Oh say what you want but only independent thought will bring you to the conclusion that the current admin is one of the most currupt in history.
If Hillory gets elected it is also evident that she and those around her are so corrupt that her admin will make the current one look like one of the most honest in comparison.
Again look at the history of 3rd parties in the US and again when has the libertarian party actually put forth a decent candidate.
Now i said if you Felt that you should actually go the 3rd party route you should start a completely new one. Do you have a problem with that or are you just so tied to the current one that you can't even think of that option.
Only independent thought can bring you to your conclusion that voting between/for either the crazy douche or the corrupt turd is the only way to go? That there are no other viable options no matter what you're trying to accomplish in your voting decision. Lol. Keep telling yourself that choosing between the shitshow candidates offered by the two ruling parties constitutes independent thought. It doesn't though.
You don't really understand ballot access law, do you? You don't really understand that who ends up President isn't the only issue in Presidential voting decisions, do you? You really don't understand how the electoral college works, do you?
You know that in Oklahoma, Trump's getting our electoral votes....right? Oklahoma hasn't gone Democrat for President since Johnson...and that's the only time since 1948. Given those facts, voting in Oklahoma....the only vote that gets ANYTHING done for me....the only one that isn't wasted...is a vote for continued third party ballot access at local, state, and national levels...by voting libertarian.
Start my own third party? Herp to the derp. The Libertarian party...including myself....went through the highly onerous petition process to get on the ballot in Oklahoma this year. To stay, we need 2.5% of the Presidential votes. If they stay on the ballot as an officially recognized party, there will be more local and state opportunities for true "independent thinkers" to run.
How about this. You vote for the crazy douche because you're scared of the corrupt turd being president. I'll vote for the idiot that has no chance of becoming President this year because I want more options at the state and local level. Trump will win Oklahoma's electoral votes, but probably lose the election as a whole. We'll all call it good.
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