The left just launched a new attack on Trump, you won't believe this one

Oct 31, 2022
they claim he's banging Laura Loomer:

So to review: Prior to this, the left claimed we couldn't vote for Trump cause he was TOO OLD to run the country. Now they are claiming we can't vote for Trump cause he's YOUNG ENOUGH to BANG 30 year olds???

Slick Willy can only look on and think 'My dawg..."

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“which included racist remarks about Harris’ Indian ancestry if she won the Nov. 5 election, including “the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center.””

That’s a Norman Lear level of funny. Only a namby-pamby twat would cry RaCiSm!!!!!!
they claim he's banging Laura Loomer:

So to review: Prior to this, the left claimed we couldn't vote for Trump cause he was TOO OLD to run the country. Now they are claiming we can't vote for Trump cause he's YOUNG ENOUGH to BANG 30 year olds???

Slick Willy can only look on and think 'My dawg..."


they claim he's banging Laura Loomer:

So to review: Prior to this, the left claimed we couldn't vote for Trump cause he was TOO OLD to run the country. Now they are claiming we can't vote for Trump cause he's YOUNG ENOUGH to BANG 30 year olds???

Slick Willy can only look on and think 'My dawg..."

Maher and his ilk face the gallows if Trump returns to the presidency. They have absolutely nothing to lose at this point. Don't expect this to be the lowest in their bag.
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Laura has gone mainstream.

So let's review: Laura constantly reports on stories that makes the left look bad. IE, she tells a truth that the MSM refuses to cover.

Apparently, the final straw was when Laura mocked Kamala for adopting a fake accent based on the group she's speaking to.

So the left goes ALL IN on attacking Laura. In print, online, on Air.

Suddenly, everyone in America knows who Laura Loomer is.

If the left would have just kept their mouths shut, Laura gets no attention. But true to their fascist roots, they cannot STAND when anyone tells the truth about them.

So in trying to stop Laura, they made her more popular than she's ever been. She is now making a shitton of money off the left.

They never learn. People like Laura and Trump take their hate and leverage it for their own good. It's amazing to see.
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Which is definitely not good news for Trump.

Civil war is also breaking out in Trump world.

But as usual, you don't get it. You will soon enough though.
MTG is not in Trump's world LOL She's in your camp and always has been.

Maybe next she can go on Tim Pool's show and bash Laura. Then that we be DOUBLE Trumpers going against a Trumper lol
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MTG is not in Trump's world LOL She's in your camp and always has been.

So MTG is now a Democrat? She is now a RINO?


This has to be the craziest comment I've read on this board in a while.

You have completely lost it. Seriously man, are you ok?
Gullible conspiracy believing nuts the grand ol party has become.
Yeah, they have lost their minds. The Republican Party is not the party it used to be. No where close.

And now these nuts are trying to claim MTG is a Democrat! lol 🤣🤣

Tough week for them, clearly.
Fits my narrative and Trump believes it, so it has to be true.
Trump doesn't believe it. He knows it is a lie. Trump just knows his supporters will believe anything he says and he knows this particular lie appeals to their racism and hate. It is also helps Trump push his brand of fear.

Trump is a disgusting demagogue. Always has been.
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