@07pilt "parasitic" was what did it?
Criticism of any group which is not cisgendered, straight, white Christian males is strictly prohibited by the "progressive" thought police.
Dual citizens here refers to international jews.I like how their dual citizens are openly racist there and then turn around and demand open borders and "multiculturalism" here while mocking Christian culture at every opportunity. Biggest hypocrites in the world.
Google image search of GoyimWho really cares about Goyim killing themselves?
I can understand why dual-citizen Israeli-"Americans" would care about Israel. Surveys have shown that about 1/3 American Jews feel strongly about Israel. I probably would too if I were Jewish. But the fact that we allow these people to parasitically lobby Congress is just pure insanity.
I've recommended a book that provides a meticulously documented historical roadmap of how much of these baffling contradictions and double standards came about.