The establishment desperation


I'm decent with words, but there aren't words descriptive enough to describe how pathetic that is.
Well, I agree it sounds pretty pathetic, especially the protectUS part. But, in their defense, they all probably actually do believe Donald Trump as President would be a bad thing for the U.S. And they also believe he'll lose to Hillary.

No doubt you are correct. If the opponents of Trump would articulate the reasons for concern more effectively, they may have more traction. As is, it sounds like a bunch of whining. Has sounded that way for months.

No doubt you are correct. If the opponents of Trump would articulate the reasons for concern more effectively, they may have more traction. As is, it sounds like a bunch of whining. Has sounded that way for months.

I'm not disagreeing with the whining, but I doubt "articulation" would lead to better traction since Trump masterfully plays the media as pawns and the media is too stupid to "get it". Besides, "anything Donald", no matter how bogus/offensive it may be, is acceptable/celebrated by his lemmings.

I think the media whores want him as nominee just for ratings and to ensure Hillary's victory. NFW he beats her after the media gets through with all his skeletons.
JimmyBob, I 100% agree that the media hasn't sufficiently performed their typical "R" due diligence.

I'm split on how I think this will all unfold though.
Now they're saying the Koch brothers are pushing Romney to enter the race should Rubio falter. Romney's already proven he won't fight the democrats.
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I'm not disagreeing with the whining, but I doubt "articulation" would lead to better traction since Trump masterfully plays the media as pawns and the media is too stupid to "get it". Besides, "anything Donald", no matter how bogus/offensive it may be, is acceptable/celebrated by his lemmings.

I think the media whores want him as nominee just for ratings and to ensure Hillary's victory. NFW he beats her after the media gets through with all his skeletons.

I think they know he's playing them like a fiddle. Their arrogance and assumed intellectual superiority just won't allow them to let it go, so they feel compelled to speak.
JimmyBob, I 100% agree that the media hasn't sufficiently performed their typical "R" due diligence.

I'm split on how I think this will all unfold though.

The last friend of Trump as the nominee will be the media; the unfolding has already occurred.
Now they're saying the Kock brothers are pushing Romney to enter the race should Rubio falter. Romney's already proven he won't fight the democrats.

Good gawd, there aren't enough nuts for the squirrels, or is it squirrels for the nuts? He did his best Jerry Jeff imitation of "Pissin' in the Wind" last election.

Maybe the R's need to start a social media campaign: Select-a-turd for your punchbowl and we'll guarantee the most pungent/non-electable POS available.
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I'm not disagreeing with the whining, but I doubt "articulation" would lead to better traction since Trump masterfully plays the media as pawns and the media is too stupid to "get it". Besides, "anything Donald", no matter how bogus/offensive it may be, is acceptable/celebrated by his lemmings.

I think the media whores want him as nominee just for ratings and to ensure Hillary's victory. NFW he beats her after the media gets through with all his skeletons.

I think it's crazy to assume he will lose to Hillary. This election could well become more about establishment vs outsider than liberal vs conservative - which are ridiculous outdated labels.
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I think it's crazy to assume he will lose to Hillary.
Why is it crazy to assume that, as of today? Hillary currently has a 2.8% advantage over Trump nationally in a head-to-head matchup (per RCP). Sanders' margin over Trump is 6%. Doesn't seem crazy to me at all to expect Trump to lose in the general election.

This election could well become more about establishment vs outsider
What does this even mean? I'm honestly asking you, Mega, because different posters on this board and different people around the country seem to have different thoughts about what "establishment" means. So, what does "establishment" mean to you?
Rubio showed in the last debate how Hillary will defeat Trump. Both Hillary and Trump have skeletons, which candidate's skeletons do you think will be run 24/7 on the news? His business success will be shown to be overstated, he hired illegals, bought politicians, and declared bankruptcy screwing over creditors multiple times. Trump is establishment in every sense of the word. I promise you the Clintons have nuclear missiles ready to launch against Trump should he be the nominee.

I remember the optimism on this board in 2012 that Romney would defeat Obama and this Trump beating Hillary has the same feel. The Republican Party is divided and if Trump is the nominee it will stay that way. The Democrats will unite behind Hillary and she will be the next President.
Rubio showed in the last debate how Hillary will defeat Trump. Both Hillary and Trump have skeletons, which candidate's skeletons do you think will be run 24/7 on the news? His business success will be shown to be overstated, he hired illegals, bought politicians, and declared bankruptcy screwing over creditors multiple times. Trump is establishment in every sense of the word. I promise you the Clintons have nuclear missiles ready to launch against Trump should he be the nominee.

I remember the optimism on this board in 2012 that Romney would defeat Obama and this Trump beating Hillary has the same feel. The Republican Party is divided and if Trump is the nominee it will stay that way. The Democrats will unite behind Hillary and she will be the next President.

"His business success will be shown to be overstated, he hired illegals, bought politicians, and declared bankruptcy screwing over creditors multiple times."

not that there is anything wrong with that!!!
Why is it crazy to assume that, as of today? Hillary currently has a 2.8% advantage over Trump nationally in a head-to-head matchup (per RCP). Sanders' margin over Trump is 6%. Doesn't seem crazy to me at all to expect Trump to lose in the general election.

What does this even mean? I'm honestly asking you, Mega, because different posters on this board and different people around the country seem to have different thoughts about what "establishment" means. So, what does "establishment" mean to you?

I'm not a a trump guy, but the guy has dominated everything the GOP can throw at him. Clinton is more of the same. He will do to her what he did to Jeb in debates and she won't be agile enough to counter. He's been underestimated since day 1 and continues to be vs Clinton which seems like low hanging fruit honestly. Also not every prediction has him losing to her. Here is a statistical model that puts his chance of beating her around 97%

I'll explain establishment later.
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What does this even mean? I'm honestly asking you, Mega, because different posters on this board and different people around the country seem to have different thoughts about what "establishment" means. So, what does "establishment" mean to you?

I'm linking an article. It's falsely attributed to Bill Bennett and is making the chain mail rounds. It's obviously pro trump and over the top and reads like something Alex Jones or a midnight guest on Coast to Coast would say - darkly predicting the "establishment" would take him out. It's silly in this regard. However... It actually does kind of paint a picture of the cabal that is the establishment.

It paints Trump as a crusading hero vs the establishment which is at best optimistic, and at worst, letting an even bigger threat into the room. BUT it does describe some real establishment dynamics imo.

Again - snopes verified, this is not written by Bill Bennett but parts of it do address - in my opinion - what is the establishment.
I love seeing so much republican butt hurt.

You did this to yourselves.
It's "butt hurt" to suggest that Trump would make a lousy President? Or that he's likely to lose? Ok.

I've agreed the Republicans sincerely deserve what's happening. But, I find it hilarious that you refer to others as "sheeple" when you've so obviously bought into Trump as the Pied Piper, overlooking copious statements he's previously made that are completely contrary to his current positions.

He's about as far from libertarian as a candidate could get without being full Bernie socialist.
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It's "butt hurt" to suggest that Trump would make a lousy President? Or that he's likely to lose? Ok.

I've agreed the Republicans sincerely deserve what's happening. But, I find it hilarious that you refer to others as "sheeple" when you've do obviously bought into Trump as the Pied Piper, overlooking copious state,mets he's previously made that are completely contrary to his current positions.

He's about as far from libertarian as a candidate could get without being full Bernie socialist.
I have no candidate. If I'm going to ever get my candidate, the party needs to blow up.
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I'm linking an article. It's falsely attributed to Bill Bennett and is making the chain mail rounds. It's obviously pro trump and over the top and reads like something Alex Jones or a midnight guest on Coast to Coast would say - darkly predicting the "establishment" would take him out. It's silly in this regard. However... It actually does kind of paint a picture of the cabal that is the establishment.

It paints Trump as a crusading hero vs the establishment which is at best optimistic, and at worst, letting an even bigger threat into the room. BUT it does describe some real establishment dynamics imo.

Again - snopes verified, this is not written by Bill Bennett but parts of it do address - in my opinion - what is the establishment.
So to you, "establishment" means someone that has connections to many lobbyists in Washington and enriches them via legislative action/contracts? Am I interpreting that right?

In terms of enriching affiliates via legislation or the awarding of government contacts, I have zero faith that Trump would be any different than any other candidate.
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So to you, "establishment" means someone that has connections to many lobbyists in Washington and enriches them via legislative action/contracts? Am I interpreting that right?

In terms of enriching affiliates via legislation or the awarding of government contacts, I have zero faith that Trump would be any different than any other candidate.

I think basically I am saying there is a statist machine of elite corporate influence and career politicians which in many ways is party-neutral and is anything but representative of the electorate. They manage the electorate instead of the other way around.

Obviously Trump could be part of the same problem, just might be the ultimate lobbyist who is cutting out the middle man by becoming the chief executive himself. But, it is pretty clear the GOP and DNC hate him with equal passion, which I'm not going to lie - endears him to me somewhat.

The GOP race is basically over. And I can't imagine Hillary not getting destroyed by him on debate stage after debate stage. Yeah, the media and dems have played softball with him so far by holding back all available negative stories and gotchas, but I think they are making the same mistake Rubio did. He waited until this week to show a pulse and attack Trump. Too late, and his momentum from the last debate was lost as soon as the Christie endorsement came out the next day.

I just think anyone who underestimates his ability to adapt to and win this game is going to be surprised. I have no idea if he will be more good than bad, but my money is on it actually happening. He is a pandora's box, and it's being opened right before our eyes.
Which party? You're an independent. You've touted Trump like no other.
I was a republican at one time. I want it blown up. It almost happened with the tea party movement, until that was hijacked by the establishment.
I think basically I am saying there is a statist machine of elite corporate influence and career politicians which in many ways is party-neutral and is anything but representative of the electorate. They manage the electorate instead of the other way around.

This should be quoted in a magazine. Couldn't have said it better.
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Establishment = impeach everybody from the other side, openly blackball anything that you do not control (ie supreme court justice), talk about how awful the country is economically then inexplicably focus on issues that the vast majority of the electorate does not care much about (PP, gay marriage, etc) that have zero benefit on what they are complaining about. Then, get their asses kicked in the election...again...and have the same dumbfounded expressions of "how did this happen." The establishment GOP just has this attitude of taking their ball and going home when they don't get their way.

As mega said, it is fairly party neutral, but that wraps up the GOP establishment as I see it. DNC is no better, but they have done a far better job of taking advantage of the GOP's willingness to take each other down. Trump is a dufus, and far from a Republican, but he knows how to sell himself. A decent GOP candidate could learn a few things (what to do and what not to do).
But, it is pretty clear the GOP and DNC hate him with equal passion, which I'm not going to lie - endears him to me somewhat.
Shame you can't have a credible leader AND someone who hasn't sold out to get to that point...

Can you think of anyone else in your lifetime who fits that bill? Sanders has a bit of that flavor to him, Perot I suppose. Nader maybe. Each has/had significant other flaws, but you can count the number of credible contenders on one hand.

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