to being the first woman President. The more you underestimate her, the more you lose credibility Dan.
Harris did an excellent job of exposing Trump’s thin skinned narcissism (as if no one has seen it before 🤨), and for me that is all the evidence I need to see to believe he is not psychologically/emotionally fit to be president. But I disagree with you on why someone like Putin might prefer him to Harris. Harris is an empty suit that would easily be filled with NeoCon rhetoric that very well could get us involved in a shooting match with Russia that could escalate quickly into a nuclear war. For all his faults - and they are many - I believe Trump would be resistant to such an endeavor attempted by NeoCons. (Israel is another story, however. I don’t think either candidate could refuse sending troops to Israel if the ADL, AIPAC and the NeoCons, along with their compliant media mouthpieces, forced his or her hand.). OTOH I believe Harris, like Hillary before her would have, would succumb to NeoCon pressure within weeks of assuming office, and would have our troops killing and dying all over the world.

As I said I can barely tolerate the sight or sound of either candidate, so I’m not going to watch a debate that lasts a couple of hours. You say she articulated specific policy proposals in the debate. Please identify four or five of those times and specifics.

I think my estimate of Kamala Harris hits the nail
on the head, as has my estimate of Joe Biden. I did not doubt the intelligence of Obama or Bill Clinton, so your assumption is in error on that account. If it makes you feel any better I also doubt Trump’s intelligence. Maybe not as much as Biden or Harris, but he’s no intellectual jewell. I doubt any one of the three, Biden, Harris or Trump, has read a book of substance in 25 years.
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2 wars and inflation causing 20% price increases are just two of a list of things that prove Biden has been a disaster.

Oh Trump is responsible for the massive economy killing inflation experienced under the Biden Administration. Biden and the Democrats had nothing to do with it. SMFH
Biden threw out Trump's energy policies on day one. I've paid more than a buck more for gasoline ever since we got this illegitimate stiff in office. My Planters redskin legumes are up 30 cents a can. I'm paying the highest electricity rates in my life because of the Brandon-Kumula disaster. I could write a book.

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