The Domestic Existential Threat To America

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Donald Trump is an existential threat to America. Kamala Harris is an existential threat to America. MAGA is an existential threat to America. The Green New Desl is an existential threat to America. Right wing talk radio is an existential threat to America. The MSM, aka Fake News, is an existential threat to America. Right wing proto-Nazi militia groups are an existential threat to America. Commie bastards of Antifa are an existential threat to America. Conservative Catholics are an existential threat to America. BLM is an existential threat to America. Concerned parents at school board meetings are an existential threat to America. Gays/lesbians/trans at school activities are an existential threat to America. Be paranoid, be very paranoid. You never know if you’re encountering an existential threat to America in your daily life. For that matter you never know if *you* are the existential threat to America.
Last straw . He’s earned the ignore award of the year.
I provide an invaluable service to this board. Virtually every one of you come here to get pissed off about something and commiserate with each other about how something has made you mad. Almost none of you ever present a counter argument, I don’t know why, maybe because you can’t, so you assuage your anger by calling me names. If I wasn’t here to make you mad this board would fall apart in a matter of weeks. You don’t come here to discuss opinions, you come here to feed your addiction to anger.
I provide an invaluable service to this board. Virtually every one of you come here to get pissed off about something and commiserate with each other about how something has made you mad. Almost none of you ever present a counter argument, I don’t know why, maybe because you can’t, so you assuage your anger by calling me names. If I wasn’t here to make you mad this board would fall apart in a matter of weeks. You don’t come here to discuss opinions, you come here to feed your addiction to anger.

I provide an invaluable service to this board. Virtually every one of you come here to get pissed off about something and commiserate with each other about how something has made you mad. Almost none of you ever present a counter argument, I don’t know why, maybe because you can’t, so you assuage your anger by calling me names. If I wasn’t here to make you mad this board would fall apart in a matter of weeks. You don’t come here to discuss opinions, you come here to feed your addiction to anger.
Admit it Dan, you get a kick out of fanning those flames also.
Admit it Dan, you get a kick out of fanning those flames also.
A little bit. It always astounds me how easily triggered you guys are. I will say this; when I fanned the flames of the leftists on this board, before you guys ran them off, none of them ever reacted so quickly so angrily as you guys do. Your skin is tissue paper thin.
I provide an invaluable service to this board. Virtually every one of you come here to get pissed off about something and commiserate with each other about how something has made you mad. Almost none of you ever present a counter argument, I don’t know why, maybe because you can’t, so you assuage your anger by calling me names. If I wasn’t here to make you mad this board would fall apart in a matter of weeks. You don’t come here to discuss opinions, you come here to feed your addiction to anger.

A bit off topic… but I would like you to post about what demon possession feels like.
I had a great discussion with a group of guys out of Chicago at the 19th hole today. All of them were left wing loons except for one guy. It was like talking to Pedoscott, nothing but MSNBC talking points. When you presented facts to them there only reply was Orange man bad. It was really kind of sad watching a bunch of obviously successful men so indoctrinated with loony left wing propaganda. It was like they had never heard of anyone that had a different opinion and wasn’t cowed down by their prestige. LMAO they didn’t know how to handle someone that didn’t fall to their feet and praise Democrats.
Good one, funny! I’m afraid you’ll need to get your answer from your buddy, SiL. He has the most demonic personality on this board.
Meh. Archangel would have been a better analogy. Sometimes the only way to deal with evil is to put it to the sword, like the IDF is doing with the terrorstinians.

I had a great discussion with a group of guys out of Chicago at the 19th hole today. All of them were left wing loons except for one guy. It was like talking to Pedoscott, nothing but MSNBC talking points. When you presented facts to them there only reply was Orange man bad. It was really kind of sad watching a bunch of obviously successful men so indoctrinated with loony left wing propaganda. It was like they had never heard of anyone that had a different opinion and wasn’t cowed down by their prestige. LMAO they didn’t know how to handle someone that didn’t fall to their feet and praise Democrats.

I’m in Vandalia, IL visiting. Wonderful folks live here. It’s MAGA country.
It always astounds me how easily triggered you guys are. I will say this; when I fanned the flames of the leftists on this board, before you guys ran them off, none of them ever reacted so quickly so angrily as you guys do. Your skin is tissue paper thin.

So the ones who left, the leftists, were run off by us. OK. But WE are the triggered ones. WE are the angry ones. WE are the thin skinned ones.

So, why are we still here Hamas Dan? Why haven’t you run us off?
So the ones who left, the leftists, were run off by us. OK. But WE are the triggered ones. WE are the angry ones. WE are the thin skinned ones.

So, why are we still here Hamas Dan? Why haven’t you run us off?
Take some time to think about it.

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