Taylor Swift all in for Maga man

Remember the left begged her to endorse Biden in 2020 and she wouldn't do it. She refused to endorse anyone, saying her fans like both candidates, why would I alleniate half my fan base by getting into politics.

But the left immediately started attacking her and claimed that meant she supported Trump. Then over the last couple of years she's been super vocal about supporting Biden and Harris and not wanting Trump.

I suspect the left got to her shortly after the 2020 election and threatened her if she didn't 'play ball;, Doesn't get her off the hook for her actions, but still.
Remember the left begged her to endorse Biden in 2020 and she wouldn't do it. She refused to endorse anyone, saying her fans like both candidates, why would I alleniate half my fan base by getting into politics.

But the left immediately started attacking her and claimed that meant she supported Trump. Then over the last couple of years she's been super vocal about supporting Biden and Harris and not wanting Trump.

I suspect the left got to her shortly after the 2020 election and threatened her if she didn't 'play ball;, Doesn't get her off the hook for her actions, but still.
She is a carpetbagger and has always been a leftist. She is a pro abortion, feminist, and a rainbow people person.

IMNSHO This was her peak as an artist. Lots of money afterwards, but she sold her soul:
Remember the left begged her to endorse Biden in 2020 and she wouldn't do it. She refused to endorse anyone, saying her fans like both candidates, why would I alleniate half my fan base by getting into politics.

But the left immediately started attacking her and claimed that meant she supported Trump. Then over the last couple of years she's been super vocal about supporting Biden and Harris and not wanting Trump.

I suspect the left got to her shortly after the 2020 election and threatened her if she didn't 'play ball;, Doesn't get her off the hook for her actions, but still.

You've lost it. Completely lost it.

Someone might need to keep an eye on you moving forward.

A new poll shows that pop star Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris for president may not have moved the needle in the candidate’s favor, and, in fact, may have backfired.

Surveying 1,120 potential voters between September 11-12 with a ± 3.8% margin of error, the YouGov poll showed that a majority of voters (66 percent) said that Swift’s endorsement made no difference while only 8 percent of voters would either be “somewhat” or “much more likely” to vote for Kamala Harris due to Swift’s endorsement. Conversely, a full 20 percent said they are “somewhat” or “much more likely” to vote for former President Donald Trump.


A new poll shows that pop star Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris for president may not have moved the needle in the candidate’s favor, and, in fact, may have backfired.

Surveying 1,120 potential voters between September 11-12 with a ± 3.8% margin of error, the YouGov poll showed that a majority of voters (66 percent) said that Swift’s endorsement made no difference while only 8 percent of voters would either be “somewhat” or “much more likely” to vote for Kamala Harris due to Swift’s endorsement. Conversely, a full 20 percent said they are “somewhat” or “much more likely” to vote for former President Donald Trump.

Correct. This will hurt Kamala and Taylor. Which only helps Trump.

When will they learn?
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