Syria a neocon / CIA / deep state false flag?

NZ Poke

Heisman Candidate
Dec 16, 2007
Trump supporters voted for him for:

- the wall
- rebuilding infrastructure
- tax cuts
- nationalism
- ending being the world police

Getting us deep in Syria is the easiest / and quickest way to break Trump's bond with his supporters (win win for the deep state)


I don't buy conspiracy theories, but I also try to reason things out. I'm trying to figure out what positive Assad gets for using Chemical weapons. When they were used a few years ago, he was bombing rebels whom he thought could actually win out in a revolution, so at least there was some strategy to the risk taken. But he's basically won their civil war at this point. He's got the US off his back and Russia in his corner. He's emerging the victor. So why use gas now? Heck Syria hasn't been in the news in 2 months. I'm not sure that it was the "deep state", but I wouldn't be shocked if this was done by the rebels in order to bring the spotlight (and support) back their way.
If we go to war with Syria fvck him. I'm done with his neocon monkey puppet ass.

I don't believe for a second this wasn't a false flag. The first one was the rebels bet this was too. Sorry. Guess I got a case of the dumb dumbs.
If we go to war with Syria fvck him. I'm done with his neocon monkey puppet ass.

I don't believe for a second this wasn't a false flag. The first one was the rebels bet this was too. Sorry. Guess I got a case of the dumb dumbs.

I agree we should stay out. Some choice: Assad or ISIS? Or al qaeda? Beheadings or gas? But asserting a u.s.conspiracy behind this takes away credibility.

Please tell me youre not saying the u.s. was behind the attack.
If we go to war with Syria fvck him. I'm done with his neocon monkey puppet ass.
I'm good with killing ISIS wherever they are, but if the plan in Syria pivots to the Obama grand stupidity of forcing regime change, I too am done. We could have elected a more predictable neocon president in Hillary to do that. I voted for someone to shake up the bullshit, not buy into it.

I hope the Russians are ready to bow up to Team Trump for our sake. Smells like Iraq 2.0. The time for the idea of regime change flew out the window when we discovered the "moderate rebels" are actually ISIS-lite. But then again, maybe it's time to let Iran have their way, flip off the terror loving Saudis, and bunker down with Israel.
I agree we should stay out. Some choice: Assad or ISIS? Or al qaeda? Beheadings or gas? But asserting a u.s.conspiracy behind this takes away credibility.

Please tell me youre not saying the u.s. was behind the attack.

No, rebels
Please tell me youre not saying the u.s. was behind the attack
I think I can safely speak for him and point the "false flag" finger at the "rebels," not the US.

Now, where the rebels got the chemical agent is an entirely different topic, if they in fact caused the incident.
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Just don't see him going to war over this.... That said, if he does, I'm one of the people he will lose.

I would have a big problem with this.

Take out Isis, don't try to nation build and give them another void to grow into.

It's literally the most ingenious and simple way to bring down Trump / end his bond with his supporters. (Something the media, Democrats or Hollywood could never do)

It also serves the Israel-first interests of the neocons / neolibs who controlled the foreign policy of both political parties for decades.

It would truly be the ultimate act of betrayal by Donald Trump, as it goes completely against the nationalist / anti-establishment / anti-globalist platform many of us voted for.

I think it's related to this:

The appropriate action is to do the opposite of what Bill Kristol wants to do on just about any foreign policy issue.

If we go to war with Syria fvck him. I'm done with his neocon monkey puppet ass.

I don't believe for a second this wasn't a false flag. The first one was the rebels bet this was too. Sorry. Guess I got a case of the dumb dumbs.
Trump supporters voted for him for:

- the wall
- rebuilding infrastructure
- tax cuts
- nationalism
- ending being the world police

Getting us deep in Syria is the easiest / and quickest way to break Trump's bond with his supporters (win win for the deep state)


Perhaps Trump should launch a missle attack on one of our own air bases. His Syrian attack has set the precedent, no?
Ponca, i would hate to leave you with the impression that I am a pentagram wearing guy or anything. I'm not. Check out the thread entitled "Styx" something for the underlying reference.
You voted for spirit cooking and thus the pentagram. You love Podesta and all of his pedophilia. You're the guy that claimed 15 year old girls were women. Trying to brown-nose out of your bullshit is a mountain of struggle you can climb for yourself.

Yes, they are a democracy if you ignore their state-sanctioned racist policies and forced sterilization of black Jews. I like how their dual citizens are openly racist there and then turn around and demand open borders and "multiculturalism" here while mocking Christian culture at every opportunity. Biggest hypocrites in the world.
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In 2013. Pisses me off that they immediately assumed Assad just like 2013. Even the UN said 2013 was more than likely rebels after getting eyewitness testimony. But neocons and libs are so damned busy beating the gotdamned war drum they couldn't wait. And Trump appears to now be their useful idiot.
Yes, they are a democracy if you ignore their state-sanctioned racist policies and forced sterilization of black Jews. I like how their dual citizens are openly racist there and then turn around and demand open borders and "multiculturalism" here while mocking Christian culture at every opportunity. Biggest hypocrites in the world.

Our government is their own personal useful idiot.
You voted for spirit cooking and thus the pentagram. You love Podesta and all of his pedophilia. You're the guy that claimed 15 year old girls were women. Trying to brown-nose out of your bullshit is a mountain of struggle you can climb for yourself.

@syskatine what's this claim regarding 15 year old girls?
This took place in the USA (check out list of attendees in article) -- would any other country in history have allowed such a thing?

Particularly with 20 vets killing themselves daily:


Why couldn't the fundraiser have been for Flint?

I can understand why dual-citizen Israeli-"Americans" would care about Israel. Surveys have shown that about 1/3 American Jews feel strongly about Israel. I probably would too if I were Jewish. But the fact that we allow these people to parasitically lobby Congress is just pure insanity. Groups like AIPAC (that goes for any foreign group with large lobby power) need to be appropriately registered as entities of a foreign government. It is complete insanity that we allow this. People like Saban and Aldeson would have no problem with 5,000 of our troops being killed in Syria for the benefit of Israel. All while promoting causes here that they vehemently oppose in Israel.

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