Yes, he was shot and killed because he was in possession of PCP. Expert catch Mr. Matlock.Except PCP: felony; immediate death penalty
Racist. Maybe he took PCP for ADHD. We know for a fact he was returning home from college class when he broke down on the side of the road.
Nice try.Oklahoma Drug Statutes Oklahoma Statutes Title 63 Public Health and Safety
2-203. Schedule I Characteristics: (1) High potential for abuse; (2) No accepted med use in US or lacks accepted safety for use in treatment under med supervision
2-204 Schedule I Substances: (A) Opiates: e.g., acetylmmethadol, dextromoramide (B) Opium derivatives: e.g., codeine and morphine compounds, heroic (C) Hallucinogenic substances: e.g., LSD, marihuana, mescaline, BZP, psilocybin, DMT (D) Depressants and Stimulants: e.g., Qualuudes, GHB, N-ethylamphetamine (F) synthetic cannabinoids
2-402(B)(1) Possession of Sched I or II substance (not marihuana or Sched II(D)) w/o valid prescription: felony; 4-20yrs; <$10,000, Except PCP: felony; immediate death penalty
Yes, father of the year.Racist. Maybe he took PCP for ADHD. We know for a fact he was returning home from college class when he broke down on the side of the road.
Side, middle, smiddle, stop trying to gum up the narrative with facts. Just stop. His family and their attorney said it was on the side of the road. Those folks definitely know more than us who only saw footage from the helicopter. Hell, the cops probably moved the vehicle after they shot him to make it look like he parked in the middle.Middle of the road. Don't make it sound better than it was.
Oh well, then he deserved to be shot if he was on PCP.
Come on people. You are better than this.
Brilliant. Should I hold my breath waiting for you to quote a post that indicates he deserved to be shot because he was high on PCP? I don't want to risk death if you know upfront there aren't any.Oh well, then he deserved to be shot if he was on PCP.
Come on people. You are better than this.
Oh well, then he deserved to be shot if he was on PCP.
Come on people. You are better than this.
Maybe because it could explain why his car was parked in the middle of the road and his behavior wasn't normal? Strangley enough, the events leading up to an officer shooting someone are kind of important.So why even bring it up or mention it? What does it have to do with the price of tea in China? Are we just starting threads about meaningless crap that has nothing to do with anything? I think I will start a thread titled "HighStickHarry drank coffee this morning."
It's obviously an indication of his state of mind and what the officers were dealing with.Oh well, then he deserved to be shot if he was on PCP.
Come on people. You are better than this.
Wow.So why even bring it up or mention it? What does it have to do with the price of tea in China? Are we just starting threads about meaningless crap that has nothing to do with anything? I think I will start a thread titled "HighStickHarry drank coffee this morning."
Is his skin color meaningless?So why even bring it up or mention it? What does it have to do with the price of tea in China? Are we just starting threads about meaningless crap that has nothing to do with anything? I think I will start a thread titled "HighStickHarry drank coffee this morning."
So why even bring it up or mention it? What does it have to do with the price of tea in China? Are we just starting threads about meaningless crap that has nothing to do with anything? I think I will start a thread titled "HighStickHarry drank coffee this morning."
It is part of the story!!! We get to call him an idiot for being on pcp endangering all of our families and neighbors driving around in his car. We get to say he would be alive if he didn't do something so moronic as pcp, but we don't get to say he deserved to be killed.
It's like there is a wire missing in your thought process. All are relevant. If coffee made me cluck like a chicken and be in a dangerous state of mind while I drove to work with your wife and kids on the same road, my drinking coffee would have everything to do with the price of tea in China.
No he would not have been shot by the cops if he had not been on PCP and complied with commands. But neither being on PCP or not following commands, alone or together, is a justification for shooting someone.Let me get this straight. You are telling me if he was not on pcp, was completely sober and laid down on the street as commanded he would still be shot by the cops that day? A simple yes or no will suffice.
And we are just assuming his car was parked in the middle of the road in this scenario because it broke down in the middle of the road.
WRONG WRONG WRONG. See that is exactly why I made my original comment. He is dead because someone shot him, not because he did PCP.
But neither being on PCP or not following commands, alone or together, is a justification for shooting someone.
So what? He needed his ass shot, then?
Did the cop say the window was open and the arrestee tried to reach through it when the window was really closed?
What I hear from you:
"Damn, he was actually fuked up. That's inconvenient to advance my war on cops. What's the next beachhead I can latch on to (move the goalposts). Oh yeah....blah blah blah"
You'd do yourself well to acknowledge fact THEN pivot to something else.
As is, you come across as entrenched in a position regardless of fact (which isn't surprising...but hey, free life lesson for you).
Do you even reading comprehend, bro?Many people are arrested that act strange, erratic, drunk, high, etc. every day. They don't get shot. You cannot use "he was on PCP" as a justification for shooting him. Your statement was that he would still be alive if he didn't do PCP. That is trying to justify him being shot with him being on PCP. That is WRONG.