The IDF Murders An American

No tears from me. You F around, you find out.

I won’t shed a single tear over a dead activist anywhere online or physical world - who supports Hamas terrorists and hates Jews.
I believe you. I believe you are simple minded enough to think anyone who opposes Israel’s mass murder campaign does so because they support Hamas and hate Jews.
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But she had it coming I’m sure.

This is very troubling and should be immediately investigated by our government and the Israeli government. If it is true that this woman posed no threat to Israeli soldiers and was just peacefully protesting, our government should demand an immediate answer from the Israeli government of why they believe this is a justifiable action.

This isn't just because this was an American citizen. But because this appears to be a pattern. A thirteen year old Palestinian girl was also killed on Friday by Israeli soldiers.

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Now you're catching on. The callous glee of the the leftist response to Ashili's savage murder by the BLM Capitol cop is exactly why you see the responses you quoted.
Again, do you have the same opinion of Ashli Babbitt's death too?

@22LR you can answer anytime too, instead of hiding behind a reaction button lol!
Again, do you have the same opinion of Ashli Babbitt's death too?

@22LR you can answer anytime too, instead of hiding behind a reaction button lol!

What does Babbit have to do with anything. Are you drunk?

I won’t shed a single tear over a dead activist anywhere online or physical world - who supports Hamas terrorists and hates Jews.
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What does Babbit have to do with anything.
You know exactly what I'm getting at, that is why you are now dodging answering the question lol!

So, once again, do you have the same opinion of Ashli Babbitt's death too?
You know exactly what I'm getting at, that is why you are now dodging answering the question lol!

So, once again, do you have the same opinion of Ashli Babbitt's death too?

You’re out of your mind.
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So another dodge and refusal to answer the question. Par for the course for you.

Point has been made though.👍

Watching college football with friends on a Saturday night instead of wasting time on a message board isn't a dodge. It's called "having something better to do".

Regarding a sniper shooting a girl, let me offer a quote by @Ponca Dan, reasoning that even he doesn't practice what he preaches;

You’ve bought into the very left wing very collectivist attitude that individuals behave as a collective without individual behavior. It’s a frivolous way of looking at things, but, oh well, you’re a frivolous guy so it comes as no surprise.

Regarding the Ashli Babbitt shooting, you've made no point. Zero. You are faulting the apple for not tasting like an orange. There is no connection between the two stories. None.

You support the Hamas terrorist's side of the war, conveniently ignoring what happened October 7. I support Israel's defensive stance and mission to safeguard their people and their nation from future attacks. Breaking news: You and I are at an impasse.

Now, take your mutated leftist brain to some other thread and be a collectivist failure there too. You're good at that.
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Watching college football with friends on a Saturday night instead of wasting time on a message board isn't a dodge. It's called "having something better to do".

Regarding a sniper shooting a girl, let me offer a quote by @Ponca Dan, reasoning that even he doesn't practice what he preaches;

Regarding the Ashli Babbitt shooting, you've made no point. Zero. You are faulting the apple for not tasting like an orange. There is no connection between the two stories. None.

You support the Hamas terrorist's side of the war, conveniently ignoring what happened October 7. I support Israel's defensive stance and mission to safeguard their people and their nation from future attacks. Breaking news: You and I are at an impasse.

Now, take your mutated leftist brain to some other thread and be a collectivist failure there too. You're good at that.
In the January riot that resulted in Ashli Babbitt’s murder, which it appears you condone (certainly our friend, @2012Bearcat, has made clear he condones it), in your opinion would it have been appropriate for the US Army to have set up snipers to shoot non-violent protesters in the head, not those who invaded the capitol building, but those that attended the rally and marched toward the building but stopped short, as was done to the American girl who was shot in the head as she non-violently protested the savagery of Israel toward residents in the West Bank? I believe that is what @my_2cents is trying to elicit from you. And he is correct to point out your cowardly reluctance to admit for the record that the principle is the same.
In the January riot that resulted in Ashli Babbitt’s murder, which it appears you condone (certainly our friend, @2012Bearcat, has made clear he condones it), in your opinion would it have been appropriate for the US Army to have set up snipers to shoot non-violent protesters in the head, not those who invaded the capitol building, but those that attended the rally and marched toward the building but stopped short, as was done to the American girl who was shot in the head as she non-violently protested the savagery of Israel toward residents in the West Bank? I believe that is what @my_2cents is trying to elicit from you. And he is correct to point out your cowardly reluctance to admit for the record that the principle is the same.

Why is it so hard for people to understand their actions have consequences and those consequences can sometimes be disastrous?
I do not support the shooting of Babbitt but I do blame her for putting herself in a situation where she could be shot and killed. The lack of self responsibility in this country is almost non existent.
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Regarding a sniper shooting a girl, let me offer a quote by @Ponca Dan, reasoning that even he doesn't practice what he preaches;
This isn't true at all. I'm talking about individuals, not the collective. I'm referencing an individual American citizen killed. I'm referencing an individual thirteen-year-old girl killed. And I'm asking you about an individual woman on January 6.

You are the one making assumptions about the individuals killed by the Israeli government and trying to claim they are collectively the same as "terrorists." You are the one employing a collectivist viewpoint at the moment lol.

You support the Hamas terrorist's side of the war,
No I don't. Not at all.

One can be critical of actions committed by the Israeli government without being a supporter of Hamas.

I support Israel's defensive stance and mission to safeguard their people and their nation from future attacks.
Does this include killing an innocent thirteen-year-old old girl? Or other innocent women and children?

Answer these questions please and don't dodge them as you did the Babbitt question.

Regarding the Ashli Babbitt shooting, you've made no point. Zero. You are faulting the apple for not tasting like an orange. There is no connection between the two stories. None.
Sure there is. Trump cultists have claimed Babbitt was murder unjustly on January 6.
That she was innocent and unarmed and should not have been shot because she posed no threat. Others disagree with this and some have even made the same comments about her that you made about the American citizen killed by the Israeli government.

So there is a clear connection here. And I'm asking you to now give us your viewpoint of Ashli Babbitt's death.

Are there "no tears from" you about Babbitt? Did she "F around and find out"? Do you have the same opinion of Ashli Babbitt's death too?

Stop dodging and answer the question.
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Why is it so hard for people to understand their actions have consequences and those consequences can sometimes be disastrous?
I have no problem understanding this. And it is true.

However, the consequence to opening a window as a thirteen-year-old girl shouldn't be death. The consequence of protesting peacefully shouldn't be death. Are you claiming these are valid consequences to such actions?

I do not support the shooting of Babbitt but I do blame her for putting herself in a situation where she could be shot and killed.
Yes, Babbitt was involved in an attack on our nation's Capitol. She was breaking the law. Her death, while unfortunate, was not unjust. The law enforcement officer who shot her was justified.

However, how is it justifiable to shoot a thirteen-year-old old girl opening a window? How is it justifiable to shoot a woman who is simply protesting if that woman isn't violent and doesn't represents a serious threat to someone? How can you claim these two actions are justifiable Bearcat? And, how does actions like this by the Israeli government bring about peace peace instead of just making the situation even worse?
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Why is it so hard for people to understand their actions have consequences and those consequences can sometimes be disastrous?
I do not support the shooting of Babbitt but I do blame her for putting herself in a situation where she could be shot and killed. The lack of self responsibility in this country is almost non existent.
Got it. In other words Ashli shot herself to death.
I have no problem understanding this. And it is true.

However, the consequence to opening a window as a thirteen-year-old girl shouldn't be death. The consequence of protesting peacefully shouldn't be death. Are you claiming these are valid consequences to such actions?

Yes, Babbitt was involved in an attack on our nation's Capitol. She was breaking the law. Her death, while unfortunate, was not unjust. The law enforcement officer who shot her was justified.

However, how is it justifiable to shoot a thirteen-year-old old girl opening a window? How is it justifiable to shoot a woman who is simply protesting if that woman isn't violent and doesn't represents a serious threat to someone? How can you claim these two actions are justifiable Bearcat? And, how does actions like this by the Israeli government bring about peace peace instead of just making the situation even worse?
Naturally you ignore the fact the actions of parents and the leaders they elect have consequences on children. Hell you and your kind are just as responsible for the deaths in Gaza as anyone. You installed a cognitively impaired corrupt moron in the White House who allowed Iran the ability to fund Hamas and all the other terrorist groups causing havoc around the world. Because of your politics you supported the deaths of hundreds of thousands in both Gaza and Ukraine. You should be hiding your head in shame, instead you hold your head proudly and blame everyone else for your own stupidity.
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Naturally you ignore the fact the actions of parents and the leaders they elect have consequences on children.
What actions from her parents justified her death? Because they are Palestinians and not Jewish? Because they are forced to live where they live?

And don't start claiming they are terrorists or support Hamas. You don't know that is true. That would be assumptions on your part.

The thirteen-year-old girl was opening a window Bearcat. Why are you defending this?

Hell you and your kind are just as responsible for the deaths in Gaza as anyone. You installed a cognitively impaired corrupt moron in the White House who allowed Iran the ability to fund Hamas and all the other terrorist groups causing havoc around the world. Because of your politics you supported the deaths of hundreds of thousands in both Gaza and Ukraine. You should be hiding your head in shame, instead you hold your head proudly and blame everyone else for your own stupidity.
None of this is true and is just nothing but deflection. You also ignore what Trump did to make all of this worse. Stop trying to distract away from the real topic here.

It is flat out disgraceful that you can't bring yourself to condemn the killing of innocent women and children. You can do so and still believe that Israel has a right to exist and that we should support Israel. It is like you believe you have to defend everything the Israeli government does, regardless of how clearly wrong it is.

Makes zero sense.
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What actions from her parents justified her death? Because they are Palestinians and not Jewish? Because they are forced to live where they live?

And don't start claiming they are terrorists or support Hamas. You don't know that is true. That would be assumptions on your part.

The thirteen-year-old girl was opening a window Bearcat. Why are you defending this?

None of this is true and is just nothing but deflection. You also ignore what Trump did to make all of this worse. Stop trying to distract away from the real topic here.

It is flat out disgraceful that you can't bring yourself to condemn the killing of innocent women and children. You can do so and still believe that Israel has a right to exist and that we should support Israel. It is like you believe you have to defend everything the Israeli government does, regardless of how clearly wrong it is.

Makes zero sense.
Just as your actions of supporting a corrupt cognitively impaired moron in Biden have had disastrous consequences for all of us in the US and the world. I didn't support Biden, in fact adamantly opposed that POS yet I, like everyone else is suffering from the consequences of your stupidity in the form of higher prices on everything, higher interest rates and the threat of a recession not to mention WWIII.
Just as your actions of supporting a corrupt cognitively impaired moron in Biden have had disastrous consequences for all of us in the US and the world. I didn't support Biden, in fact adamantly opposed that POS yet I, like everyone else is suffering from the consequences of your stupidity in the form of higher prices on everything, higher interest rates and the threat of a recession not to mention WWIII.
For once in your life stop deflecting and just come right out and say you have no problem with Israel murdering innocent people, particularly women and children, because in your mind there is nothing Israel can do that is immoral or wrong, even including war crimes. In your mind Israel is completely blameless no matter what it does. Just be a man (you’re always bragging about how manly you are) and say it.
Just as your actions of supporting a corrupt cognitively impaired moron in Biden have had disastrous consequences for all of us in the US and the world. I didn't support Biden, in fact adamantly opposed that POS yet I, like everyone else is suffering from the consequences of your stupidity in the form of higher prices on everything, higher interest rates and the threat of a recession not to mention WWIII.
Stop deflecting lol.

Once again, what actions from her parents justified her death? Because they are Palestinians and not Jewish? Because they are forced to live where they live?

Why can't you just admit that killing innocent women and children is wrong and doesn't help Israel at all?

Is Dan right, is Israeli completely blameless in your mind?
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For once in your life stop deflecting and just come right out and say you have no problem with Israel murdering innocent people, particularly women and children, because in your mind there is nothing Israel can do that is immoral or wrong, even including war crimes. In your mind Israel is completely blameless no matter what it does. Just be a man (you’re always bragging about how manly you are) and say it.

Causalities of war. Don't want your people to suffer the causalities of war, don't start one. Oh that's right, Hamas and the rest of the radical Muslims view their civilians as their useful idiots, why would they give a shit. Oh well Sinwar loves you, so at least you have that going for you.
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Causalities of war.
So you have no problem with innocent women and children's being murdered by the Israeli government, is this correct? You think this will bring about peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and less suffering?
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So you have no problem with innocent women and children's being murdered by the Israeli government, is this correct? You think this will bring about peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and less suffering?
LMAO, did Hamas have a problem murdering innocent Jewish women and children? Sorry but there is a war going on, civilians are going to die. Maybe that's a good reason not to start a war.
LMAO, did Hamas have a problem murdering innocent Jewish women and children? Sorry but there is a war going on, civilians are going to die. Maybe that's a good reason not to start a war.
I'm not asking about Hamas! I'm asking about the Israeli government. Stop deflecting.

(With that said, I would note, you think it is wrong for Hamas to kill innocent women and children. Why do you also not think it is wrong.for the Israeli government to do the same?)

I think it is wrong for Hamas to kill innocent women and children..I also think it is wrong for the Israeli government to kill women and children. Do you agree with this? Or do you have no problem with the death of innocents when Israel does it?
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I'm not asking about Hamas! I'm asking about the Israeli government. Stop deflecting.

(With that said, I would note, you think it is wrong for Hamas to kill innocent women and children. Why do you also not think it is wrong.for the Israeli government to do the same?)

I think it is wrong for Hamas to kill innocent women and children..I also think it is wrong for the Israeli government to kill women and children. Do you agree with this? Or do you have no problem with the death of innocents when Israel does it?
I think Israel has every right to conduct a war against Hamas after the attack on October 7th. Sadly civilians are often killed in war. If the Palestinians want the war to stop they need to surrender and stop supporting Hamas. The opportunity to stop the war and the deaths of civilians lies solely on the shoulders of the Palestinians as Israel has said they will not stop until Hamas is no longer. I agree with Israel.

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