Surely Biff isn't starting a war with Iran

That Iran Wayward Mine Removal Service is well known for removing stray mines from ships that have had a mine explode on the hull. I'm so glad that Iran is generous. Imagine if they hadn't been scanning that ship for stray mines. That could have been explosion number two.

Talk Russia Russia Russia and now wants to side with the number one country in the world that exports state sponsored terrorism.

It is no longer TDS, it is a disease. Born with it.
Are you comfortable with a country whose national motto is “Death to America” having nuclear weapons?

Answer a question with a question huh? I tell you what, I'll answer this when you give me your thoughts on the original questions I asked medic...

Do you believe Iran is a direct threat to our national security? And if so, what do you believe our policy towards Iran should be?
Answer a question with a question huh? I tell you what, I'll answer this when you give me your thoughts on the original questions I asked medic...

Do you believe Iran is a direct threat to our national security? And if so, what do you believe our policy towards Iran should be?
I wasn’t answering anything. I was asking a question. If you don’t want to answer it, that’s fine.
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Video evidence of removing a bomb is now video evidence of.... planting a bomb?
As I said, circumstantial evidence. And yes, I would expect a suspect to attempt to get rid of evidence that unexpectedly survived if they thought they could get away with it. And if mine removal was a benevolent gesture, I would have expected them to show up with their flag flying a d take credit for making the world a better place. Despots are into propaganda like that.
Answer a question with a question huh? I tell you what, I'll answer this when you give me your thoughts on the original questions I asked medic...

Do you believe Iran is a direct threat to our national security? And if so, what do you believe our policy towards Iran should be?
Where’s my pallet of cash? I’d settle for a money order if that’s more convenient. Better do it before I start calling you the great Satan. I need some appeasement over here. It’s in your nature. Now get on it.
I wasn’t answering anything. I was asking a question.

You asked a question in response to my question.

But I will answer your question. First, Iran's national moto, translated into English is "Independence, freedom, the Islamic Republic."

With that said, I would prefer Iran not to have nuclear weapons. And I believe we were on the best possible path regarding this issue with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

I don't believe though we should start a war with Iran simply to stop them from obtaining nuclear weapons or because they like to chant death to America.

Do you believe Iran is a direct threat to our national security?
You asked a question in response to my question.

But I will answer your question. First, Iran's national moto, translated into English is "Independence, freedom, the Islamic Republic."

With that said, I would prefer Iran not to have nuclear weapons. And I believe we were on the best possible path regarding this issue before Trump took office.

I don't believe though we should start a war with Iran simply to stop them from obtaining nuclear weapons or because they like to chant death to America.

Do you believe Iran is a direct threat to our national security?
I think we were on the path of appeasement. And I think I wouldn’t trust a “Death to America” government with obvious nuclear ambition to abide by an agreement that merely delays their acquisition of nukes. Sadly, they're going to get them unless somebody forcefully stops them.

Are they a direct threat to our national security now? I don’t see that. Nuke them up and that can change quickly. And that goes for any nutjob dictatorial government, including North Korea.
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Sadly, they're going to get them unless somebody forcefully stops them.

Probably so. And the reason some in Iran want nuclear weapons is to serve as a deterrent to us. They see us as a threat to their interests and we continue to leave them no option but to seek out means of deterrence.

That is why I believed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was and continues to be the best option for us. And it wasn't appeasement at all.

btw, I wonder, do you think the current administration is engaged in appeasement with North Korea?

Are they a direct threat to our national security now? I don’t see that. Nuke them up and that can change quickly.

I agree with you, they aren't a direct threat to our national security. Not even close. And if they obtain nuclear weapons, they still wouldn't be a direct threat. It would just force us to change our approach to them though, which they know.
Better to get that out of the way before I ask you to compare and contrast the track records of the two countries in more than one snarky drive by post.
What has Iran done in the last 20 years worse than start a major war on false pretenses?
You apparently conflate supporting/disagreeing with policy decisions with supporting/not supporting our country.

There is a big difference between the two.
It’s not the policy you agree with or disagree with, for you all that matters is who made the decision.
Used Palestinians as pawns to kill Israelis while also allowing the Palestinians to be martyred as said chess pieces.

Did we start a war on false pretenses or bad assumptions in good faith?
Given those track records, I'm going with Iran
It’s not the policy you agree with or disagree with, for you all that matters is who made the decision.

Not true at all. Although yes, I tend to disagree with most policy decisions made or advocated by neocons.

Still, my original point remains. One can disagree with policy decisions and still support the county.
They see us as a threat to their interests and we continue to leave them no option but to seek out means of deterrence.
We are a threat to their interests of supplying missiles to Hamas to attack Israeli civilians, for example. In my mind, that makes them an evil regime. I don’t really care how Hitler saw the world and what his interests were. Dude was evil and deserved to be destroyed. Same with Iran. To date, we have applied economic sanctions. It seems like just yesterday when economic sanctions against Russia were a wonderful response to its invasion and annexation of a neighboring country. Now economic sanctions are viewed as a provocation? Interesting.

And if they obtain nuclear weapons, they still wouldn't be a direct threat. It would just force us to change our approach to them though, which they know.
Maybe they would build an aircraft carrier and park it 31.5 miles off the coast of Washington, D.C. We will see.

btw, I wonder, do you think the current administration is engaged in appeasement with North Korea?
As far as I know, we are still negotiating.
Obama going after bin laden was an assumption in good faith.

Obama didn't start a war to go in and get OBL though. He ordered a raid. Not to mention that the legal cover for the raid was the on-going conflict against al-Qaeda.

I disagree with you though that we should ever start a war with another nation based simply on "assumptions." Assumptions is what usually gets us into a mess and creates more problems down the road.
We are a threat to their interests of supplying missiles to Hamas to attack Israeli civilians, for example. In my mind, that makes them an evil regime.

Ok, you think they are an evil regime. They think we are an evil regime. Congratulations, you are in a pissing contest.

I think our goal with Iran should be to engage them in a manner where they don't see it being in their interest to obtain nuclear weapons. Where we encourage moderate voices within Iran with our policy instead of giving more red meat to the hardliners.

We need a return to realpolitik.

Now economic sanctions are viewed as a provocation?

Withdrawing from the JCPA is viewed as provocation not to mention that it places us at odds with the P5+1 and the EU.

As far as I know, we are still negotiating.

Again, do you believe the current administration's policy towards North Korea is appeasement?
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