If it’s Iran that is blowing up civilian shipping in international waters, I’d say it’s Iran that’s starting the war.If Trump starts WWIII, I’m right there to support him.
If it’s Iran that is blowing up civilian shipping in international waters, I’d say it’s Iran that’s starting the war.
Surely not.
Turn on NBC this morning and they're falling RIGHT IN LINE with a pro-war, it-was-probably-iran, sky is falling messaging. Pompeo accusing them with no evidence.
Is Fox beating the war drum, too?
If it’s Iran that is blowing up civilian shipping in international waters, I’d say it’s Iran that’s starting the war.
Without evidence you say there's no evidence.
1. If. I haven't seen any evidence that it's Iran.
2. Why is it on us to protect a Japanese oil shipment in an Asian sea?
3. Never forget the duplicity of warmongers. Bush? Iraq? This is starting off with exactly the same dynamic. And bad poll numbes are generally improved with a war.
Non sequitur, even if graded on the usual Brad curve.
1. If. I haven't seen any evidence that it's Iran.
2. Why is it on us to protect a Japanese oil shipment in an Asian sea?
Who else would attack shipping in that area? What countries have attacked shipping in that area in the past? Which country has threatened to do exactly that?
You might should consider the Mission statement of the US Navy. Specifically the part about deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.
Who is going to protect a Japanese shipping vessel? i Don’t think their civil defense is allowed to leave the island.
Truth serum time. Did trump order the bombings of these vessels?
1. If. I haven't seen any evidence that it's Iran.
2. Why is it on us to protect a Japanese oil shipment in an Asian sea?
3. Never forget the duplicity of warmongers. Bush? Iraq? This is starting off with exactly the same dynamic. And bad poll numbes are generally improved with a war.
Non sequitur, even if graded on the usual Brad curve.
If it WAS America behind it to create casus belli would you be against it?
Who protects the vessel is a different inquiry than the OP. I suppose we could escort allies' ships and see if someone wants to talk some jive. But why is it our problem? Now we have to keep asian countries from fighting. This is our job? That's not Biff's promised foreign policy, he said we need to GTFO of the middle east and getting in a war over there is stupid.
I could not begin to pinpoint all the potential motivations and suspects for it. I don't think having a hand in that is Biff's style. In fact, I wouldn't be suprised if he was kind of shitting himself because it's not like him to gratuitously start a shooting war. So far. I wouldn't put it past some psycho under him, given how loose his control of everyone is, but even that's a bridge too far for me. Don't try to make me the radical on this.
If it WAS America behind it to create casus belli would you be against it?
I definitely think war with Iran is a bad idea. I kinda think enough American blood and treasure have been spilled there for a lifetime.
This is what Hillary and the neocons wanted. No thanks.
They have the proof. They have the Japanese crew saying Iranian ships were in the area and they have on film an Iranian ship removing one of the mines attached to the ship trying to cover their tracks. It was all over the news this morning, Sys just being Sys and ignoring reality. But I enjoyed allowing him to make an idiot of himself.
This is what Hillary and the neocons wanted. No thanks.
Most people see a pretty obvious distinction at first glance between setting a bomb and removing a bomb. Like '02 all over again, just spin every inference in favor of war and born followers will march right along.
I watched carefully. An unknown ship was removing something from a tanker well above the water line. That doesn't mean that Iran attacked a tanker. That doesn't even BEGIN to implicate Iran.
Yeah, of course there are iranian ships. There are going to always be iranian ships around iran. Hello?
I'm going to be veeeeerrrrrry interested to see how many of the cons on here actually exercise some independent thought on this one.
Who protects the vessel is a different inquiry than the OP. I suppose we could escort allies' ships and see if someone wants to talk some jive. But why is it our problem? Now we have to keep asian countries from fighting. This is our job? That's not Biff's promised foreign policy, he said we need to GTFO of the middle east and getting in a war over there is stupid.
I could not begin to pinpoint all the potential motivations and suspects for it. I don't think having a hand in that is Biff's style. In fact, I wouldn't be suprised if he was kind of shitting himself because it's not like him to gratuitously start a shooting war. So far. I wouldn't put it past some psycho under him, given how loose his control of everyone is, but even that's a bridge too far for me. Don't try to make me the radical on this.
If it WAS America behind it to create casus belli would you be against it?
There's no evidence of non-evidence is probably your greatest moment on this board.
Jimmy carter said many moons ago an attack on our interests specifically oil is a provocation for war.
Let’s face the truth here. Donald trump is a temporary barer of an American foreign policy that is considered dangerously sporadic in the rest of the world where their leaders serve for decades or generations. There is no right answer here after 75 years of presidents along with their European neighbors have poked, prodded, instigated, de escalated, overthrown, propped up and interfered in other countries’ business. To wake up on June 14th 2019 ready to fight the internet over how trump meanders through the burden in which he inherited is childish, it’s intellectually ignorant and it gives a sense AGAIN that you are incapable of fostering any perspective.
Now in five to ten years we can dissect his decisions like we do bush and his reckless Yosemite Sam wars in which he had no plan on how to actually shoot his way out of the Middle East. We watched Obama oversee the growth of the jv in Syria and when he yanked the security forces out of Iraq. We can kind of look how Afghanistan is going when Obama sent less troops than his generals asked for. (A much classier way to say “I know more than my generals” and digested by your Ilk)
America’s position in the world is what? Complicated? Oppressive? Hypocritical? But maybe bullish for the people who actually live in these shitholes? Iranian citizens are probably praying the Americans take out their government. So are the Israelis.
Don’t let your tds be your guide sys.
If it WAS America behind it to create casus belli would you be against it?
Surely not.
Turn on NBC this morning and they're falling RIGHT IN LINE with a pro-war, it-was-probably-iran, sky is falling messaging. Pompeo accusing them with no evidence.
Is Fox beating the war drum, too?
We all know the Iranian mullahs are a super friendly bunch who would never sponsor or support terrorism.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me - You can’t get fooled again.Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me
Are you comfortable with a country whose national motto is “Death to America” having nuclear weapons?Do you believe Iran is a direct threat to our national security? And if so, what do you believe our policy towards Iran should be?
Fool me every damn time, MAGA baby!Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me
There’s evidence, albeit circumstantial at this point. At least, what is publicly known is circumstantial. Who knows what else there is, if anything,1. If. I haven't seen any evidence that it's Iran.
2. Why is it on us to protect a Japanese oil shipment in an Asian sea?
3. Never forget the duplicity of warmongers. Bush? Iraq? This is starting off with exactly the same dynamic. And bad poll numbes are generally improved with a war.
Non sequitur, even if graded on the usual Brad curve.
I find it unbelievable how this administration is decrying and denouncing the "escalating tensions" in this region, when it is this administration's own policy that is to blame for such escalating tensions. We were headed in the right direction with Iran on January 19, 2017. But the war hawks just couldn't let that continue.
Trump needs to stop listening to the neocons around him. He won't, but he needs to.
There’s evidence, albeit circumstantial at this point. At least, what is publicly known is circumstantial. Who knows what else there is, if anything,
That Iran Wayward Mine Removal Service is well known for removing stray mines from ships that have had a mine explode on the hull. I'm so glad that Iran is generous. Imagine if they hadn't been scanning that ship for stray mines. That could have been explosion number two."Here's someone we don't recognize trying to remove what we think is a bomb, so Iran must have planted a bomb."