The debate: I prolly won't watch

And you seriously think the delegates at a Democratic convention where President Biden has all of a sudden dropped out and endorsed his current Vice President, would nominate Newsom over the sitting VP or other Democrats who have ran for President before?

I knew who you were referring to. I was just responding to your stupidity with some more stupidity.

With that said, how much money have you got down on our former First Lady being the Democratic Presidential nominee this year? Want to make this a formal bet? I'm all in. How much money you laying down?
This post did not age well.

This post did not age well.
What about that post hasn't aged well? Be specific.

btw, I'm still willing to lay down a bet on your claim that Michelle Obama will be the Democratic presidential nominee. Willing to make the bet, or are you going to make another lame excuse as you run and hide again?
What about that post hasn't aged well? Be specific.

btw, I'm still willing to lay down a bet on your claim that Michelle Obama will be the Democratic presidential nominee. Willing to make the bet, or are you going to make another lame excuse as you run and hide again?

fyi- michelle has a penis
he/she ain’t stepping into the breech
With that said, how much money have you got down on our former First Lady being the Democratic Presidential nominee this year? Want to make this a formal bet? I'm all in. How much money you laying down?
Why do you think this? Provide some evidence to back this claim up beside you hearing or reading this from right-wing talking heads.

I see little to no evidence of this within the Democratic Party. Indeed, the opposite appears to be true. And I'd be one of the first to welcome a serious discussion among Democrats about pressuring President Biden to step aside. Not because I don't think he can't beat Trump (he can), but for other reasons.

So you really aren't willing to lay any money down on your prediction. And it appears you already have a lame excuse as to why you won't make any other bet concerning your prediction.

With they said, I'm still proposing a bet on your prediction that former First Lady Michelle Obama will be the Democratic nominee after the Democratic Convention. Winner chooses the loser's avatar photo, 1 year self-imposed ban from the board, or a @Ponca Dan type bet where the loser makes posts favorable to the winner. Choose your terms.

Let's see who runs and hides now.
Screen capturing before centskatwat deletes it. Only a complete imbecile would propose a political bet that early, right?

What happened @soonerinlOUisiana, you told us Michelle Obama or possibly Newsome one was going to be the Democratic nominee?


But both spoke in support of Harris at the Convention.

  • Haha
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What happened @soonerinlOUisiana, you told us Michelle Obama or possibly Newsome one was going to be the Democratic nominee?


But both spoke in support of Harris at the Convention.

☝🏻triggered (two consecutive posts less than an hour apart). Big Mike probably wanted no part of this sinking ship. BTW, election is still 2 1/2 months away. Wouldn’t be surprised if Big Mike was the October surprise.
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☝🏻triggered (two consecutive posts less than an hour apart). Big Mike probably wanted no part of this sinking ship. BTW, election is still 2 1/2 months away. Wouldn’t be surprised if Big Mike was the October surprise.
Democrats have shown they are more than willing to kick candidates to the curb if they are losing.
☝🏻triggered (two consecutive posts less than an hour apart). Big Mike probably wanted no part of this sinking ship. BTW, election is still 2 1/2 months away. Wouldn’t be surprised if Big Mike was the October surprise.
So you were wrong. As usual.

Got it.
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Democrats have shown they are more than willing to kick candidates to the curb if they are losing.
lol and this is a bad thing? Listening to the people is a negative?

Trump has led the Republican Party to essentially lose three straight national elections. This November could be the fourth. If that happens, should the Republican Party kick Trump to the curb or nominate him again in 2028?
also can’t read simple English, bless her heart.
Sure I can.

You claimed Michelle Obama or Newsome would be the Democratic nominee.

They aren't.

You were wrong. As usual.

If you need to keep flailing around to make yourself feel better, have at it.
lol and this is a bad thing? Listening to the people is a negative?

Trump has led the Republican Party to essentially lose three straight national elections. This November could be the fourth. If that happens, should the Republican Party kick Trump to the curb or nominate him again in 2028?
A very democratic process the Party of Democracy used.
A very democratic process the Party of Democracy used.
The Democratic Party listened to its members and gave them what a majority wanted as we got close to the Convention. That is why you just watched a unified Democratic Party have one of its best Conventions ever. This has always been part of our democracy.

With that said, answer the question I asked you. If Trump leads the Republican Party to its fourth straight national election loss this November, should the Republican Party kick Trump to the curb or nominate him again in 2028?
The Democratic Party listened to its members and gave them what a majority wanted as we got close to the Convention. That is why you just watched a unified Democratic Party have one of its best Conventions ever. This has always been part of our democracy.

With that said, answer the question I asked you. If Trump leads the Republican Party to its fourth straight national election loss this November, should the Republican Party kick Trump to the curb or nominate him again in 2028?

Only dims kick a sitting POSUS to the curb like a used condom. How do you like having your Candidates picked for you by the Commie Party?
Yeah you love it. Swallow it monkey boy. 🤣
The Democratic Party listened to its members and gave them what a majority wanted as we got close to the Convention. That is why you just watched a unified Democratic Party have one of its best Conventions ever. This has always been part of our democracy.

With that said, answer the question I asked you. If Trump leads the Republican Party to its fourth straight national election loss this November, should the Republican Party kick Trump to the curb or nominate him again in 2028?
It's members or it's voters? Of course it doesn't really matter, Democrat voters gleefully do as they are told without question.

LMAO, it doesn't matter who the Republican candidate is. The Democrat Party owned media fearmongers the Republican candidate as a evil racist POS who is a threat to everything Democrats hold dear. Unfortunately a large swath of this country is easily manipulated by the the distortions, misinformation and outright lies of the media. Remember almost the entire media ran with the propaganda of Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation and the easily manipulated swallowed it hook lie and sinker.
So you were wrong. As usual.

Got it.

Poster #1 has the balls to share an opinion. Then after it all goes down, it turns out his opinion was wrong. He has no problem owning it.

Poster #2 goes into chikenshyt hiding for weeks, hasn't got the balls to share an opinion, then he returns to the board with "hindsight is 20/20" advantage and ridicules poster #1.

Now, let's guess who poster #1 and poster #2 are.

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