At age 11 I moved to Germany. I set aside 15 minutes and learned the metric system. I was amazed at how much sense the metric system makes.
I've spent a lifetime learning the numercally dysfuntional and idiotic imperial system of measure.
I 1792 the US was first with a decimal/metric currency. 100 cents and 1000 mills to the buck. I'd be in big trouble if 12 cents equaled a dime and 24 cents equaled a quarter. I can barely make change with a metric currency. US stocks traded based on the Spanish dollar for 230 years. Remember when SBC traded for 25 5/8? Today our stock markets are metric and based on the US dollar. I believe the switch came around 2000 as I recall.
In Toronto water feezes at 0C and boils at 100C. In Detroit 32F and 212F. How stupid is that?
Canada is in the stone age compared to US. US govt. matches Canda in measuring. The US general public can't match up. Most US hospitals get it.