The left on this forum

Great, the leftist claims are not valid. The GDP of 6.9% is a red herring as I stated. Inflation remains at 7% dumbass.

"The figures are adjusted for inflation. GDP got a big lift at the end of last year from frantic efforts by businesses to restock barren shelves and warehouses in time for the holiday season. ... Aided by massive government stimulus spending, GDP increased by 5.7% for the full year."
Another own goal. So much fun when you step on the pitch.
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100 percent Libturd policies create inflation, crime, division et al- there's literally NOTHING a leftist touches that doesn't turn hard and quick for the worst.

There I've summed up in total this whole thread- y'all are welcome.

As I've said if the left disappeared - the country would improve 90 percent OVERNIGHT- these morons were NEVER meant to be in charge of anything- the global leftists
just put these idiotS into place to kill the country- not just this country- EU countries, Canada, Australia et all say hold my beer. They have been taken over by the global left ahead of us.

Keep in mind I'm not partisan- George Bish was an evil POS joke of a human- most republicans are sold out greed whore squishes or they've been blackmailed.m but they are selfish beings.

But the Left was only supposed to be the angry, inferiority complex minority who just cries all the time being thorns in the rest of us....NEVER meant to be in charge of ANYTHING!!

When they got installed in fraud elections they are now running the countries into the ground. Our biggest weakness is Tolerance- we sit here and think these scum bags actually get to do what they're doing without us stopping them as our country turns into shit.

As Rush said- there's nothing the left touches it doesn't ruin.

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