Just offhand, have any of the tarrifs promised against China actually taken effect yet? I know their's have, but didn't think our first batch took effect till next week, and IF this $200B comes to fruition, it would be August or September before they'd actually kick off.
BTW, as a Lib, why are you against tarriffs? At the end of the day, they are just another (non-progressive) tax mechanism that's only targeted on imported goods. It seems strange to me that tarriffs that raise the cost of an aluminum can by 1 cent are life threatening, yet tax relief that returns $100s per month to the entire working class is "crumbs" and should be repealed. At the end of the day, whether you cause prices to rise (via tariffs) or you reduce the total amount a consumer can spend (via higher taxes) the net effect to the consumer (reduced buying power) is the same. Yet Libs rail against one and happily cheer (advocate?) for the other.