The Grassley Memo

That’s it?

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Not a word on CNN or any of the other lib sites I've perused (Salon, Vox).

Any guess on what the buzzword will be when this is spun?
This quote, from the person who created their road map.


otard isn't smart enough to be an ideologue

he's a demagogue and the constitution is something that is just in the way to his kind
otard isn't smart enough to be an ideologue

he's a demagogue and the constitution is something that is just in the way to his kind

I disagree, he’s definitely smart.

But Valerie Jarrett is the true brains of his inner circle.

Obama made no decisions without VJ, ever.

VJ even moved into O’s house in DC after the election.

Expect to start hearing VJ’s name in the coming weeks and months.
I disagree, he’s definitely smart.

But Valerie Jarrett is the true brains of his inner circle.

Obama made no decisions without VJ, ever.

VJ even moved into O’s house in DC after the election.

Expect to start hearing VJ’s name in the coming weeks and months.

otard coursed thru a cesspool of career advancing, power consolidating,
invertebrate matter under the guise of
identity politics.
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Gotta love the libtard in here

“Why does the dossier matter?”

Because the pussy hats in the DOJ/FBI NSD used it as the main justification for a title 1 warrant and renewal knowing it was “salacious and unverified”

Pussyhat Comey’s words not mine

Yet Pussyhat Comey signed off on it anyway.

He perjured himself and anyone else who knew the same did as well.

Pussyhats Rosenstein, Yates, McCabe etc.

More more inportantly regarding the dossier

Are the informants

Steele doesn’t matter

We now know that the Abominable BO State Department was feeding some of the “unverified and salacious”

Again Pussyhat Comey’s words not mine

To Steele.

And where were they getting some of Pussyhat C’s “unverified and salacious” information?

Well, from Clinton buddies directly.

People like Pussyhat Blumenthal.

Then we see more Pussyhat lovers texts only to find out that Pussyhat C had to brief Abominable BO on everything.

Now let’s add in the foreign source mentioned.

GCHQ is likely and they don’t get to spy on Trump without Abominable BO’s knowledge.

We can only imagine the libtard outrage had Booby Bush’s admin done this to Abominable BO.

Keep your blinders on yards.

It’ll make relishing in your tears all that much better.

Biggest political scandal and attempted coverup in US history coming down the pipeline.

They thought Crooked Cankles would win and it’d never see the light of day.

Admiral Rogers deserves a medal.
How many people have been removed/reassigned/retired/demoted that steered this ship?

Somebody has to roll over to save their skin.
Looks like some of the rats are self reporting to blunt what may happen to them next.

I'm not claiming this to be fact, just my spit balling based on available information, but it sure looks like the Russian dossier likely contained bullshit information made up by Cody Shearer, an activist/"journalist" friend of the Clintons, and good ol Sid Blumenthal that was fed to Steele through Winer.

Now, why would that information have been fed to Steele via the State Department instead of being directly reported to the FBI? My money is on it being done that way to attempt to put credibility into Clinton lackey-provided bullshit because had the actual sources of it been known, nobody would have given it any credibility, including the FISC.
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