
So much to unpack in this thread not going to do it right now.

For now I would bet it was the Israelis that hit the target last night.
If that is the case refuse the order and stand down. if you are in the military quit now.
Careful how you word that. There are still laws on the books from the WWI that make those words illegal.

I would like for the FSW (free speech warriors) to spend sometime protesting that instead worrying so much about kids at Oberlin.
Agree. Trump should have kept his mouth shut about pulling out.

Every time Assad's close to winning he seems to have to gas some non combatants to provoke the "international community."

I guess his Western education as a MD, didn't provide him with logical critical thinking skills.

You criticizing someone for lack of critical thinking skills.

As a 22 year retired Military vet, I will say that to even suggest that our military members refuse an order is absolute stupidity. Military members, myself included have to do things we don't agree long as it is a lawful order, it must be followed, and I am sure it will to the best of their abilities.........I have seen things that I did not agree with, I have been to places where if I were caught, the US would deny I was there, and I have done things that the US would say I didn't do........its all part of the career..........and if they don't do it there is a nice facility in Kansas that will give them free room and board for a substantial amount of time...........

This woman, Christine Horani, lost a leg due to US backed Jihadi's lobbying mortars at Christian neighborhoods in Damascus. On Easter she got a surprise visit from the President and First Lady
will say that to even suggest that our military members refuse an order is absolute stupidity

That's what the Nazi's said as well. The following order's defense did not work well at Nuremburg. One must always refuse to follow immoral orders.

People have priorities. Many say God first, family second and then country. You apparently put country first.
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That's what the Nazi's said as well. The following order's defense did not work well at Nuremburg. One must always refuse to follow immoral orders.

People have priorities. Many say God first, family second and then country. You apparently put country first.

Damn good thing you don’t have any judgment of the morality of orders.
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That's what the Nazi's said as well. The following order's defense did not work well at Nuremburg. One must always refuse to follow immoral orders.

People have priorities. Many say God first, family second and then country. You apparently put country first.
You must follow any lawful order and that is what our military will do.........immoral orders would most likely not be lawful, like an intentional strike on a known hospital, or shooting unarmed civilians..........but, most ordered military operations would be lawful and just because you don't agree is not a reason not to follow orders. ,....As far as the Nuremburg trials, remember, the victors write the history and make the rules.......but even the charges or "waging aggressive war" were not because of being in charge of an offensive, they were more from total disregard for civilian casualties , executing civilians...ect...............if the Nazi's would have won , I am sure our leaders would have been charged by them for war crimes.........
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Killing Christians on behalf of Muslims will face trial in a court that has eternal ramifications that go far beyond what the Hauge or what Leavenworth might give you. That is why people should seriously consider the actions they take and whether they should join the military at all given current policies..
Killing Christians on behalf of Muslims will face trial in a court that has eternal ramifications that go far beyond what the Hauge or what Leavenworth might give you. That is why people should seriously consider the actions they take and whether they should join the military at all given current policies..
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Killing Christians on behalf of Muslims will face trial in a court that has eternal ramifications that go far beyond what the Hauge or what Leavenworth might give you. That is why people should seriously consider the actions they take and whether they should join the military at all given current policies..

What is your take on Muslim American soldiers who’ve lost their lives fighting for this country?
What is your take on Muslim American soldiers who’ve lost their lives fighting for this country?

I can answer this one for brt. If they don’t repent and take Jesus as their lord and savior they will be burning in the same hell the pope said doesn’t exist.
What is your take on Muslim American soldiers who’ve lost their lives fighting for this country?

I don't understand the context of the question. In general terms, I respect anyone that has a desire to serve their country regardless of their background.

The fact that the United States has no regard at all for the welfare of Christians as proven by it's conduct in Iraq, Syria and Palestine means we are not the "good guys". Often Russia is. That should lead one to question whether one should serve on behalf of a secular republic.
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The fact that the United States has no regard at all for the welfare of Christians as proven by it's conduct in Iraq, Syria and Palestine means we are not the "good guys". Often Russia is.

1) what actual evidence do you have that the US has no regard for the welfare of Christians in war zones? I’m all ears.

2) Collateral damage is as old as war. Doesn’t necessarily make us the bad guys even if bad shit happens.

3) would love to know how Russia is a good guy” lol.
Killing Christians on behalf of Muslims will face trial in a court that has eternal ramifications that go far beyond what the Hauge or what Leavenworth might give you. That is why people should seriously consider the actions they take and whether they should join the military at all given current policies..
No offense but anyone who advocates killing anyone, or not killing anyone just because of their religion is just as bad as the people who actually do it.........the US military defends the United States of America, it's Constitution and it's interests, it does not defend a religion
I can't believe in this day and age, people think that the worth of a human life is determined by which ghost they worship.
) what actual evidence do you have that the US has no regard for the welfare of Christians in war zones? I’m all ears.

1) The United States never responds to the many instances of Christian genocide in Africa or the Middle East. It only responds when muslims are in trouble. Helping Christians is not politically correct.

2) Unlike Saddam, The USA gave zero ****s about Christians in Iraq and allowed a genocide.

3) In Syria where Christians and everyone but radical sunni extremists support Assad, the US armed Islamic radicals who have murdered, raped, tortured and tried to ethnically cleanse Christian neighborhoods were only stopped by Russian intervention.
he US military defends the United States of America, it's Constitution and it's interests, it does not defend a religion

If your ultimate allegiance is to a secular republic with a godless flawed constitution over faith, God and kin than I submit your cause will ultimately fail and be replaced by more basic, natural instinctive impulses.
Logic, like believing the earth was created a few thousand years ago. That kind of logic?

No need to discuss the matter with someone who has historically displayed an inability to think critically or logically.

Why do you say the earth was created a few thousand years ago?

According to the estimation of scientists, it's in the billions (and they historically extend those numbers when the numbers in conjunction with updated theory do not match up.)
No need to discuss the matter with someone who has historically displayed an inability to think critically or logically.

Why do you say the earth was created a few thousand years ago?

According to the estimation of scientists, it's in the billions (and they historically extend those numbers when the numbers in conjunction with updated theory do not match up.)

Damn, I guess that means the Bible was full of shit then lol
What you mean to say is that some people's interpretation of the Bible is full of shit. That's not ground breaking news; nor a surprise to anyone.

Exactly, so being there is a true lack of uniformity in what defines a “Christian”, I’m inclined to be dismissive of many who claim to be such yet live everyday lives with the same secular routine yet show up to church and think everything is all better again.
Exactly, so being there is a true lack of uniformity in what defines a “Christian”, I’m inclined to be dismissive of many who claim to be such yet live everyday lives with the same secular routine yet show up to church and think everything is all better again.
My only advise is to not judge Christ on the actions of Christians. They will all fail and fall short. So dismiss Christians all you like because all of us are hypocrites. Every. Single. One. Just don't let that failure prejudice you against a personal evaluation of Christ.

I don't think there is a lack of uniformity as to what defines a Christian. A Christian is a person who believes that Jesus was the son of God, was crucified to pay the price for the sins of the world, rose again after 3 days, and now has ascended into heaven. Anything above and beyond that is just background noise.
How about the Quran? Be careful what you say. You could be targeted for death for speaking poorly of it.

Another true example of Islamaphobia. I’m sure all Muslims have lived their lives according to every word of the Quran and/or sharia law, right?

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