The Affair- season 2


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Dec 11, 2003
Is anyone else watching? I just got caught up last night finishing ep 2&3. It's really good... again. Pretty intense.
This is probably my favorite show on right now. I really like the way they present both sides of the story in each episode.

Anyone watching The Leftovers? I am just as confused as I was during the first season but I can't quit watching it.
Wife loves the Affair. I am caught up, but the show makes me really uncomfortable. So many terrible people. .

One thing that bothers me about the show is how different the versions are between the 2 individuals.

For example, in the first episode this season, the lady, who owns the Cottage that Allison is staying in, met Cole in Allison's version, but that lady never even appeared in Cole's version.

I understand that people perceive things differently. Whitney might say something, and Allison might remember it completely differently than Noah. But, it bugs me when something pretty significant happens in 1 version and is completely left out of the other version.
One thing that bothers me about the show is how different the versions are between the 2 individuals.

For example, in the first episode this season, the lady, who owns the Cottage that Allison is staying in, met Cole in Allison's version, but that lady never even appeared in Cole's version.

I understand that people perceive things differently. Whitney might say something, and Allison might remember it completely differently than Noah. But, it bugs me when something pretty significant happens in 1 version and is completely left out of the other version.
Hmm. That is what I think I enjoy the most out about the show. It shows what each person's reality is.
Hmm. That is what I think I enjoy the most out about the show. It shows what each person's reality is.

So, going back to the example I gave....

Are you saying that Allison clearly remembers her landlady meeting her ex-husband, but the meeting didn't even register with Cole, so he doesn't remember it even happening? I guess it could be argued that he was so exhausted that his brain wasn't functioning well, and only the highlights of his time at the cottage survived.

The subtle differences are pretty cool, but either the landlady was there that day or she wasn't. It is a stretch to say that Allison imagined her meeting Cole, and it is also a bit of a stretch for Cole to have met her and have absolutely no recollection of it.
I love the different stories too. It doesn't necessarily mean to me that they don't remember those details, just those details aren't as important to their version of the story.

For me, in Cole's version meeting her land lady meant nothing to him, it wasn't an important detail in his retelling of the story, that's why it wasn't mentioned... For Alison, she felt like she was betraying Noah, her ex was in their house and when the land lady saw him she was worried that Noah would find out or that she would think Alison was cheating, etc. it was a very important detail in retelling her story.
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Maybe it wasn't important in Coles mind so he didn't recall it. I look at it like its people trying to recall it several years later and that's their reality.

We've seen the story at least two years ahead of that specific incident you are questioning, Allison has a baby that looks around a year old and Cole asks if it's hers. So that's at minimum 18 months from when he met that landlord. Is Cole telling the story how he remembers it 5 years later? We don't know that yet.

I find it fascinating that someone's recollection can differ so much. I experience things like this in my own life. You are recounting a story with a friend and you can't remember who was or wasn't there but it's not significant.
The main points of the story are the same.

I come across people I've met only once before and have no recollection of it.

It's almost like they are setting up the series based on testimony in court and we are just viewing each persons story in real time. I love the way this show is done. I've never watched anything like it.
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Thanks guys. That actually helps a lot. I hadn't looked at it as if the characters are telling what they remember from events that occurred years ago. That makes it all make a lot more sense. I will probably enjoy the show even more going forward.
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This is probably my favorite show on right now. I really like the way they present both sides of the story in each episode.

Anyone watching The Leftovers? I am just as confused as I was during the first season but I can't quit watching it.
Great shows. These are the only new shows I am watching right now.
Loving season 2. Actually think my 2 favorite characters right now might be Whitney and the redheaded dude that is playing the lawyer for cash.
Finale was great. Finally find out what happened with Scotty that night. Noah drops the bombshell and it ends with that. The show is so well done. Brought all 3 of the main characters into that pivotal scene.

I liked it better than the Homeland Finale. It was just OK.

I know Tons watches Homeland. Anyone else?

Surely they aren't going to kill off Quinn? They basically did everything but show him die. Loved how they killed the evil red head. It's never a good ending when you get in a trunk.
Finale was great. Finally find out what happened with Scotty that night. Noah drops the bombshell and it ends with that. The show is so well done. Brought all 3 of the main characters into that pivotal scene.

I liked it better than the Homeland Finale. It was just OK.

I know Tons watches Homeland. Anyone else?

Surely they aren't going to kill off Quinn? They basically did everything but show him die. Loved how they killed the evil red head. It's never a good ending when you get in a trunk.

The wife and I are big Homeland fans. This season was great IMO, on par with the first two. I thought the finale was just so-so in many ways. I really thought what they did with Allison was stupid, I wanted her to suffer more. I also thought the scene with Otto and Carrie was creepy. I think Quinn is going to live somehow, only because they did everything to make us think he died but it wasn't explicit. He's too great a character to eliminate.