It's so easy to drive without insurance. First of all, you have to remember that there is a segment of society that is just refuse to comply. They choose to be non compliant. They're dedicated. And they're good at it and they don't care what you think about them.
Next are the people who have made choices in their lives that have financial consequences. You might call them the "down on their luck" people. Sure, maybe they could afford to buy insurance for the month, but they're not about to give up more important things like beer and cigarettes. Insurance just isn't a priority.
Other people are basically good people who really try, but have fallen behind for one reason or another. Sometimes those reasons are out of control and you feel sorry for them.
The other 75% of people in Oklahoma have their vehicles insured. But let's talk about the 25% who don't.
Determined to do something to address uninsured drivers, you pass a law 30! Years ago that mandates liability coverage. That'll fix the problem for sure, right? So now people get tickets for not having insurance. Is that going to make a person who doesn't have the money or doesn't care go out and buy insurance? Hell no.
So the next thing you decide to do is suspend the driver license of somebody who is convicted of driving without insurance. Great. So now people who still choose not to buy insurance or who can't afford it for whatever reason get more traffic tickets and get buried with more traffic charges and arrest warrants and get into an even deeper hole.
Well, by golly, we need a law that says you can't get your license plates renewed unless you have a valid insurance card. Apparently, we as a society are unaware that an enterprising person can go buy insurance and make their first month's payment and renew their license plate and then start ignoring the insurance bills that they receive monthly.
Meanwhile, the person gets stopped periodically and given more tickets (because that's the enforcement mechanism at work), but they can't pay all those fines and court costs. Do they stop driving because their license is suspended or because they don't have insurance? Hell no. Mostly because they are irresponsible.
I watched a video recently from Channel 5 news in OKC. It was a traffic stop in Tecumseh on a slow uneventful Sunday night in Tecumseh. The driver had a suspended driver license from either not paying a fine or from a DUI charge. Yet another failure because it all boils down to an individual decision by an individual person. The passenger ended up killing the young officer, but that's a different story.
Anyway, the scenario is played out over and over. A person gets stopped and they have no insurance. They get a ticket. They get their license suspended. They get a warrant. They get arrested. They get put on a payment plan that they can't or won't stick to. In the meantime, they get more tickets or arrested again.
The result? 25% of Oklahoma drivers are not insured. Failure. And I wouldn't call that an enforcement failure.