Super Massive Black Hole

I had a giant friend that fell into a black hole up to his knees.
He's big.
Mountains climb HIM.
He flosses with the transatlantic cable.
He's huge. :)
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Looks like a Krispy Kreme doughnut.

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I was just going to post this, one of the greatest scientific days in human history, imaging an event horizon has been a goal for decades..........boy, Albert was pretty good,100 years ago! Really wish Stephen Hawking had lived to see this day
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This image is of the Event horizon of the Black hole in the center of M87, a Galaxy 55.3 million light years away which has a mass of 6.5 billion Solar masses, the next goal will be for this team to image Sagittarius A* , the Event horizon of the Black hole at the center of our galaxy, which is 4.3 million Solar masses, the equivalent of photographing an orange on the moon!