The Cost Of Trump’s Tariffs On Autos

The consumer wins a product that costs less and has quality that meets his standards or else he wouldn’t buy it.

You aren’t taking into account the societal consequences of losing the dignity of work for the middle class over the last 5 decades. A majority of Americans have decided to give this approach a try. Everyone who voted is also a consumer, so the invisible hand has guided us towards trumps tariffs, correct?
Finally a somewhat reasonable article that makes reasonable arguments while avoiding the real reason vehicles are produced in foreign countries. Auto manufactures producing cars in foreign countries can reduce their labor cost by probably 75% to 80% once benefits and labor regulations are taken into account.
There’s a reason car manufacturers shifted their production to other countries, and Trump’s tariffs, unfortunately, ignore that reason.

He's definitely not wrong about the cost of regulation in the US, but he appears clueless about why a MAACO or Earl Scheib paint job was so cheap. He might want to revisit the costs involved in hiring skilled labor, doing paint prep, and using quality materials before continuing to blindly blame "regulations."

He also completely misses the mark on safety. Why does he put safety in quotes? What does this quoted nonsense even mean?

"There are also OSHA – workplace safety – costs. And “safety” is very expensive in the United States. Of course, “safety” is more about compliance, just the same as it is with regard to the regs that go by that name that all new cars must comply with, too.

The costs of unsafe work places far outweigh the costs of workplace safety regulations. He might want to look at actual data instead of whatever emotion he's basing this take on. Workplace safety isn't just about compliance. That's a very stupid statement.
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Has Dan ever looked into deaths/injury/long term health affects of these exploited countries shitting out his cheap widgets? Corporate media hasn’t looked into it.
I don't think foreign country's courts have the same compassion for injured workers as they do here in the US.
So you are aligned with the Democrats and the progressives that the government needs to regulate, regulate, regulate to the point manufacturers find it more cost effective to move production out of the country. Interesting to know that you join the Democrats. I would have never thought that would happen.
So you are aligned with the Democrats and the progressives that the government needs to regulate, regulate, regulate to the point manufacturers find it more cost effective to move production out of the country. Interesting to know that you join the Democrats. I would have never thought that would happen.
LMAO you really need to work on your reading comprehension Dan.
So you are aligned with the Democrats and the progressives that the government needs to regulate, regulate, regulate to the point manufacturers find it more cost effective to move production out of the country. Interesting to know that you join the Democrats. I would have never thought that would happen.

Trump has said the opposite about regulation.

America first capitalism is the new America. Abandon your old religion that is just an idealistic fantasy anyway and get on board. We can put measures in place to bring supply chains home for medicines, make critical infrastructure at home, with our modern safety standards and the moral obligations to the worker.

we are still seeking our best outcomes, there is just a shift in values now. We can now see cheap widgets carry huge risks/costs elsewhere that don’t make it into your academic analysis.
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Trump has said the opposite about regulation.

America first capitalism is the new America. Abandon your old religion that is just an idealistic fantasy anyway and get on board. We can put measures in place to bring supply chains home for medicines, make critical infrastructure at home, with our modern safety standards and the moral obligations to the worker.

we are still seeking our best outcomes, there is just a shift in values now. We can now see cheap widgets carry huge risks/costs elsewhere that don’t make it into your academic analysis.
Whether he means it or not what Trump is advocating is the standard authoritarian bait and switch in which we are offered a great reward if we’ll just give up a smidgen of our liberty. Authoritarianism never preserves liberty, and its reward is never as good as expected. At some point things turn and get worse, so the authoritarian “cure” is to say it just hasn’t been authoritarian enough. Relinquish a little more of your liberty and this time we’ll have everything perfect. That’s the way it has always played out and that’s the way it always will.
Whether he means it or not what Trump is advocating is the standard authoritarian bait and switch in which we are offered a great reward if we’ll just give up a smidgen of our liberty. Authoritarianism never preserves liberty, and its reward is never as good as expected. At some point things turn and get worse, so the authoritarian “cure” is to say it just hasn’t been authoritarian enough. Relinquish a little more of your liberty and this time we’ll have everything perfect. That’s the way it has always played out and that’s the way it always will.

Your verbiage is extreme and vague.
That is not true. Medic knows it's not true.
Hmmmmmm, did you forget about this thread, Dodge?
Should our own people be able to freely trade with a foreign entity, business or government, that uses slave labor and/or child labor to produce goods?

Hmmmmmm, did you forget about this thread, Dodge?

Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. I trust people clicking onto your link will read it to the end. At no point do i say I’m good with slave labor for any reason, much less so i can get a product at a price I want.
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Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. I trust people clicking onto your link will read it to the end. At no point do i say I’m good with slave labor for any reason, much less so i can get a product at a price I want.
It's weird how your dipshittery catches up to you. How's your Hezbollah boyz doing? We haven't seen any your glowing fan boy posts about them lately.
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Dan, go out to a new car lot and price some vehicles. Report back to us what you find.
Or I can save you a trip and tell you they are already ridiculously high priced with more crap than anyone needs on one. People cannot afford them now so whats a tariff gonna hurt? Your feelers?
2024 saw a 24% increase in Repo's, people get suckered into buying them only to realize they can't afford it and lose it.
As far as I am concerned the greedy car makers can stick all of it up their ass including a tariff.
80 grand plus for a new truck. 60 grand plus for a new jeep.
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Dan, go out to a new car lot and price some vehicles. Report back to us what you find.
Or I can save you a trip and tell you they are already ridiculously high priced with more crap than anyone needs on one. People cannot afford them now so whats a tariff gonna hurt? Your feelers?
2024 saw a 24% increase in Repo's, people get suckered into buying them only to realize they can't afford it and lose it.
As far as I am concerned the greedy car makers can stick all of it up their ass including a tariff.
80 grand plus for a new truck. 60 grand plus for a new jeep.
You should read the article. It explains that over-zealous government regulation drove the cost of producing cars so high it forced the manufacturers to move out if they wanted to stay competitive. Those regulations are still in place and will still be in place if a 25% tariff is imposed. Whether tariffs force the manufacturers to come back to the US is up for grabs. (From this point forward this is me talking, not the author of the link.) So we Americans have a choice to make. Allow government bureaucrats to regulate us in contravention of our liberty, allow a government president dictate to us from whom we can by products in contravention of our liberty, or refuse to trade our liberty in exchange for government oppression regardless of how minimal we are told it is or how good a deal it is to let government make our decisions for us. From my libertarian perspective it doesn’t matter whether the oppression is coming from Democrats/leftist progressives who say their oppressive regulation is making us safe or MAGA/right wingers who insist a president forcing producers to operate the way he wants them to operate, our liberty is the victim. Our Founding Fathers advised us to jealously guard our liberty no matter who is attacking it. We should heed their advice.
Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. I trust people clicking onto your link will read it to the end. At no point do i say I’m good with slave labor for any reason, much less so i can get a product at a price I want.
MMMM interpretation is in the eye of the beholder? Oh you mean you misspoke when your own words are about as clear as it come.

Should our own people be able to freely trade with a foreign entity, business or government, that uses slave labor and/or child labor to produce goods?
Doesn't get more clear than yes or no.
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MMMM interpretation is in the eye of the beholder? Oh you mean lie when your own words are about as clear as it comes.

Doesn't get more clear that yes or no.
You’re hearing what you want to hear. Free people aren’t free unless they can make their own decisions. At no point did I advocate what Medic accused me of. If Country A is a society of free people and Country B has slave labor there is no governmental entity in Country A to prevent the purchase of goods from Country B. What prevents the purchase is the moral code of the buyer. What prevents the purchase is the knowledge/understanding by the buyer that he will be treated as pariah by his fellow citizens. You can interpret that to mean I personally want to buy products made by slaves because the price might be cheaper (there’s no historical evidence that it would be), but you would be wrong. Both you and Medic know you are wrong, but since I condemn your beloved Israel and have issues with your political lord and savior you pretend you’ve found a gotcha.
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You’re hearing what you want to hear. Free people aren’t free unless they can make their own decisions. At no point did I advocate what Medic accused me of. If Country A is a society of free people and Country B has slave labor there is no governmental entity in Country A to prevent the purchase of goods from Country B. What prevents the purchase is the moral code of the buyer. What prevents the purchase is the knowledge/understanding by the buyer that he will be treated as pariah by his fellow citizens. You can interpret that to mean I personally want to buy products made by slaves because the price might be cheaper (there’s no historical evidence that it would be), but you would be wrong. Both you and Medic know you are wrong, but since I condemn your beloved Israel and have issues with your political lord and savior you pretend you’ve found a gotcha.
How'd that "Israel is full of white foreign Jews" work out for you? Or that Hezbollah ass kicking of the IDF that you promised was happening? We nuked Japan because we hated them? Or how about your famous "gang rape isn't systematic rape" nonsense?

None us has to pretend to find any gotcha when you gotcha yourself on the regular, Dodge.
How'd that "Israel is full of white foreign Jews" work out for you? Or that Hezbollah ass kicking of the IDF that you promised was happening? We nuked Japan because we hated them? Or how about your famous "gang rape isn't systematic rape" nonsense?

None us has to pretend to find any gotcha when you gotcha yourself on the regular, Dodge.
Your delusion has reached epic proportions.
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Please don't pretend you didn’t post that stuff. You look stupid enough as it is, Dodge.
Delusion is an unbecoming trait in you, Medic. You are an intelligent man. You should try and apply some of your intelligence in a dispute rather than intentionally twist words into a perceived gotcha. We are never going to agree on Israel. You will back them regardless of how many monstrous atrocities it commits. I will condemn those atrocities.
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Delusion is an unbecoming trait in you, Medic. You are an intelligent man. You should try and apply some of your intelligence in a dispute rather than intentionally twist words into a perceived gotcha. We are never going to agree on Israel. You will back them regardless of how many monstrous atrocities it commits. I will condemn those atrocities.
So you didn't post that stuff, Dodge? Is that really the story you're going with?
You’re hearing what you want to hear. Free people aren’t free unless they can make their own decisions. At no point did I advocate what Medic accused me of. If Country A is a society of free people and Country B has slave labor there is no governmental entity in Country A to prevent the purchase of goods from Country B. What prevents the purchase is the moral code of the buyer. What prevents the purchase is the knowledge/understanding by the buyer that he will be treated as pariah by his fellow citizens. You can interpret that to mean I personally want to buy products made by slaves because the price might be cheaper (there’s no historical evidence that it would be), but you would be wrong. Both you and Medic know you are wrong, but since I condemn your beloved Israel and have issues with your political lord and savior you pretend you’ve found a gotcha.
Should our own people be able to freely trade with a foreign entity, business or government, that uses slave labor and/or child labor to produce goods?

Oh please forgive me for hearing the word "Yes" as an answer to the question. Since that was the only word in your response I'm not sure what else you were expecting others to hear.
Oh please forgive me for hearing the word "Yes" as an answer to the question. Since that was the only word in your response I'm not sure what else you were expecting others to hear.
I said “yes.” I did not say “I’m good with buying products made by slaves as long as the price is right,” You heard that on your own.
I said “yes.” I did not say “I’m good with buying products made by slaves as long as the price is right,” You heard that on your own.

Should our own people be able to freely trade with a foreign entity, business or government, that uses slave labor and/or child labor to produce goods?

LMAO you can't admit you made a mistake. Hilarious.
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I posted what i posted, Medic. You heard what you wanted to hear.
Dodge, of course you posted what you posted. That's a solid 10/10 on the "well duh" scale. I'm simply reminding you of the dipshittery you've posted. I'm not sure why you were trying desperately to add liar to your resume by trying to deny posting the dumb shit you've posted.
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Should our own people be able to freely trade with a foreign entity, business or government, that uses slave labor and/or child labor to produce goods?

LMAO you can't admit you made a mistake. Hilarious.
What is the mistake? Are we a free people or are we not? If we are free then our government should not prevent us from trading freely with a foreign entity, business or government that uses slave labor. What should prevent us from making any such trade is our moral compass and our willingness to condemn and isolate anyone who violates our moral compass. The only reason you don't understand what I'm saying is you don't want to understand it. I condemn Israel and that is beyond the pale for you to accept, you must turn me into an enemy to be opposed at every turn.
Dodge, of course you posted what you posted. That's a solid 10/10 on the "well duh" scale. I'm simply reminding you of the dipshittery you've posted. I'm not sure why you were trying desperately to add liar to your resume by trying to deny posting the dumb shit you've posted.
I have denied nothing, Medic, beyond your absurd accusations that I said things I didn't say.

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