Ted Cruz: January 6 Was A Terrorist Attack . . . Wait, Maybe Not . . . I'm So Sorry Tucker...


Heisman Winner
Oct 13, 2017
Interesting how this hasn't been discussed (that I've seen) on this board.

Senator Cruz called the January 6 attack on our Capitol a terrorist attack. In fact, he has said this at least 18 times. His latest use of this discription though caught the attention of right-wing propagandist Tucker Carlson. And boy, did Cruz have to do some major groveling to Tucker for it!

Seriously, how spineless and weak is Ted Cruz? Does the man have no shame? He seriously wants to be President but yet he can't even stand up to the lies and attacks from someone like Tucker Carlson?

Interesting how this hasn't been discussed (that I've seen) on this board.

Senator Cruz called the January 6 attack on our Capitol a terrorist attack. In fact, he has said this at least 18 times. His latest use of this discription though caught the attention of right-wing propagandist Tucker Carlson. And boy, did Cruz have to do some major groveling to Tucker for it!

Seriously, how spineless and weak is Ted Cruz? Does the man have no shame? He seriously wants to be President but yet he can't even stand up to the lies and attacks from someone like Tucker Carlson?

Open mouth, insert foot.
I see you leftist are panicking over Biden's disastrous week. We tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen. Expect it to only get worse if Biden does not come back to the middle. Bill Clinton learned the lesson can Joe?
Open mouth, insert foot.
What, you think Senator Cruz saying one thing at least 18 times about January 6 but then backing down in the face of a Fox News propagandist is somehow to the credit of Cruz? Or his outrage in 2016 over the crazy junk Trump said about his family but then bending over and saying thank you Trump, may I have another?

How in the world would anyone think a spineless dupe like Cruz would make a good President?

Either Cruz thinks January 6 was a terrorist attack or he doesn't. Be a man for once Cruz, and actually stand for something!
I see you leftist are panicking over Biden's disastrous week. We tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen. Expect it to only get worse if Biden does not come back to the middle. Bill Clinton learned the lesson can Joe?

What does this have to do with the topic of this thread? Absolutely nothing.

What are your thoughts on Cruz calling January 6 a terrorist attack? And then him groveling at the feet of Tucker instead of telling Tucker to stick his propaganda up his *** and instead standing by what he has said at least 18 times?

I'd have much more respect for Cruz if he would actually show some backbone for once.
You mean like Democrats in lockstep completely reversing their position on the filibuster. Oh, the humanity.
Again . . .

What are your thoughts on Cruz calling January 6 a terrorist attack? And then him groveling at the feet of Tucker instead of telling Tucker to stick his propaganda up his *** and instead standing by what he has said at least 18 times?
Again . . .

What are your thoughts on Cruz calling January 6 a terrorist attack? And then him groveling at the feet of Tucker instead of telling Tucker to stick his propaganda up his *** and instead standing by what he has said at least 18 times?

Did you really expect a Republican politician to piss off every FOX viewer? If you did you are not very smart. It's not like he reversed his position on a major legislative process like most Democrats have done.

I'm hoping that Republicans take back both houses and then float the idea of changing the filibuster. It will be comic gold watching the Democrats become stewards of Senate tradition again. I wouldn't support changing the filibuster even if Republicans are in power, but I would like to watch the Democrat hypocrisy on full display. IMO legislation that only has the support of one party and is opposed in lock step by the other is not good legislation. I believe our government should govern not rule.
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Did you really expect a Republican politician to piss off every FOX viewer? If you did you are not very smart. It's not like he reversed his position on a major legislative process like most Democrats have done.
Not surprising, you still aren't answering the questions.

Do you agree with Cruz's statement that January 6 was a terrorist attack? Yes or no? And if Cruz really believes this, should he have the backbone to say it even to Fox News viewers or should he be a fake and weak-kneed when he goes on Fox News?

I believe our government should govern not rule.
Did you believe this way when it came to Merrick Garland's nomination for the Supreme Court?

Or how about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017? This was legislation that only had the support of one party and was opposed in lock step by the other party. Do you believe it was not good legislation then?
Not surprising, you still aren't answering the questions.

Do you agree with Cruz's statement that January 6 was a terrorist attack? Yes or no? And if Cruz really believes this, should he have the backbone to say it even to Fox News viewers or should he be a fake and weak-kneed when he goes on Fox News?

Did you believe this way when it came to Merrick Garland's nomination for the Supreme Court?

Or how about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017? This was legislation that only had the support of one party and was opposed in lock step by the other party. Do you believe it was not good legislation then?
That's not what you asked but to answer your question, something you never do, no nothing about January 6th was a terrorist attack. Cruz was an idiot for using the term and he knows it. Not something that concerns me in the least.

All Republicans did was not bring Garland up something that was within the existing rules. Obama said it best, election have consequences and he got to experience them, besides after Democrats shoved Obamacare up our ass, they have no room to complain about anything. Again, no Senate tradition changed that requiring a vote that was just Republicans. The country dodged a bullet when Garland was kept off the SCOTUS. He would have been like Kagan and Sotomayor, a rubber stamp for leftist ideology.

When it comes to cutting taxes, Democrats will never get on board. It's against their desires to grow the federal government into the all-encompassing power they so desire. While it went against my principle of wanting both parties to work together that principle was overridden by a more important principle of lowering taxes and shrinking the size of government. Nothing is ever 100% and I still desire the parties work together for the benefit of the people.
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January 6 actually happened. We all saw it, just as we all saw how Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to help Trump. The collusion angle though, was always more an open question.
Did you see Trump behind the scenes helping them into the building also? Did you see Nancy and Chuck lose control of the house to some MAGA flags? Did you see all the security calls? Or did you just see an angry mob lose control?
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no nothing about January 6th was a terrorist attack. Cruz was an idiot for using the term and he knows it.
Thank you for finally answering a question.

Cruz obviously doesn't know he is an idiot for using the term though, because he has done it at least 18 times that we know of. He probably believes it on some level, except when he has to appear on Fox News or attempt to get support from fascists like yourself heading into 2024.

Again, the man has no backbone and if he can't stand up to a blowhard like Tucker Carlson, he has no business ever being President.

All Republicans did was not bring Garland up something that was within the existing rules. Obama said it best, election have consequences and he got to experience them
Yes, election have consequences and Obama was re-elected in 2012. It was his nomination in 2016. He had been elected twice by the American people. And Republicans refused to bring
Garland up for a vote. They did exactly what you claim you don't support. They completely ignored the Democratic Party (and the will of a majority of American people in two previous elections) and sought to RULE instead of governing.

You are a hypocrite.

While it went against my principle of wanting both parties to work together that principle was overridden by a more important principle of lowering taxes and shrinking the size of government.

Again, you are a hypocrite. Either that or you don't really believe the lies you post.

Republicans did exactly what you now claim you oppose in 2017, and you supported it. You had no problem with it. But if Democrats try to do the same thing now, you get mad and start talking about how the Democrats want to rule and not govern. You, all of a sudden, oppose such behavior!:rolleyes:

When it comes to cutting taxes, Democrats will never get on board.
Absolutely false. Democrats support cutting taxes for those Americans who need it the most, not the rich ruling class. As always, you are 100% wrong.

btw, as I've noted before, the infrastructure bill that Biden signed into law was bipartisan. Something you now all of a sudden claim you want to see. Have you given Biden credit for this? Have you said Biden was governing when he got this bill passed, and not ruling?


So just drop your fake outrage and lies. You could care less about governing v/s ruling, etc. Your answers make this very clear.
Thank you for finally answering a question.

Cruz obviously doesn't know he is an idiot for using the term though, because he has done it at least 18 times that we know of. He probably believes it on some level, except when he has to appear on Fox News or attempt to get support from fascists like yourself heading into 2024.

Again, the man has no backbone and if he can't stand up to a blowhard like Tucker Carlson, he has no business ever being President.

Yes, election have consequences and Obama was re-elected in 2012. It was his nomination in 2016. He had been elected twice by the American people. And Republicans refused to bring
Garland up for a vote. They did exactly what you claim you don't support. They completely ignored the Democratic Party (and the will of a majority of American people in two previous elections) and sought to RULE instead of governing.

You are a hypocrite.


Again, you are a hypocrite. Either that or you don't really believe the lies you post.

Republicans did exactly what you now claim you oppose in 2017, and you supported it. You had no problem with it. But if Democrats try to do the same thing now, you get mad and start talking about how the Democrats want to rule and not govern. You, all of a sudden, oppose such behavior!:rolleyes:

Absolutely false. Democrats support cutting taxes for those Americans who need it the most, not the rich ruling class. As always, you are 100% wrong.

btw, as I've noted before, the infrastructure bill that Biden signed into law was bipartisan. Something you now all of a sudden claim you want to see. Have you given Biden credit for this? Have you said Biden was governing when he got this bill passed, and not ruling?


So just drop your fake outrage and lies. You could care less about governing v/s ruling, etc. Your answers make this very clear.
As much as I try to avoid it, I can be hypocritical at times, but I can admit it.
Did you see Trump behind the scenes helping them into the building also? Did you see Nancy and Chuck lose control of the house to some MAGA flags? Did you see all the security calls? Or did you just see an angry mob lose control?
I saw Trump for months after losing an election push a big lie and mislead his supporters. I saw Trump refuse to concede and do everything he could do to overturn an election (including begging Georgia officials to just find him 11,780 votes). I saw Trump hold a rally on January 6 where he used rhetoric to stir up his supporters before they marched to the Capitol. And I also saw how Trump responded when his supporters were attacking our Capitol.

As for the Speaker of the House and the Senate Minority Leader, I saw them have to be rushed out and protected by Secret Service because a mob of Trump supporters wanted to harm them. I also saw the Vice President of the United States have to be rushed out and protected because people from his own party wanted to hang him because Pence refused to be completely loyal to Trump. How dare Pence choose the Constitution and our democracy over Trump, right?:rolleyes:

And yes, I saw the Trump supporters with their flags and weapons storming our Capitol, attacking our democracy, and seeking to overthrow an election simply because Trump lost.

January 6 was a disgraceful day for you Trump supporters. And you know it. That is why you don't want to talk about, downplay it, invent conspiracy theories, etc. It was a dark day for our country and one that we must not forget nor allow to happen again.
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I saw Trump for months after losing an election push a big lie and mislead his supporters. I saw Trump refuse to concede and do everything he could do to overturn an election (including begging Georgia officials to just find him 11,780 votes). I saw Trump hold a rally on January 6 where he used rhetoric to stir up his supporters before they marched to the Capitol. And I also saw how Trump responded when his supporters were attacking our Capitol.

As for the Speaker of the House and the Senate Minority Leader having to be rushed out and protected by secret service because a mob of Trump supporters want to harm them. I also saw the Vice President of the United States also have to be rushed out and protected because people from his own party wanted to hang him because Pence refused to be completely loyal to Trump. How dare Pence choose the Constitution and our democracy over Trump, right?:rolleyes:

And yes, I saw the Trump supporters with their flags and weapons storming our Capitol, attacking our democracy, and seeking to overthrow an election simply because Trump lost.

January 6 was a disgraceful day for you Trump supporters. And you know it. That is why you don't want to talk about, downplay it, invent conspiracy theories, etc. It was a dark day for our country and one that we must not forget nor allow to happen again.
It’s in the past but you idiots act like it was D day. Grow up.
As much as I try to avoid it, I can be hypocritical at times, but I can admit it.
So I guess this means you will drop the whole "governing v/s ruling" nonsense you have been spewing on this board lately, correct?

Because you clearly don't believe it.
It’s in the past but you idiots act like it was D day. Grow up.
D day was in the past too. Does that mean we should forget D day?

The Civil War was in the past. Does that mean we should forget the Civil War? Forget 9/11? Forget everything that happened in the past?:rolleyes:

The real question though is why do you Trump supporters want to forget it so bad? And why do you want everyone else to stop talking about it?

I think we all know the answer to this, even if you will never admit it.

Sorry, we aren't going to forget January 6. We will continue to protect our democratic republic from those, domestic or foreign, who would seek to destroy it in favor of installing a dictator.
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So I guess this means you will drop the whole "governing v/s ruling" nonsense you have been spewing on this board lately, correct?

Because you clearly don't believe it.
Nope, it's my desire for both parties to work together for the betterment of the country. You know the way our country worked for the most part for well over two hundred years. Unfortunately, Democrats have been taken over by insane leftist with no desire to work with half the country, you are the perfect example of that.
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Nope, it's my desire for both parties to work together for the betterment of the country. Yo
But this wasn't your desire when Trump was President. And it wasn't your desire when Republicans were not working with Obama. You have now shown that to be the case with your above answers.

This isn't what you really want. It is just something you are using now to attack Democrats.

When a Democratic President literally signed into law a bipartisan infrastructure bill, did you give Biden credit for this? Did you say Democrats were governing?
D day was in the past too. Does that mean we should forget D day?

The Civil War was in the past. Does that mean we should forget the Civil War? Forget 9/11? Forget everything that happened in the past?:rolleyes:

The real question though is why do you Trump supporters want to forget it so bad? And why do you want everyone else to stop talking about it?

I think we all know the answer to this, even if you will never admit it.

Sorry, we aren't going to forget January 6. We will continue to protect our democratic republic from those, domestic or foreign, who would seek to destroy it in favor of installing a dictator.
Are we friends with Germany or are we rounding up Germans who didn’t commit crimes? Who said forget I said move on and grow up.
Are we friends with Germany or are we rounding up Germans who didn’t commit crimes? Who said forget I said move on and grow up.
We are friends with Germany. We aren't friends though with Neo-Nazi groups in Germany and we supported (for the most part) the trials and punishment of the Nazis after WWII. We, and our allies, didn't just move on after the war was over. And we remember still.

I have no idea what you mean by grow up. Remembering January 6, holding the traitors responsible, and seeking to make sure another attack on our democracy doesn't happen again is what adults should do. And an adult shouldn't make up lies about how he didn't really lose an election, refuse to concede, and then jet out of D.C. hours before a new President is inaugurated. That is the behavior of a child.

Perhaps you need to tell that child to grow up.

As for true American patriots, we will remember January 6, we will investigate and find out what happened, we will hold all those responsible for it accountable, and we will protect our democracy moving forward.
We are friends with Germany. We aren't friends though with Neo-Nazi groups in Germany and we supported (for the most part) the trials and punishment of the Nazis after WWII. We, and our allies, didn't just move on after the war was over. And we remember still.

I have no idea what you mean by grow up. Remembering January 6, holding the traitors responsible, and seeking to make sure another attack on our democracy doesn't happen again is what adults should do. And an adult shouldn't make up lies about how he didn't really lose an election, refuse to concede, and then jet out of D.C. hours before a new President is inaugurated. That is the behavior of a child.

Perhaps you need to tell that child to grow up.

As for true American patriots, we will remember January 6, we will investigate and find out what happened, we will hold all those responsible for it accountable, and we will protect our democracy moving forward.
You all treat all Trump supporters the same you all are children that can’t let it go Trump was elected POTUS. Get over it the rest of us did. Grow up move on tell Brandon to do his job and stop worrying about MAGA flags. You dems are fragile.
We are friends with Germany. We aren't friends though with Neo-Nazi groups in Germany and we supported (for the most part) the trials and punishment of the Nazis after WWII. We, and our allies, didn't just move on after the war was over. And we remember still.

I have no idea what you mean by grow up. Remembering January 6, holding the traitors responsible, and seeking to make sure another attack on our democracy doesn't happen again is what adults should do. And an adult shouldn't make up lies about how he didn't really lose an election, refuse to concede, and then jet out of D.C. hours before a new President is inaugurated. That is the behavior of a child.

Perhaps you need to tell that child to grow up.

As for true American patriots, we will remember January 6, we will investigate and find out what happened, we will hold all those responsible for it accountable, and we will protect our democracy moving forward.
There’s already a thread on this, dumbfvck. From a week ago.

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