The Clown Show Begins

It’s funny when a political party that single handedly caused record inflation
What is funny is that you actually believe this nonsense. And yes, inflation improving and a strong economy would definitely be a winning argument for Democrats in '24. Would be great for the country too. But you know this already.

Tell us Dan, do you want to see inflation continue to improve and a strong economy over the next two years? Is that what you are hoping for?
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You are an establishment robot that has memorized the talking points. Nothing more, nothing less. You desecrate progressive principles when you claim to be one. A true progressive would never bow in obedience to corporatism. You do it with every word you speak and want to pretend it’s necessary to go along to get along. Jimmy Dore and Aaron Mate would spit on your tombstone if it called you a progressive.
Plus, he identifies with the Azov Batallion. He's a new kind of progressive.
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What is funny is that you actually believe this nonsense. And yes, inflation improving and a strong economy would definitely be a winning argument for Democrats in '24. Would be great for the country too. But you know this already.

Tell us Dan, do you want to see inflation continue to improve and a strong economy over the next two years? Is that what you are hoping for?
I want to see inflation end, and I’m sure as hell not going to congratulate the buffoons that cause it for making it less bad than it was.
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No mention of consumer record credit card debt caused by Brandon's 41 year high inflationary tidal wave? Stewart Varney on Fox Busness this AM highligted Brandon's national ever growing crime wave. I can't see much to be thankful for with our illegitimate PINO.
A response from his mexico summit will be telling. And surely comical. 😂
I asked if you are hoping for a strong economy over the next two years?
Why wouldn’t I hope for a strong economy? Of course I do. That was a stupid question. I am hopeful that now they control the House the Republicans will put some restraints on the out of control spending by the Democrats the economy had to endure. So there’s a possibility the economy might be strong in two years. But even then I said I’d give credit to the Democrats (although they probably wouldn’t deserve credit) and I will.

Now, I asked you if you’d give the Democrats hell if the economy is still weak in two years.* Quit stalling. Answer the question.

* Of course we already know the answer, you’ll blame Republicans, might even look for a way to say it’s DJT’s fault. The earth would return to the ice age before you’d criticize anything about the Democrats.
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Of course I do.
Thanks for your answer.

Now, I asked you if you’d give the Democrats hell if the economy is still weak in two years.
If the economy is weak in two years, I will hold the Democrats responsible for the role they played. Politically speaking, if the economy is weak, that of course won't be good news for the Democrats. Republicans would be justified in making political hay out of it.

The earth would return to the ice age before you’d criticize anything about the Democrats.
I have no problem criticizing Democrats when it is appropriate. And I have done that on this board before.
Thanks for your answer.

If the economy is weak in two years, I will hold the Democrats responsible for the role they played. Politically speaking, if the economy is weak, that of course won't be good news for the Democrats. Republicans would be justified in making political hay out of it.

I have no problem criticizing Democrats when it is appropriate. And I have done that on this board before.
Yes, your criticism of Democrats has been ruthless!
Yes, your criticism of Democrats has been ruthless!
Again, when it warranted, I have no problem criticizing Democrats. But yes, I don't buy into the lastest faux outrage being pushed by the right-wing media every week nor do I invent conspiracy theories/delusions to get all worked up about, as you so often do.
Again, when it warranted, I have no problem criticizing Democrats. But yes, I don't buy into the lastest faux outrage being pushed by the right-wing media every week nor do I invent conspiracy theories/delusions to get all worked up about, as you so often do.
You miss nanshee?
Again, when it warranted, I have no problem criticizing Democrats. But yes, I don't buy into the lastest faux outrage being pushed by the right-wing media every week nor do I invent conspiracy theories/delusions to get all worked up about, as you so often do.
I think I do remember one time you said something along the lines of: “the Democrats probably shouldn't have done it that way.” I mean you were ripping them a new one!
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